KENIZL86's profile
- MTG DECKS (301)
vin 7PH - 1 2 3 DOOM
sta 7PH - Armstrong
vin 7PH - Battle Bots
sta 7PH - Beep Beep
sta 7PH - Black Plague
sta 7PH - Boros Aggro
vin 7PH - BR Aristocrats
sta 7PH - BR Sneak Reanimator
sta 7PH - Burn
sta 7PH - Chad's Chadest Chadding
vin 7PH - Demon Stompy
vin 7PH - Diverse City
vin 7PH - Egg Sieve
sta 7PH - Eldrazi Ramp (Not Mine)
sta 7PH - Flash Hulk
sta 7PH - Flowerless Storm (Not Mine)
sta 7PH - Flying Bois
sta 7PH - Flying Men
sta 7PH - Fog Beasts
sta 7PH - Goblins
vin 7PH - Golgari Dredge
sta 7PH - Golgari Two-For-Ones
vin 7PH - Gruul Smash
sta 7PH - Gruul Stompy
sta 7PH - Hasty Pasty
vin 7PH - High Formation
sta 7PH - High Tide
vin 7PH - Humans (No RL)
sta 7PH - Illusory Deck
sta 7PH - Is It Blitz?
vin 7PH - Jeskai Superfeiends
sta 7PH - Jund Em Out
vin 7PH - Long Live the Queen
vin 7PH - Long Live the Queen (Upgraded)
vin 7PH - Mardu Pyromancer
vin 7PH - Moldy Moss
vin 7PH - Mono Pikers
sta 7PH - Mono Red Burn (Moxfield)
sin 7PH - Mono Red DnT v2
vin 7PH - Naysayer
vin 7PH - Ninjas
vin 7PH - Oat Reanimator (Goodwin)
sta 7PH - Owling Mine
sta 7PH - Pewpew
sta 7PH - Polymorph Birthing
vin 7PH - Pump Team Ten-Hundred
sta 7PH - Rakdos Control
sta 7PH - RDW
vin 7PH - Red Flyers
vin 7PH - Selesnya Beatdown
vin 7PH - Simic Lands
vin 7PH - Turn the Tides
sta 7PH - WG Ramp (Not Mine)
vin 7PH - Your Loss is My Gain
oth ALL 7PH DECKS (49)
sta Blood Feast - Forge
vin Bodied By Research
mod Citadel Bombs
oth Dandân
mod Darksteel Heart
vin Fastbond Kill Face
sta Flying Icarus
sta Forge - Shuffling Away
mod Golgari Refurb - TappedOut
sta Ground Zero
sta Gruul Madness - CK
mod Izzet Beatdown - Forge
leg Izzet Blitz Death
sta Mishra's Eggs v2
sta Mono Black Burn
sta Mono Black Discard
leg Mono Red Control
mod Naysayer - CK
sta No Lands for you - Mana Source
sta NOPE
sta Sligh Jank
sta So Much BURN
pau Sword of Fire
sta Teaching Aggro
mod Teaching tempo
sta Turbo Fog
leg Turbo Naysayer
CK Rookie
sta A Summer Bicycle Ride
com Big Booty Belbe Commodore
com Blue Angel Flight Squad
com Borby's Fireballs Commodore
com Boros Storm - Commodore
com Coven Counters - Commodore
com Draconic Rage - Commodore
com Feldon's Path
sta Foggy Dew - Commodore
com Stinging Blade - Commodore
com Wealth of Villains - Commodore
com Zombies Precon - Commodore
sta Card Kingdom Starter Cube
sta First Archetype Cube
cub First Tribal Cube
sta High Stakes Cube (360)
fat Khans Fat Stack
sta Multi-Colored Magic
sta Strictly Worse
sta The Pauper Cube
sta Un-Cards - Wantlist
daDs Commanders
com Dragon Deck Wins
com Dromoka
EDH - Built
com 5 Color Legends
com Artifact Storm
com Big Booty Belbe
com Borby's Fireballs - CQ
com Boros Storm
com Breya's Egg Sieve
com Chaos Magic
com Dread Tide
sta Enhanced Evolution
com Foggy Dew - CQ
sta Gruul Meanies
com Scrap Heap My Scrounger
com Sefris' Dank Dungeon
com Standard Gruulmander
sta Stinging Blade - CK
com Strike Team Mono Black
com Uncle Istvan Hates Company
sta Vanilla Ice Cream
com Wealth of Villains
EDH - Land Bases
sta 3 Color - Bant
sta 3 Color - Esper
EDH - Not Built
com 1 Point Tag Team
com A Hard Day's Knight
com A Tale of Two Brothers
com Abruptly Decroded
com Arjun's Campfire Party-time
com Asmoranomardicadaistinaculdacar's Bicycle Extravaganza
com Big Daddy Hands
com Big Red
com Blitz the Rock
com Boros Armory
com Boros Slapjack
com Brudiclad of the Clan McClad - CQ
com Chiefly Compliant
com Chromium's Revenge
com Classic White
com Diverse City
com Do The Gitrog
com Don't Bargle with Yargle
com Drop and Flop
com Eldrazi Liberation
com Emry's Antiques
com Flinstone Dino Car - CQ
com Foggy Dew - Upgraded
com Forger's Suprise
com Glissa's Breakfast Club
