Sideboard - 28 cards, 28 distinct
Welcome to my K'rrik decklist for CEDH
This deck is my own idea of a CEDH build for K'rrik. He has been the a ton of fun as there isn't any other true way of playing CEDH with mono-black. There is Yawgmoth, Mikaeus etc. but nothing that is as powerful and fun to play as than K'rrik!
K'rrik always seemed to be the perfect deck for a fast game winning combo that is all or nothing. Each game is a battle of wits, with or without playing this decklist. However, this deck is even more so. Paying life for spells gives you a massive advantage, but it also is extremely risky.
I have slowly changed this deck since his release and I have finally decided to name this type of K'rrik build. It all ends up being built around one card type: TUTORS.
The game plan for my deck, is to rush as much fast mana/rocks as possible. Slamming down K'rrik as early as I can will make me able to get my combo going, but how can you reliably combo each game with different starting hands? TUTORS
I have put enough tutors that should give you access to at least ONE TUTOR per first few turns. After rushing out K'rrik, my gameplan is to use the one/two tutors I should have by then to either advance my game, or go for the game winning combo. It seems the card that can do both of these is Bolas' Citadel. This one card throws you ahead in every way possible. On top of that, if you do manage to get Citadel out, winning the game shouldn't be too far behind. Assuming you have enough life that is.
With the number of tutors, not only will you eventually be able to get Citadel to start the combo, but the plan is to hit another tutor(or combo piece) off the top of the deck to win. It isn't hard to get K'rrik out early, tutor up Citadel, and hopefully get Citadel on board. From there, hitting another tutor or something like Sensei's Divining Top, should be able to win you the game. With enough life, you can use top to basically pay 1 life to draw a card. Repeat this until you hit Aetherflux or another tutor(to tutor for Aetherflux itself.) The game can go many directions but this seems to be the main way this deck wins. Just incase, I've put other combos in the deck as backups.
As of right now, the decklist is still everchanging. There are some cards I think can be replaced but I am having a hard time deciding/finding replacement cards.
The Maybeboard is mostly with cards I ended up taking out of the deck and just to keep track, I end up moving them to the maybeboard.
I haven't been updating this decklist as much as I should(on tappedout I mean), but I play it so often that I usually have a couple cards that still show here that don't in my decklist.
Any input/ideas would be appreciated.
There are some cards that are in the maybeboard, that I haven't been able to test as much as I want to. If there are cards that you think I should run/know about, please let me know! Even cards that I've shut down in the comments previously like Leshrac's Sigil! LS is a card that I tested early on and never looked back. It just seems to cost way too much life to combo off! Most games I end up winning, have me at 1-10 life when I start my combo. So many games I have ended up coming back and winning, even though I was at 10 life and went down to a single point of life. This decklist is dangerously fun. Seems perfect since this deck is constantly playing with low life totals and using risky plays/strategies.
-----------------Updates Below----------------- I decided that I should try to make a changelog/update section for my records. This will only really be for certain changes. If I am trying some things out, I probably won't put it here or update the decklist unless it is something I feel will stick around.
1/29/2021: I have just updated the decklist to my current version of the deck.
2/14/2021: Decided to remove Barren Moor and Cabal Coffers(at least for now), Boseiju and Buried Ruin are the replacements. Cabal coffers is one of, if not, my favorite card in MTG. As much as I wanted to keep my foil promo of it in the deck, it is just too slow and was only ever helpful in the mid-late game, and that is partially against the strategy here. I want to go fast but I also have backups incase my combo pieces are shut down and the game lingers on. Barren Moor wasn't that bad at all. I just feel like Buried Ruin could turn out better. Boseiju is the card I feel like will really stick around since resolving PITA is important(assuming it isn't redirected to an opponent.)
2/15/2021: Decided to add reanimate back in. Reanimate, Necromancy and Final Parting are now in. Kaya's Ghostform, Gilded Lotus and Arguel's Blood Fast are now out.
