Topic: Minotaur Deck

Well, seeing as my mono-color decks were unsuccessful in Standard testing, I decided to attempt a Minotaur deck, of the Red/Black persuasion.

Any suggestions for additions/subtractions would be very much appreciated, please and thank you.

Re: Minotaur Deck

First thing maybe blood crypt id say maybe cut 1-2 basics then add in 4 bloods
Maybe due to lack of a 1 drop maybe a few mutavaults since theyre all creature types they gain ur rageblood kragma benefits... other than that umm boros reckoner would be great the redirection really holds ppl at bay lol smile looks goos though

Re: Minotaur Deck

First, I'll second eliterawr's suggestion that you need to pick up Blood Crypts to help with the color fixing.

Second, I recognize that minotaurs are an expensive tribe to run, but I'd suggest trying to lower the curve.  Specifically, Deathbellow Raider gives you a decent added two-drop.  If anything, it would be better than Minotaur Skullcleaver if for no other reason than because of the one added toughness.

Third, I would lower the count of Fanatic to 2x, and in exchange up the count of Rageblood Shaman to 4x.  The lord effect of Rageblood is far more important and will end up benefiting you more often. 

Fourth, maybe it's just me, but I've found that Door of Destinies can be amazing for tribal decks (even in standard constructed play).  Sure it costs four to play, but if you top-deck your two-drops, then you're already dropping something much more powerful.  Give it a whirl, maybe it makes it, maybe it doesnt.  It's worth a shot.

Fifth, Dreadbore is a cheaper option than getting a 4th Hero's Downfall but gives you more answers to opposing threats (including PWs).  You could easily swap them in for Doom Blade as the BR cost isn't going to be hard to manage.

Sixth, you want at least 3, if not 4, Rakdos's Return in your SB to deal with controlling decks.  Simply put, you're going to hit a wall against anything control-oriented.  The ability to zap the opponent for 3-4, redirect to kill their walker, AND cause them to drop their hand is HUGE and often will just end the game.

I would also look at having some number of the following cards either main or in the SB: Madcap Skills, Chandra, Pyromaster, Drown in Sorrow (gotta love that three toughness for most of your minotaurs), Bile Blight (for opposing Pack Rats), and Whip of Erebos.  These will give you more ways around the opponent, more options for one-sided board wipes, answers to major threats, AND lifelink in the event you're trying to race your opponent.

I hope some of this helps.  Good luck.

Re: Minotaur Deck

I'd look at adding a few more land to the deck as well as Springleaf Drum.  The Springleaf Drum is handy for speeding you up a bit, as well as for tapping your Felhide Spiritbinders, Kragma Butchers or Deathbellow Raiders (if you don't want it to attack with them).

I'll also second the suggestion for DreadboreFall of the Hammer can also be handy for removal.

Re: Minotaur Deck

Here is what I've been running for Minotaurs. Ragemonger is the whole key to this deck.  If you can get one of those on turn 3, opponents get very nervous. Turn 4 swing for 12-16 depending on your Mutavault situation.

Last edited by Talus21 (2014-03-10 16:07:32)