Type: Deck Idea
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releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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Main Deck - 60 cards, 14 distinct
Name  Edition $ Type Cost
Rarity Color
Creature (12)
4 Festival Crasher
$0.05 Creature - Devil
4 Kiln Fiend
$0.11 Creature - Elemental Beast
4 Monastery Swiftspear
$0.42 Creature - Human Monk
Instant (22)
4 Apostle's Blessing
$0.19 Instant
4 Brute Force
$0.25 Instant
3 Fists of Flame
$0.14 Instant
4 Lava Dart
$0.16 Instant
2 Mutagenic Growth
$1.27 Instant
1 Mutagenic Growth
$1.27 Instant
4 Temur Battle Rage
$0.35 Instant
Sorcery (9)
4 Ancestral Anger
$0.18 Sorcery
4 Faithless Looting
$0.41 Sorcery
1 Reckless Charge
$0.05 Sorcery
Land (17)
17 Mountain
$0.11 Basic Land - Mountain
Sideboard - 15 cards, 6 distinct
Name  Edition $ Type Cost
Rarity Color
Creature (2)
2 Gorilla Shaman
$0.56 Creature - Ape Shaman
Instant (10)
2 Flaring Pain
$1.82 Instant
3 Gut Shot
$1.27 Instant
3 Red Elemental Blast
$3.32 Instant
2 Singe
$0.12 Instant
Sorcery (3)
3 End the Festivities
$0.96 Sorcery
Scratchpad - 12 cards, 4 distinct
Cards in the scratchpad represent cards that you are considering for this deck, but are not actually in the built deck. They do not count towards the in built decks count shown in your inventory. If you are using the Auto Trade feature, they will be still be marked for trade although cards in your main deck and sideboard will not.
Name  Edition $ Type Cost
Rarity Color
Creature (4)
4 Satyr Hoplite
$0.06 Creature - Satyr Soldier
Instant (7)
3 Electrickery
$0.96 Instant
4 Pyroblast
$4.97 Instant
Land (1)
1 Forgotten Cave
$0.11 Land

made for Ryan Elementary Magic Club Pauper box

This is an All-In Aggro Deck. Kiln Fiend is the best creature find in your opening hand, with the Festival Crasher as a close second. The creatures all trigger off of sorceries and instants being played, so you can try to set up HUGE damage turns where you play 2, 3, or 4 spells turning your creatures into big damage dealers (often with Trample).  Look out for Blue Decks (having Hydroblast) and Black Decks (having Edict effects that make you sacrifice your creatures).

New version to switch to: https://www.mtgtop8.com/event?e=56979&d=625236&f=PAU
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