Buried Ruin to get back aetherflux
Cut Helm of Awakening for Cloud Key - Why would you ever help your opponents when you can just help yourself for 1 more mana?
What is the point of Vampiric Link ?
Shred Memory > Cremate
Bontu's Monument seems weak, you only have 8 creatures. Or do you just cast and recast commander for value? Even then, the cost reduction and lifegain seem very minimal.
Final Parting , while expensive, can put Villis in grave and reanimate in hand for a total of 6 mana, or with life. Might be worth considering.
Also want to make sure you are aware of the Manifold Key + Sensei's Divining Top synergy to draw cards.
Given you just dump your hand on the table, you might want to consider more draw, just incase you don't draw into it (ironic, huh). Read the Bones while more expensive than sign and whisper, can help set up your draws.
Thoughts on adding a ring package? Its also good to note that it helps you save life through your continuous draw spells by replacing it with mana instead. It synergizes with....
Strip Mine
3x fetchlands
Blast Zone
Carrion Feeder
Chainer, Dementia Master
Erebos, God of the Dead
Vilis, Broker of Blood
Aetherflux Reservoir
Bolas's Citadel
Expedition Map
Manifold Key
Mind Stone
Nihil Spellbomb
Sensei's Divining Top
Zuran Orb
Arguel's Blood Fast
Font of Agonies
If you were to add a Basalt Monolith , you could create infinite colorless mana. Then use top to draw your deck. Alternatively, you can also add Deserted Temple to go infinite with rings + temple + coffers + swamps to make infinite black mana
Buried Ruin = been a consideration. I still plan on revisiting the land base and changing things there. It is 100% an option and probably will be in the final decklist.
Cloud Key = been thinking of this card but its hard to see the value in it as the deck currently stands. I get Helm of Awakening benefits opponents, however it can benefit us a ton aswell. Cloud key would be better if the deck had less of spread and focused more on creatures or artifacts or something. So for now, Helm does the trick. Also, when it comes to K'rrik, he will die a lot, another reason why helm helps out. It is for the spread of cards that I run(which is pretty much mostly a spread of everything with artifacts and sorceries topping.)
Bontu's Monument is another cost reducer for K'rrik. Not only that, but in certain situations, it has won games. Carrion Feeder + Gravecrawler combo basically costs 1 life per cast instead of 2.
Vampiric Link is amazing. Oh god it overperforms. I'm assuming you don't know the ruling here. K'rrik has lifelink, and this basically gives him double life link... if he hits something for 8 damage, that is 8 life and another 8 life gained from this enchantment. Only 1 black(aka 2 life)...and it adds a counter to k'rrik making him even stronger! Overperforms...especially when you're low on life and need to regain life badly. There have even been times I've played it on Villis to hit someone and gain 8 life when im about to win but don't have k'rrik out or just need emergency life.
Shred Memory / Cremate = Cremate is mostly used as a cantrip(draw a card+do an effect). in this case, its more of a combo stopper...It can be used(for 2 life and no mana) and will stop someone from winning a game(mikaeus+triskelion combo) or anything that is in their graveyard really...Shred memory can exile from graveyards and do even more than just 1 card...but it costs 1 more mana, and doesn't draw a card. The bonus here would be for the transmute but I feel there is a good spread of tutors already...I may add one more tutor but not sure yet. Final Parting may come into play here...This decklist isn't final yet.
Rings of Brighthearth + Basalt Monolith = I swear I have considered this more than anything. In fact I have been play testing this a bit. Seems like it can be good. There are times its helpful but at the sametime, there are times I dont need mana...If this were to be added, I could totally see the benefits but I'd need more X spells such as Torment of Hailfire . The doubling effects on abilites of course is good. Doubling abilities is amazing for only 3 mana(depending on the ability) and infinte mana is never a bad thing. Needs more play testing to see if its better with it...or without. So far, I like it...but need more playtesting.
