Type: Deck Idea
Format (legal 👍)
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Avg. CMC 3.27
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releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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Main Deck - 308 cards, 267 distinct
Name  Edition $ Type Cost
Rarity Color
Creature (164)
1 Abundant Maw
$0.13 Creature - Eldrazi Leech
1 Alabaster Kirin
$0.06 Creature - Kirin
1 Ancestral Statue
$0.17 Artifact Creature - Golem
2 Ancient Crab
$0.02 Creature - Crab
1 Angel of Renewal
$0.12 Creature - Angel Ally
1 Angel of Sanctions
$0.36 Creature - Angel
1 Atarka Beastbreaker
$0.04 Creature - Human Warrior
1 Aven Initiate
$0.02 Creature - Bird Warrior
1 Aven Wind Guide
$0.21 Creature - Bird Warrior
1 Aviary Mechanic
$0.04 Creature - Dwarf Artificer
2 Backwoods Survivalists
$0.04 Creature - Human Warrior
1 Baleful Ammit
$0.04 Creature - Crocodile Demon
1 Bellowing Saddlebrute
$0.03 Creature - Orc Warrior
1 Bloodbriar
$0.06 Creature - Plant Elemental
1 Bloodfire Mentor
$0.04 Creature - Efreet Shaman
1 Bloodlust Inciter
$0.04 Creature - Human Warrior
1 Bloodsoaked Champion
$0.21 Creature - Human Warrior
1 Bold Impaler
$0.06 Creature - Vampire Knight
1 Bomat Courier
$0.33 Artifact Creature - Construct
1 Breaker of Armies
$0.26 Creature - Eldrazi
1 Canyon Lurkers
$0.03 Creature - Human Rogue
2 Conduit of Storms // Conduit of Emrakul
$0.13 Creature - Werewolf Horror // Creature - Eldrazi Werewolf
1 Conifer Strider
$0.02 Creature - Elemental
1 Consulate Skygate
$0.03 Artifact Creature - Wall
1 Cultivator Drone
$0.05 Creature - Eldrazi Drone
1 Curious Homunculus // Voracious Reader
$0.23 Creature - Homunculus // Creature - Eldrazi Homunculus
1 Defiant Bloodlord
$0.30 Creature - Vampire
1 Depala, Pilot Exemplar
$0.29 Legendary Creature - Dwarf Pilot
1 Deranged Whelp
$0.06 Creature - Wolf
2 Desert Cerodon
$0.07 Creature - Beast
1 Desperate Sentry
$0.02 Creature - Human Soldier
1 Dominator Drone
$0.04 Creature - Eldrazi Drone
1 Doomed Dissenter
$0.03 Creature - Human
1 Dusk Feaster
$0.06 Creature - Vampire
1 Eager Construct
$0.02 Artifact Creature - Construct
1 Emrakul's Evangel
$0.22 Creature - Human Horror
1 Enigma Drake
$0.10 Creature - Drake
1 Enlightened Maniac
$0.02 Creature - Human
1 Fan Bearer
$0.02 Creature - Zombie
1 Festering Mummy
$0.13 Creature - Zombie
1 Field Creeper
$0.06 Artifact Creature - Scarecrow
2 Fiend Binder
$0.02 Creature - Human Soldier
2 Fogwalker
$0.03 Creature - Spirit
2 Gavony Unhallowed
$0.04 Creature - Zombie
1 Gearseeker Serpent
$0.10 Creature - Serpent
1 Geist of the Archives
$0.16 Creature - Spirit
2 Geist of the Lonely Vigil
$0.04 Creature - Spirit Cleric
2 Geist-Fueled Scarecrow
$0.04 Artifact Creature - Scarecrow
1 Ghostly Sentinel
$0.05 Creature - Kor Spirit
1 Graceblade Artisan
$0.07 Creature - Human Monk
2 Graf Rats
$0.12 Creature - Rat
1 Gravity Negator
$0.03 Creature - Eldrazi Drone
1 Grim Strider
$0.02 Creature - Horror
1 Guardian of Pilgrims
$0.03 Creature - Spirit Cleric
1 Gust Walker
$0.03 Creature - Human Wizard
