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Main Deck - 52 cards, 23 distinct
Name  Race Type Cost Edition
Unit (25)
1 Archmage of Saphery High Elf Unit 1 + Core Set
2 Bladelord High Elf Unit 5 + Signs in the Stars
3 Envoy from Averlorn High Elf Unit 1 + Assault on Ulthuan
3 Initiate of Saphery High Elf Unit 3 + Assault on Ulthuan
3 Loremaster of Hoeth High Elf Unit 2 + Assault on Ulthuan
2 Shadow Warrior High Elf Unit 2 + Assault on Ulthuan
3 True Mage High Elf Unit 3 + The Twin Tailed Comet
3 Valorous Mage High Elf Unit 2 + The Eclipse of Hope
2 White Lion Vanguard High Elf Unit 2 + The Twin Tailed Comet
3 White Tower Aspirant High Elf Unit 2 + The Fourth Waystone
Legend (2)
2 Tyrion High Elf Legend 6 + Legends
Tactic (11)
1 Asuryan's Cleansing High Elf Tactic 0 + Assault on Ulthuan
2 Comet of Casandora High Elf Tactic 2 + Signs in the Stars
2 Gift of Life High Elf Tactic 1 + Assault on Ulthuan
1 Gifts of Aenarion High Elf Tactic 4 + Tooth and Claw
2 High Elf's Disdain High Elf Tactic 2 + Assault on Ulthuan
1 Shield of Saphery High Elf Tactic 1 + Signs in the Stars
2 Vaul's Unmaking High Elf Tactic 0 + Path of the Zealot
Support (14)
2 Ancient Waystone Neutral Support 2 Warpstone Chronicles
3 Citadel of Dusk High Elf Support 2 + March of the Damned
3 Elven Warship High Elf Support 3 + March of the Damned
3 Judgement of Loec High Elf Support 1 + Legends
3 Outpost of Tiranoc High Elf Support 2 + The Silent Forge
Sideboard - 14 cards, 10 distinct
Name  Race Type Cost Edition
Unit (12)
1 Dragon Prince High Elf Unit 4 + Assault on Ulthuan
1 Illyriel High Elf Unit 4 + Assault on Ulthuan
2 Keeper of the Flame High Elf Unit 2 + March of the Damned
3 Sea Guard Captain High Elf Unit 2 + March of the Damned
1 Silver Helm Brigade High Elf Unit 3 + Core Set
1 Skink Skirmishers Neutral Unit 2 March of the Damned
1 Spawn of Itzl Neutral Unit 3 March of the Damned
2 Sword Masters of Hoeth High Elf Unit 4 + Assault on Ulthuan
Tactic (1)
1 Master of the Earth High Elf Tactic 3 + Legends
Support (1)
1 Barracks of Chrace High Elf Support 2 + Fiery Dawn

This one attempts to spam the opponent with Indirect damage, in order to force them to burn their own capital and kill their characters... pretty much builds into the Quest & Kingdom Zones and dishes out damage from there. Indirect damage done to your own units should get redirected or healed pretty nicely.

I tried to take into account Toughness -style damage cancel and other similar effects, and also added a small Spell -subtheme to give the deck some more control (in order to give time for the indirect damage spamming to start pushing through). Judgement of Loec seems to be a fantastic control card...
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