Not sure how much you looked into the deck but Read the Bones is already in the decklist. I appreciate your input. Reanimate is only in the deck since its been helpful in disrupting people/helping me. It can gain a ton of life with gary, or steal an opponent's combo creature before their turn. Or to destroy an opponents creature and take it from them. Also if someone tries to disrupt my carrion feeder combo(or really any creature based combo), I can get my creature back. I also have Emergence Zone as emergency flash to either win the game, or to stop someone from winning. I've used reanimate a couple times with it when an opponent waste's a bunch of mana to try and combo off, only for them to fail because i stole their combo piece...and then I win next turn.
Cloud Key - 1/4th of your deck is artifacts. I think it costing 1 more and only helping your artifacts is much better in a cEDH meta than helping your opponents. You're helping yourself ramp by 1 but each opponent by 1 (1 to 3). I get it that your commander dies a lot and that sucks. But rather than putting in (IMO) a suboptimal card, why not just add in Command Beacon or Volrath's Stronghold to bypass commander tax?
Vampiric Link - I was unaware of that, didn't realize that. Despite possibly getting 2 for 1ed, your point is 100% true.
Thats true regarding Shred Memory , I just like the versatility but I failed to recognize the cantrip aspect.
Honestly rings alone is pretty powerful given it interacts with 1/5th of your deck, even without basalt monolith. Also you wouldn't need to add torment, just use the infinite mana and top to draw your deck, play aether, storm off with free artifacts and use bontu's monuments ability copied with rings for 20 damage each opponent. Use manifold key to do it again.
Oops, didn't realize read the bones was there. It's midnight here so mistakes are bound to be made.
Lastly, here are 3 suggestions (not entirely sold on all of them but just some ideas)....
Mind Twist - Bait blue or just annihilate someone's hand
Syphon Mind - While expensive, it often reads, Pay 3 colorless, lose 2 life, draw 4 cards, each opponent discards 1.
Murderous Rider - Similar to Vraska's Contempt. Creature could be useful as a blocker given your low creature count.
This deck is my own idea of a CEDH build for K'rrik. He has been the a ton of fun as there isn't any other true way of playing CEDH with mono-black. There is Yawgmoth, Mikaeus etc. but nothing that is as powerful and fun to play as than K'rrik!
K'rrik always seemed to be the perfect deck for a fast game winning combo that is all or nothing. Each game is a battle of wits, with or without playing this decklist. However, this deck is even more so. Paying life for spells gives you a massive advantage, but it also is extremely risky.
I have slowly changed this deck since his release and I have finally decided to name this type of K'rrik build. It all ends up being built around one card type: TUTORS.
The game plan for my deck, is to rush as much fast mana/rocks as possible. Slamming down K'rrik as early as I can will make me able to get my combo going, but how can you reliably combo each game with different starting hands? TUTORS
I have put enough tutors that should give you access to at least ONE TUTOR per first few turns. After rushing out K'rrik, my gameplan is to use the one/two tutors I should have by then to either advance my game, or go for the game winning combo. It seems the card that can do both of these is Bolas' Citadel. This one card throws you ahead in every way possible. On top of that, if you do manage to get Citadel out, winning the game shouldn't be too far behind. Assuming you have enough life that is.
With the number of tutors, not only will you eventually be able to get Citadel to start the combo, but the plan is to hit another tutor(or combo piece) off the top of the deck to win. It isn't hard to get K'rrik out early, tutor up Citadel, and hopefully get Citadel on board. From there, hitting another tutor or something like Sensei's Divining Top, should be able to win you the game. With enough life, you can use top to basically pay 1 life to draw a card. Repeat this until you hit Aetherflux or another tutor(to tutor for Aetherflux itself.) The game can go many directions but this seems to be the main way this deck wins. Just incase, I've put other combos in the deck as backups.
As of right now, the decklist is still everchanging. There are some cards I think can be replaced but I am having a hard time deciding/finding replacement cards.