1 Hardened Berserker
$0.03 Creature - Human Berserker
2 Hekma Sentinels
$0.01 Creature - Human Cleric
1 Heron's Grace Champion
$0.09 Creature - Human Knight
1 Highspire Artisan
$0.04 Creature - Elf Artificer
1 Horror of the Broken Lands
$0.07 Creature - Horror
1 Hyena Pack
$0.02 Creature - Hyena
1 Immobilizer Eldrazi
$0.04 Creature - Eldrazi Drone
1 Impetuous Devils
$0.14 Creature - Devil
1 Ingenious Skaab
$0.06 Creature - Zombie Horror
1 Ire Shaman
$0.13 Creature - Orc Shaman
1 It of the Horrid Swarm
$0.04 Creature - Eldrazi Insect
1 Kheru Dreadmaw
$0.03 Creature - Zombie Crocodile
2 Kin-Tree Warden
$0.03 Creature - Human Warrior
1 Kolaghan Forerunners
$0.08 Creature - Human Berserker
1 Kolaghan Skirmisher
$0.03 Creature - Human Warrior
1 Kor Sky Climber
$0.01 Creature - Kor Soldier Ally
1 Laboratory Brute
$0.04 Creature - Zombie Horror
1 Labyrinth Guardian
$0.03 Creature - Illusion Warrior
1 Lightwalker
$0.02 Creature - Human Warrior
1 Manticore of the Gauntlet
$0.02 Creature - Manticore
1 Mardu Blazebringer
$0.04 Creature - Ogre Warrior
1 Markov Crusader
$0.13 Creature - Vampire Knight
1 Marsh Hulk
$0.04 Creature - Zombie Ogre
1 Murk Strider
$0.03 Creature - Eldrazi Processor
1 Naga Vitalist
$0.07 Creature - Naga Druid
1 Narset, Enlightened Master
$0.48 Legendary Creature - Human Monk
1 Nebelgast Herald
$0.06 Creature - Spirit
1 Nef-Crop Entangler
$0.05 Creature - Human Warrior
1 Netcaster Spider
$0.04 Creature - Spider
2 Night Market Lookout
$0.08 Creature - Human Rogue
1 Nimble-Blade Khenra
$0.05 Creature - Jackal Warrior
2 Oashra Cultivator
$0.02 Creature - Human Druid
1 Olivia's Dragoon
$0.02 Creature - Vampire Berserker
1 Ondu War Cleric
$0.02 Creature - Human Cleric Ally
1 Pathmaker Initiate
$0.05 Creature - Human Wizard
1 Pitiless Horde
$0.13 Creature - Orc Berserker
1 Ponyback Brigade
$0.02 Creature - Goblin Warrior
2 Pouncing Cheetah
$0.04 Creature - Cat
1 Quarry Hauler
$0.02 Creature - Camel
1 Riparian Tiger
$0.03 Creature - Cat
1 River Serpent
$0.04 Creature - Serpent
1 Rotting Mastodon
$0.04 Creature - Zombie Elephant
2 Ruthless Sniper
$0.11 Creature - Human Archer
1 Salt Road Ambushers
$0.13 Creature - Dog Warrior
1 Salvage Drone
$0.03 Creature - Eldrazi Drone
1 Sandstorm Charger
$0.01 Creature - Beast
1 Scaleguard Sentinels
$0.04 Creature - Human Soldier
1 Scion of Glaciers
$0.04 Creature - Elemental
1 Screamreach Brawler
$0.03 Creature - Orc Berserker
1 Segmented Krotiq
$0.06 Creature - Insect
1 Shambling Attendants
$0.03 Creature - Zombie
1 Shefet Monitor
$0.15 Creature - Lizard
1 Shieldhide Dragon
$0.10 Creature - Dragon
1 Shimmerscale Drake
$0.03 Creature - Drake
1 Sidisi's Faithful
$0.11 Creature - Naga Wizard
1 Silumgar Butcher
$0.05 Creature - Zombie Djinn
2 Skirsdag Supplicant
$0.05 Creature - Human Cleric
1 Slither Blade
$0.21 Creature - Naga Rogue
1 Sludge Crawler
$0.05 Creature - Eldrazi Drone
2 Sparring Mummy
$0.11 Creature - Zombie
1 Stalking Drone
$0.02 Creature - Eldrazi Drone
1 Steadfast Cathar
$0.03 Creature - Human Soldier
1 Stensia Innkeeper
