releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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Main Deck - 62 cards, 20 distinct
Name  Type Classes Edition
Hero (3)
1 Jumo'zin Hero - Troll Druid   Worldbreaker
2 Ysera the Dreamer Master Hero - Green Dragonkin Aspect Worldbreaker
Ally (28)
3 Cairne, Earthmother's Chosen Ally - Tauren High Chieftain Worldbreaker
4 Emerald Captain Ally - Green Dragonkin Worldbreaker
3 Emerald Lifewarden Ally - Green Dragonkin Worldbreaker
3 Emerald Soldier Ally - Green Dragonkin Worldbreaker
4 Emerald Tree Warder Ally - Green Dragonkin Worldbreaker
4 Emerald Wanderer Ally - Green Dragonkin Worldbreaker
4 Sava'gin the Reckless Ally - Troll Druid Worldbreaker
3 Swift Raptor Ally - Raptor Scourgewar
Ability (16)
4 Earth and Moon Ability - Balance Talent   Worldbreaker
2 Nature's Focus Instant Ability - Balance   Scourgewar
3 Nature's Fury Instant Ability - Balance   Worldbreaker
3 Savage Bear Form Instant Ability - Feral Bear Form   Worldbreaker
4 The Natural Order Ability - Balance   Servants of The Betrayer
Quest (11)
2 Challenge to the Black Flight Quest Worldbreaker
4 Corruption of Earth and Seed Quest Drums of War
1 Tabards of the Illidari Quest Hunt for Illidan
4 Under the Shadow Quest Scourgewar
Location (4)
4 Eye of the Storm Location - Battleground Fields of Honor
Sideboard - 0 cards, 0 distinct
No cards here. :(

  • Abraham Giménez | 23-Feb-2011 15:53
    Mazo druida+dragonkin i no portes les hombreres?
    • Santi Núñez | 23-Feb-2011 15:59
      despres de molt testing e vist que la gent prioritza matar als dracs que pegarli al heroi (i fan be). aixi que prefereixo posar la forma de os per protegir als dracs y de pas si el flip esta fet pillan  xD
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