The Maybeboard is mostly with cards I ended up taking out of the deck and just to keep track, I end up moving them to the maybeboard.
I haven't been updating this decklist as much as I should(on tappedout I mean), but I play it so often that I usually have a couple cards that still show here that don't in my decklist.
Any input/ideas would be appreciated.
There are some cards that are in the maybeboard, that I haven't been able to test as much as I want to. If there are cards that you think I should run/know about, please let me know! Even cards that I've shut down in the comments previously like Leshrac's Sigil! LS is a card that I tested early on and never looked back. It just seems to cost way too much life to combo off! Most games I end up winning, have me at 1-10 life when I start my combo. So many games I have ended up coming back and winning, even though I was at 10 life and went down to a single point of life. This decklist is dangerously fun. Seems perfect since this deck is constantly playing with low life totals and using risky plays/strategies.
-----------------Updates Below----------------- I decided that I should try to make a changelog/update section for my records. This will only really be for certain changes. If I am trying some things out, I probably won't put it here or update the decklist unless it is something I feel will stick around.
1/29/2021: I have just updated the decklist to my current version of the deck.
2/14/2021: Decided to remove Barren Moor and Cabal Coffers(at least for now), Boseiju and Buried Ruin are the replacements. Cabal coffers is one of, if not, my favorite card in MTG. As much as I wanted to keep my foil promo of it in the deck, it is just too slow and was only ever helpful in the mid-late game, and that is partially against the strategy here. I want to go fast but I also have backups incase my combo pieces are shut down and the game lingers on. Barren Moor wasn't that bad at all. I just feel like Buried Ruin could turn out better. Boseiju is the card I feel like will really stick around since resolving PITA is important(assuming it isn't redirected to an opponent.)
2/15/2021: Decided to add reanimate back in. Reanimate, Necromancy and Final Parting are now in. Kaya's Ghostform, Gilded Lotus and Arguel's Blood Fast are now out.
Buried Ruin to get back aetherflux
Cut Helm of Awakening for Cloud Key - Why would you ever help your opponents when you can just help yourself for 1 more mana?
What is the point of Vampiric Link ?
Shred Memory > Cremate
Bontu's Monument seems weak, you only have 8 creatures. Or do you just cast and recast commander for value? Even then, the cost reduction and lifegain seem very minimal.
Final Parting , while expensive, can put Villis in grave and reanimate in hand for a total of 6 mana, or with life. Might be worth considering.
Also want to make sure you are aware of the Manifold Key + Sensei's Divining Top synergy to draw cards.
Given you just dump your hand on the table, you might want to consider more draw, just incase you don't draw into it (ironic, huh). Read the Bones while more expensive than sign and whisper, can help set up your draws.
Thoughts on adding a ring package? Its also good to note that it helps you save life through your continuous draw spells by replacing it with mana instead. It synergizes with....
Strip Mine
3x fetchlands
Blast Zone
Carrion Feeder
Chainer, Dementia Master
Erebos, God of the Dead
Vilis, Broker of Blood
Aetherflux Reservoir
Bolas's Citadel
Expedition Map
Manifold Key
Mind Stone
Nihil Spellbomb
Sensei's Divining Top
Zuran Orb
Arguel's Blood Fast
Font of Agonies
If you were to add a Basalt Monolith , you could create infinite colorless mana. Then use top to draw your deck. Alternatively, you can also add Deserted Temple to go infinite with rings + temple + coffers + swamps to make infinite black mana
Buried Ruin = been a consideration. I still plan on revisiting the land base and changing things there. It is 100% an option and probably will be in the final decklist.
Cloud Key = been thinking of this card but its hard to see the value in it as the deck currently stands. I get Helm of Awakening benefits opponents, however it can benefit us a ton aswell. Cloud key would be better if the deck had less of spread and focused more on creatures or artifacts or something. So for now, Helm does the trick. Also, when it comes to K'rrik, he will die a lot, another reason why helm helps out. It is for the spread of cards that I run(which is pretty much mostly a spread of everything with artifacts and sorceries topping.)
