Topic: Deck Editing - Change Card Edition

Would it be possible to update/change the card edition of cards currently in a deck list?  This will be helpful in knowing which exact cards from your inventory are in which deck and to get a more accurate deck value.

Re: Deck Editing - Change Card Edition

Bumping this because it would be really great.

Is there a way to change the edition of a card in your deck? This is important for pricing/inventory.
If there's already a way to do this, let me know. Otherwise, I'd like to officially submit this as a feature request. smile

Re: Deck Editing - Change Card Edition

I asked about this in a different thread and was told it was on the list, probably in the same update as "inventory tagging," whatever that means. … 665#p88665

Re: Deck Editing - Change Card Edition

I was unable to find the note you referenced, but I'd like to bump this (I'd also like to see this).