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Main Deck - 54 cards, 21 distinct
Name  Race Type Cost Edition
Unit (16)
2 Blessed Enchantress Neutral Unit 3 Rising Dawn
3 Ellyrian Patron High Elf Unit 2 + Fragments of Power
3 Elven Scout High Elf Unit 1 + Karaz a Karak
3 Lore Seeker Dwarf Unit 2 + Karaz a Karak
3 Mage of Loec High Elf Unit 3 + Portent of Doom
2 Runesmith Dwarf Unit 2 + Core Set
Tactic (23)
3 A Noble Quest Neutral Tactic 0 The Fourth Waystone
3 Ancient Map Neutral Tactic 1 Assault on Ulthuan
2 Drain Magic High Elf Tactic 1 + The Silent Forge
1 Gifts of Aenarion High Elf Tactic 4 + Tooth and Claw
2 High Elf's Disdain High Elf Tactic 2 + Assault on Ulthuan
3 Iron Discipline Empire Tactic 0 + Tooth and Claw
3 Master Rune of Valaya Dwarf Tactic 2 + Core Set
3 My Life For The Hold! Dwarf Tactic 0 + The Fourth Waystone
3 Purged by Flame High Elf Tactic 1 + The Accursed Dead
Quest (5)
3 Infiltrate! Neutral Quest 2 Core Set
2 Through All of Time High Elf Quest 0 + Shield of the Gods
Support (10)
3 Ancient Alliance Neutral Support 2 Redemption of a Mage
3 Helm of Fortune High Elf Support 0 + Rising Dawn
1 Spoils of War Neutral Support 0 Realm of the Phoenix King
3 Temple of Vaul High Elf Support 3 + Assault on Ulthuan
Sideboard - 0 cards, 0 distinct
No cards here. :(

I'll start the primer proper by presenting and discussing the cards that make up the core of the deck

- Infiltrate! (Main traublemaker. Idea of this deck is simply and clever. Put as many tokens on this card as possible and wait till your opp will run out of all of his cards. Do not be hasty... Find a joy in his prolonged agony ;) )

- Ellyrian Patron
- Ancient Map

- Lore Seeker (core unit. We must protect him at all costs. He's inciting Infiltrate! and he's supposed to be "Purged by Flame". Play as many tactics as you can to redirect all of "his" tokens onto Infiltrate!)
- Blessed Enchantress
- Through All of Time
- Purged by Flame (adds tokens on Lore Seeker)
- A Noble Quest
- Elven Scout

- Drain Magic
- Disdain
(Anti-AoE means Anti-Vomit or Anti-Verena)

- Helm of Fortune
- Iron Discipline (why ID instead of Shield of Saphery? Including loyality ID has the same cost as Shield, and can target dwarven units)

- Valaya
- My Life For the Hold!
- Gifts of Aenarion
(Following cards are keeping us alive while opponent is running out of his or her deck)

- Runesmith (pumping up an opponent units during his or her quest phase)
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