Bontu's Monument is another cost reducer for K'rrik. Not only that, but in certain situations, it has won games. Carrion Feeder + Gravecrawler combo basically costs 1 life per cast instead of 2.
Vampiric Link is amazing. Oh god it overperforms. I'm assuming you don't know the ruling here. K'rrik has lifelink, and this basically gives him double life link... if he hits something for 8 damage, that is 8 life and another 8 life gained from this enchantment. Only 1 black(aka 2 life)...and it adds a counter to k'rrik making him even stronger! Overperforms...especially when you're low on life and need to regain life badly. There have even been times I've played it on Villis to hit someone and gain 8 life when im about to win but don't have k'rrik out or just need emergency life.
Shred Memory / Cremate = Cremate is mostly used as a cantrip(draw a card+do an effect). in this case, its more of a combo stopper...It can be used(for 2 life and no mana) and will stop someone from winning a game(mikaeus+triskelion combo) or anything that is in their graveyard really...Shred memory can exile from graveyards and do even more than just 1 card...but it costs 1 more mana, and doesn't draw a card. The bonus here would be for the transmute but I feel there is a good spread of tutors already...I may add one more tutor but not sure yet. Final Parting may come into play here...This decklist isn't final yet.
Rings of Brighthearth + Basalt Monolith = I swear I have considered this more than anything. In fact I have been play testing this a bit. Seems like it can be good. There are times its helpful but at the sametime, there are times I dont need mana...If this were to be added, I could totally see the benefits but I'd need more X spells such as Torment of Hailfire . The doubling effects on abilites of course is good. Doubling abilities is amazing for only 3 mana(depending on the ability) and infinte mana is never a bad thing. Needs more play testing to see if its better with it...or without. So far, I like it...but need more playtesting.
Not sure how much you looked into the deck but Read the Bones is already in the decklist. I appreciate your input. Reanimate is only in the deck since its been helpful in disrupting people/helping me. It can gain a ton of life with gary, or steal an opponent's combo creature before their turn. Or to destroy an opponents creature and take it from them. Also if someone tries to disrupt my carrion feeder combo(or really any creature based combo), I can get my creature back. I also have Emergence Zone as emergency flash to either win the game, or to stop someone from winning. I've used reanimate a couple times with it when an opponent waste's a bunch of mana to try and combo off, only for them to fail because i stole their combo piece...and then I win next turn.
Cloud Key - 1/4th of your deck is artifacts. I think it costing 1 more and only helping your artifacts is much better in a cEDH meta than helping your opponents. You're helping yourself ramp by 1 but each opponent by 1 (1 to 3). I get it that your commander dies a lot and that sucks. But rather than putting in (IMO) a suboptimal card, why not just add in Command Beacon or Volrath's Stronghold to bypass commander tax?
Vampiric Link - I was unaware of that, didn't realize that. Despite possibly getting 2 for 1ed, your point is 100% true.
Thats true regarding Shred Memory , I just like the versatility but I failed to recognize the cantrip aspect.
Honestly rings alone is pretty powerful given it interacts with 1/5th of your deck, even without basalt monolith. Also you wouldn't need to add torment, just use the infinite mana and top to draw your deck, play aether, storm off with free artifacts and use bontu's monuments ability copied with rings for 20 damage each opponent. Use manifold key to do it again.
Oops, didn't realize read the bones was there. It's midnight here so mistakes are bound to be made.
Lastly, here are 3 suggestions (not entirely sold on all of them but just some ideas)....
Mind Twist - Bait blue or just annihilate someone's hand
Syphon Mind - While expensive, it often reads, Pay 3 colorless, lose 2 life, draw 4 cards, each opponent discards 1.
Murderous Rider - Similar to Vraska's Contempt. Creature could be useful as a blocker given your low creature count.
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