Sideboard - 0 cards, 0 distinct
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The goal of this deck is group hug. But not just any group hug, UBER HUGGING. This deck is built with the expressed intent for it not to win. It's goal is simple: help everyone else.
I plan on using contracts with this deck. Pre-made cards that say things like "You cannot attack Kenny for 2 turns", "You must use this twice on any player that's not Kenny for the next two activation", "You will not stop Kenny from gifting to another player the next time he would do so", etc. The intent is, I go "Hey, I'll give you this helpful thing, but in return you must fulfill this contract; and if you break this contract you will no longer be considered when gifting and attempts may be made to sabotage you". Also, the idea is that once the contract has been fulfilled it is returned to me to use with another gifting. I cannot gift if I have no contracts.
This deck should be filled with permanents that everyone can benefit from. Artifacts that people can pay any mana into, creatures that can tap to do something useful, enchantments that help them out with neat static abilities, value creatures, etc.
I think I want this entire deck to have toolbox cards. Each card I can gift someone is a card which is specific yet powerful in it's specificity. If possible, shoot for low mana cost so I can play them and then give them right away.
I'll need some counter spells and removal in case someone breaks a contract. I also need pillow fort items for myself, as well as some specific tutors.
I plan on using contracts with this deck. Pre-made cards that say things like "You cannot attack Kenny for 2 turns", "You must use this twice on any player that's not Kenny for the next two activation", "You will not stop Kenny from gifting to another player the next time he would do so", etc. The intent is, I go "Hey, I'll give you this helpful thing, but in return you must fulfill this contract; and if you break this contract you will no longer be considered when gifting and attempts may be made to sabotage you". Also, the idea is that once the contract has been fulfilled it is returned to me to use with another gifting. I cannot gift if I have no contracts.
This deck should be filled with permanents that everyone can benefit from. Artifacts that people can pay any mana into, creatures that can tap to do something useful, enchantments that help them out with neat static abilities, value creatures, etc.
I think I want this entire deck to have toolbox cards. Each card I can gift someone is a card which is specific yet powerful in it's specificity. If possible, shoot for low mana cost so I can play them and then give them right away.
I'll need some counter spells and removal in case someone breaks a contract. I also need pillow fort items for myself, as well as some specific tutors.
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