Topic: EDH Assistance

So, I just got back into MTG with Theros block after about 15 years away from the game. This is my very first attempt at an EDH deck, using Olivia as my commander. Not entirely sure how to balance my single target/multi-target removal, land count, or creature curve for this format. Any and all input would be greatly appreciated, just be gentle. wink Also, the sideboard is just stuff I've been debating adding.

Re: EDH Assistance

I would definitely think about using Erebos and Phyrexian Arena. They both allow you to grab a card advantage for life, which you should probably have plenty. There are some pretty good cards to give you card draw for life, like Night's Whisper, Sanguimancy, Promise of Power, and Necrologia.

I'm not big on the  Urge to Feed because it seems to be a fairly weak removal, but I can see how it fits with the deck.

Re: EDH Assistance

Ya, I was using Underworld Connections as a stop gap until I get my hands on a Phyrexian Arena. Of course I'll probably use both once I acquire it. Could probably make room for Erebos easily enough as well as I'm on the fence on a few of the vamps like the falkenrath marauders & heirs of stromkirk.

Urge is one of those iffy cards. The -3/-3 isn't mind blowing, but do the counters make it worthwhile? I'm honestly not sure. It's really just a matter of finding a better option if I bumped it.

Thanks for the help though.

Re: EDH Assistance

You should probably find room for at least two more land.  Given the lack of mana artifacts, you really want to be hitting your land drops.  Alternatively, you could look at adding some cheap artifact acceleration, but 36 is as low as you should go for a deck like yours with so many expensive cards.  Running 38 or even 40 land should noticeably help.

Other than that, it looks like a fun deck.

Re: EDH Assistance

Ya, land count is probably the biggest question mark I've had. Prior to this my only multi-player experience has been conspiracy drafts which is zero help with edh land ratios. I definitely want to add a Nykthos. Also are the rakdos keyrune/signet worthwhile artifacts or would I be better off just dropping in an evolving wilds/terramorphic expanse or a couple basics?

Thanks again!

Re: EDH Assistance

The artifact acceleration is definitely worth it.  It's great if you can get Olivia into play on turn three instead of turn four or five, and artifact mana is the only way that you're going to do that in black/red.  I checked through my Commander decks, and I'm usually running 6-8 ramp cards (mana dorks, artifact mana, Cultivate, etc.) in each deck.  It's enough that it generally helps hit your 6+ drops more quickly, but not so much that you're always drawing lots of mana acceleration in the late game.  Evolving Wilds and Terramorphic Expanse have their place, but if you play one as your land on turn four, you're not casting Olivia until turn five.