$0.07 Creature - Vampire
1 Strongarm Monk
$0.14 Creature - Human Monk
1 Sultai Soothsayer
$0.08 Creature - Naga Shaman
1 Summit Prowler
$0.04 Creature - Yeti
1 Swarm of Bloodflies
$0.15 Creature - Insect
1 Tah-Crop Skirmisher
$0.03 Creature - Naga Warrior
1 Tattered Haunter
$0.03 Creature - Spirit
1 Thalia's Lancers
$0.31 Creature - Human Knight
2 Thermo-Alchemist
$0.23 Creature - Human Shaman
1 Thraben Standard Bearer
$0.02 Creature - Human Soldier
1 Tuskguard Captain
$0.22 Creature - Human Warrior
1 Ulrich of the Krallenhorde // Ulrich, Uncontested Alpha
$2.22 Legendary Creature - Human Werewolf // Legendary Creature - Werewolf
1 Unwavering Initiate
$0.01 Creature - Human Warrior
1 Valakut Predator
$0.06 Creature - Elemental
1 Vampire Cutthroat
$0.64 Creature - Vampire Rogue
1 Veteran Motorist
$0.06 Creature - Dwarf Pilot
1 Vildin-Pack Outcast // Dronepack Kindred
$0.05 Creature - Werewolf Horror // Creature - Eldrazi Werewolf
1 Wandering Tombshell
$0.03 Creature - Zombie Turtle
1 War Behemoth
$0.02 Creature - Beast
1 Warden of Geometries
$0.10 Creature - Eldrazi Drone
1 Warfire Javelineer
$0.04 Creature - Minotaur Warrior
1 Watchers of the Dead
$0.07 Artifact Creature - Cat
1 Weaver of Currents
$0.10 Creature - Naga Druid
1 Weldfast Wingsmith
$0.02 Creature - Human Artificer
1 Wetland Sambar
$0.03 Creature - Elk
1 Wild Wanderer
$0.06 Creature - Elf Druid
1 Winged Shepherd
$0.07 Creature - Angel
1 Wretched Gryff
$0.12 Creature - Eldrazi Hippogriff
Instant (66)
1 Anticipate
$0.06 Instant
1 Artful Maneuver
$0.02 Instant
2 Borrowed Hostility
$0.03 Instant
1 Borrowed Malevolence
$0.03 Instant
2 Bring Low
$0.03 Instant
1 Chandra's Pyrohelix
$0.04 Instant
1 Chilling Grasp
$0.09 Instant
2 Commencement of Festivities
$0.05 Instant
1 Commit // Memory
$0.46 Instant // Sorcery //
1 Consuming Sinkhole
$0.03 Instant
1 Convolute
$0.03 Instant
2 Disdainful Stroke
$0.06 Instant
1 Electrify
$0.10 Instant
1 Encircling Fissure
$0.07 Instant
1 Failed Inspection
$0.07 Instant
1 Feat of Resistance
$0.04 Instant
1 Feed the Clan
$0.15 Instant
1 Final Reward
$0.02 Instant
1 Flying Crane Technique
$0.17 Instant
1 Force Away
$0.03 Instant
2 Forsake the Worldly
$0.12 Instant
1 Foul-Tongue Invocation
$0.06 Instant
1 Gift of Tusks
$0.11 Instant
1 Glint
$0.03 Instant
3 Grapple with the Past
$0.18 Instant
1 Gravepurge
$0.12 Instant
1 Grip of the Roil
$0.03 Instant
1 Haze of Pollen
$0.10 Instant
1 Impeccable Timing
$0.02 Instant
1 In Oketra's Name
$0.04 Instant
1 Kill Shot
$0.03 Instant
4 Mighty Leap
$0.07 Instant
1 Pinion Feast
$0.07 Instant
1 Plummet
$0.02 Instant
1 Prepare // Fight
$0.14 Instant // Sorcery //
1 Pursue Glory
$0.03 Instant
1 Sarkhan's Triumph
$2.07 Instant
1 Savage Alliance
$0.10 Instant
3 Scarab Feast
$0.05 Instant
1 Shape the Sands
$0.05 Instant
1 Smite the Monstrous
$0.09 Instant
1 Springsage Ritual
$0.03 Instant
1 Supernatural Stamina
$0.09 Instant
1 Sure Strike
$0.06 Instant
1 Synchronized Strike
$0.06 Instant
1 Tail Slash
$0.04 Instant
1 Take Up Arms
$0.04 Instant
1 Tandem Tactics
$0.01 Instant