com Gobbies
com Godzilla VS The World
com Golgari Recyclers
com Horobi the Horrible
com Humans Bleed Red
com Inalla, Pinger Ritualist
com Ivy's Enchanting Riverwalk
com Jhoira's Suspension
com Joven and Chandler's Bazaar
com Kaervek's Merciless Onslought
com Kambal's Tax Initiative
com Kenny's Bountiful Kingdom
com Knowledge of the Crescent Moon
com Kurkesh Likes Walue
com Lands Suck (EDHREC Average)
com Lord of Luxury
com Lyzolda's Blood Liturgy
com Magecraft Mysteries
com Magical Oppai
com Mono White Goodstuff
com Nivium-Mixus
com OMG it's UWG
com Oops No Creatures
com Oops No Permanents
com Oops No Win-Con
com Parsnips a-Plenty
com Phyrexian Compleation
com Phyrexian Genesis
com Prepare Your Anus, it's Arcanis
com Prince Cantrip
com Rograkh's Playroom
com Roon's Modular - Core
sta Roon's Modular - Dungeon
com Roon's Modular - Energy
sta Roon's Modular - Pet
com Rotten Skittles
com Saskia's Tempest
com Say Hello to My Little Friends - LRR
com Scorp Corp
com Sefris' Dank Dungeon - Upgrade
com Sen Trippin'
com Seriously, Look at All These Freaking Elves
com Simic Surprise
com Sisay's Superfriends
com Slobad is Strongbad
com Solphim, Sadism Dominus
com Swarm the Keep
com Talrand's Drawing Party
com Tergrid's Strip Club
com Tergrid's Strip Club v2
com The Deck of Many Lands - CQ
com The Most Powerful Blue Deck Ever
com Tiny Fury
com Traxos is Maximos
com Troog the Kroog
com Tymaret the Undying
com Urza's Workshop
com Vadrik's Astral Storm
com Vega, the Walue Engine
com Vorel's Charge Blade
com Xyris The Hugging Snake
sta Yawgmoth's Grand Vivisection
com Zedru's Great Contracts
com Zur the Whir
com Zur's Crazy Algorithm
Fat Stack
sta Robostack
mod Blue Eggs and Ham
mod Cipher Pol
mod Eggs - Stanislav Cifka Protour RTR
mod Naysayer - Modern
sta The Wild Hunt - Forge
mod WU Binding
oat Liliana
oat Nissa's Forestry Service
oat Ugin's Betrayal
oat Xenagos
pau Big Green Stomp Stomp
pau Big Green Stomp Stomp v2
sta Black Ponza - TCC
sta Dredge - TCC
pau Dumb Artifacts
pau Eggs Sunny-Side Up
sta FishelBrand - LRR
pau Jund - MTGGoldfish
pau Pauper - Cipher Pol
sta Reanimator
sta Reanimator - MTGG
sta Reanimator v2
pau Spicy Sriracha Omelet
sta Tortex - LRR
Penny Dreaful
com AFC - Aura of Courage
com AFC - Draconic Rage
com AFC - Dungeons of Death
com AFC - Planar Portal
com C19 - Merciless Rage
com C19 - Mystic Intillect
com C21 - Lorehold Legacies
com C21 - Prismari Performance
com C21 - Quantum Quandrix
com C21 - Silverquill Statement
com C21 - Witherbloom Witchcraft
com MHN - Coven Counters
com ZNC - Land's Wrath
com ZNC - Sneak Attacak
com ZNC - Sneak Attack Adjusted
sta Basic Black v1
leg Basic Black v2
pre Can't Touch This
sta Dead Guy Ale - Premodern
pre Dr. Teeth
pre Dr. Teeth - v2
sta Frantic Storm - Premodern
sta Goblins
sta Land's Edge
sta Mono Red Dragons
sta Names of Power - Stupid
pre Premodern - Call of the Big Bois
vin Premodern - Soul Convergence
sta Seismic Assault
pre Señor Stompy
sta Sligh
sta Soul Convergence
sta The Bloom of Summer
sta Turbo Do-Nothing
sta 5PH - Dr. Teeth
sta 5PH - Golgari Trash
sta 7PH - Burn Storm
sta 7PH - RDW
sta 7PH - UB Flash
sta 7PH - WB Hatebears
com Atarka Ramps to the Moon
sta Legacy Infect (Forge)
sta missing
sta Pulled
tin Tiny Leaders - Little Red Riding Hood
oth TMP
sta To Proxy (Cody)
sta To Proxy (Mine)

Name | Cost ![]() |
Zhalfirin Void | |
Urza's Mine | |
Sunscorched Desert | |
Expedition Map | |
Idol of Oblivion | |
Worn Powerstone | |
Dreamstone Hedron |
Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
1 | Mind's Eye | |
2 | Howling Golem | |
3 | Mind Stone | |
4 | Hedron Archive | |
5 | Geier Reach Sanitarium | |
6 | Radiant Fountain |