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releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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Main Deck - 74 cards, 39 distinct
Name  Race Type Cost Edition
Unit (15)
1 Archmage of Saphery High Elf Unit 1 + Core Set
3 Celestial Wizard Empire Unit 3 + The Twin Tailed Comet
1 Dragon Prince High Elf Unit 4 + Assault on Ulthuan
3 Initiate of Saphery High Elf Unit 3 + Assault on Ulthuan
3 Star Dragon High Elf Unit 10 + Realm of the Phoenix King
1 Sword Masters of Hoeth High Elf Unit 4 + Assault on Ulthuan
3 True Mage High Elf Unit 3 + The Twin Tailed Comet
Tactic (33)
2 Asuryan's Cleansing High Elf Tactic 0 + Assault on Ulthuan
1 Comet of Casandora High Elf Tactic 2 + Signs in the Stars
3 Dance to Loec Neutral Tactic 0 Fragments of Power
1 Drain Magic High Elf Tactic 1 + The Silent Forge
1 Echoes of Magic High Elf Tactic 0 + Vessel of the Winds
2 Flames of the Phoenix High Elf Tactic 4 + Assault on Ulthuan
1 Fury of Aenarion High Elf Tactic 2 + Fiery Dawn
1 Gift of Life High Elf Tactic 1 + Assault on Ulthuan
1 Gifts of Aenarion High Elf Tactic 4 + Tooth and Claw
2 High Elf's Disdain High Elf Tactic 2 + Assault on Ulthuan
2 Inflame High Elf Tactic 1 + Realm of the Phoenix King
3 Master of the Earth High Elf Tactic 3 + Legends
2 Perfecting the Spell High Elf Tactic 2 + The Eclipse of Hope
1 Radiant Gaze High Elf Tactic 2 + Core Set
2 Scroll of Asur High Elf Tactic 0 + The Fall of Karak Grimaz
2 Second Sight High Elf Tactic 1 + Warpstone Chronicles
2 Shield of Saphery High Elf Tactic 1 + Signs in the Stars
2 Tear of Isha High Elf Tactic 1 + Assault on Ulthuan
2 Vaul's Unmaking High Elf Tactic 0 + Path of the Zealot
Support (26)
3 Ancient Waystone Neutral Support 2 Warpstone Chronicles
2 Asrai Longbow Neutral Support 2 The Eclipse of Hope
1 Blessing of Asuryan High Elf Support 2 + The Iron Rock
1 Blessing of Isha High Elf Support 0 + Core Set
3 Contested Stronghold Neutral Support 4 Core Set
1 Eataine War Room High Elf Support 3 + Realm of the Phoenix King
3 Gathering the Winds High Elf Support 0 + Rising Dawn
3 Judgement of Loec High Elf Support 1 + Legends
3 Light of Morrslieb Neutral Support 4 The Twin Tailed Comet
1 Phoenix Ward High Elf Support 0 + Realm of the Phoenix King
1 The Glittering Tower High Elf Support 2 + Assault on Ulthuan
1 Tor Elyr High Elf Support 2 + Fragments of Power
3 Watchstone of Athel Tamarha High Elf Support 3 + The Fall of Karak Grimaz
Sideboard - 0 cards, 0 distinct
No cards here. :(

The winds of magic are rich and varied, and none know this as well as the elven mages. Your spellbook might be a bit unwieldy (20 different tactics - yeah, I'm nuts), but Perfecting the Spell will make it easier to find the right pages in your grimoire. And the developments you're going to need for that will also help you in many other ways. Not least of these is the mysterious art of the True Mages, whose destructive magic can be channeled into power with the Gifts of Aenarion, or used to punish your enemies with Asrai Longbows. And if the enemy is discourteous enough to assemble a large fighting force, there are always the Flames of the Phoenix. The pertinent question, of course, might be where exactly in your deck they are.
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