1 Time to Reflect
$0.08 Instant
1 Twin Bolt
$0.03 Instant
1 Volcanic Rush
$0.02 Instant
1 Weave Fate
$0.05 Instant
1 Windstorm
$0.08 Instant
1 Woodcutter's Grit
$0.05 Instant
Sorcery (37)
1 Alchemist's Greeting
$0.04 Sorcery
1 Barrage of Boulders
$0.07 Sorcery
2 Benefaction of Rhonas
$0.05 Sorcery
1 Blazing Volley
$0.10 Sorcery
1 Certain Death
$0.09 Sorcery
1 Coax from the Blind Eternities
$0.15 Sorcery
2 Contingency Plan
$0.10 Sorcery
1 Defeat
$0.02 Sorcery
2 Demolish
$0.02 Sorcery
1 Dragon Fodder
$0.14 Sorcery
1 Duress
$0.04 Sorcery
1 Furious Reprisal
$0.06 Sorcery
1 Harsh Scrutiny
$0.09 Sorcery
1 Hazardous Conditions
$0.05 Sorcery
1 Kin-Tree Invocation
$0.08 Sorcery
1 Mystic Meditation
$0.05 Sorcery
1 Ojutai's Summons
$0.03 Sorcery
2 Painful Lesson
$0.09 Sorcery
1 Ruthless Disposal
$0.04 Sorcery
1 Savage Punch
$0.06 Sorcery
1 Self-Inflicted Wound
$0.04 Sorcery
1 Sheer Drop
$0.03 Sorcery
1 Spectral Reserves
$0.05 Sorcery
1 Spring // Mind
$0.12 Sorcery // Instant //
2 Stensia Banquet
$0.10 Sorcery
1 Sunbringer's Touch
$0.25 Sorcery
1 Taigam's Strike
$0.03 Sorcery
1 Take Inventory
$0.07 Sorcery
1 Violent Impact
$0.04 Sorcery
1 Wander in Death
$0.05 Sorcery
1 Whispers of Emrakul
$0.08 Sorcery
1 Witness the End
$0.03 Sorcery
Artifact (9)
1 Aradara Express
$0.03 Artifact - Vehicle
1 Ballista Charger
$0.09 Artifact - Vehicle
1 Cathar's Shield
$0.15 Artifact - Equipment
1 Cultist's Staff
$0.04 Artifact - Equipment
1 Glassblower's Puzzleknot
$0.08 Artifact
1 Kefnet's Monument
$0.30 Legendary Artifact
1 Prophetic Prism
$0.07 Artifact
1 Pyramid of the Pantheon
$0.45 Artifact
1 Spidersilk Net
$0.09 Artifact - Equipment
Enchantment (22)
1 Boon of Emrakul
$0.03 Enchantment - Aura
1 Cartouche of Strength
$0.13 Enchantment - Aura Cartouche
3 Choking Restraints
$0.04 Enchantment - Aura
1 Era of Innovation
$0.10 Enchantment
1 Glaring Aegis
$0.05 Enchantment - Aura
1 Graf Harvest
$0.24 Enchantment
1 Illusory Wrappings
$0.06 Enchantment - Aura
1 Lay Claim
$0.08 Enchantment - Aura
1 Lunar Force
$0.09 Enchantment
1 Malfunction
$0.03 Enchantment - Aura
1 Oath of Jace
$0.16 Legendary Enchantment
1 Peace of Mind
$0.07 Enchantment
1 Protection of the Hekma
$0.06 Enchantment
2 Siegecraft
$0.05 Enchantment - Aura
1 Strange Augmentation
$0.05 Enchantment - Aura
1 Trespasser's Curse
$0.85 Enchantment - Aura Curse
1 Trial of Knowledge
$0.08 Enchantment
2 Wolfkin Bond
$0.03 Enchantment - Aura
Land (10)
1 Canyon Slough
$0.36 Land - Swamp Mountain
1 Cascading Cataracts
$1.34 Land
1 Evolving Wilds
$0.07 Land
1 Geier Reach Sanitarium
$1.55 Legendary Land
1 Jungle Hollow
$0.10 Land
1 Painted Bluffs
$0.08 Land - Desert
2 Scoured Barrens
$0.08 Land
1 Sunscorched Desert
$0.27 Land - Desert
1 Wind-Scarred Crag
$0.08 Land
Sideboard - 0 cards, 0 distinct
No cards here. :(

Event #01:
Event #02:
2 KLD, 1 BFZ, 1 OGW
Event #03:
1 KTK, 1 DTK
Event #04:
Did Not Attend
Event #05:
2 KTK, 2 DTK
Event #06:
6 AKH (For sealed booster event, to be added to pool after)
Total of 22 booster packs.
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