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releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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Main Deck - 58 cards, 58 distinct
Name  Race Type Cost Edition
Unit (30)
1 Bright Wizard Acolyte Empire Unit 2 + The Fourth Waystone
1 Bright Wizard Apprentice Empire Unit 2 + Core Set
1 Carroburg Cutthroats Empire Unit 4 + Portent of Doom
1 Celestial Apprentice Empire Unit 2 + Chaos Moon
1 Celestial Wizard Empire Unit 3 + The Twin Tailed Comet
1 Emperor's Chosen Empire Unit 2 + Rising Dawn
1 Flagellants Empire Unit 1 + The Deathmaster's Dance
1 Free Company Empire Unit 3 + Core Set
1 Glorious Preceptor Empire Unit 3 + The Eclipse of Hope
1 Gustav the Bear Empire Unit 4 + Path of the Zealot
1 Helblaster Crew Empire Unit 4 + Arcane Fire
1 Huntsmen Empire Unit 1 + Core Set
1 Inner Circle Knight Empire Unit 2 + Signs in the Stars
1 Knights Panther Empire Unit 2 + Redemption of a Mage
1 Master Engineer Empire Unit 3 + Vessel of the Winds
1 Nordland Halberdiers Empire Unit 4 + The Skavenblight Threat
1 Nuln Tinkerers Empire Unit 3 + Core Set
1 Peasant Militia Empire Unit 0 + Core Set
1 Pistoliers Empire Unit 2 + Core Set
1 Reiksguard Knights Empire Unit 3 + Core Set
1 Roaming Shaman Empire Unit 4 + The Accursed Dead
1 Sigmar's Blessed Empire Unit 2 + Core Set
1 Steel Standard Empire Unit 2 + Shield of the Gods
1 Talabheim Detachment Empire Unit 2 + Path of the Zealot
1 The Greatswords Empire Unit 4 + Core Set
1 Thyrus Gorman Empire Unit 3 + Core Set
1 Veteran Greatsword Empire Unit 3 + Fiery Dawn
1 Vigilant Elector Empire Unit 3 + The Deathmaster's Dance
1 Warrior Priests Empire Unit 2 + Core Set
1 Warriors of Ulric Empire Unit 3 + Bleeding Sun
Tactic (14)
1 Blessing of Myrmidia Empire Tactic 1 + Bleeding Sun
1 Douse the Flames Empire Tactic 0 + The Fourth Waystone
1 Infiltrate Empire Tactic 1 + The Skavenblight Threat
1 Iron Discipline Empire Tactic 0 + Tooth and Claw
1 Mastering the Spell Empire Tactic 2 + The Eclipse of Hope
1 Rage of the Bear Empire Tactic 1 + Rising Dawn
1 Sigmar's Brilliance Empire Tactic 10 + Arcane Fire
1 Surrender! Empire Tactic 1 + Assault on Ulthuan
1 Tactical Misdirection Empire Tactic 2 + Redemption of a Mage
1 The Sealed Vaults Empire Tactic 0 + Portent of Doom
1 Ulric's Fury Empire Tactic 2 + The Deathmaster's Dance
1 Voice of Command Empire Tactic 1 + The Twin Tailed Comet
1 Waiting in Ambush Empire Tactic 0 + Signs in the Stars
1 Will of the Electors Empire Tactic 1 + Core Set
Quest (3)
1 Defend the Border Empire Quest 0 + Core Set
1 Forges of Nuln Empire Quest 0 + Redemption of a Mage
1 Winter Campaign Empire Quest 1 + Shield of the Gods
Support (11)
1 Battle Standard Empire Support 0 + Assault on Ulthuan
1 Church of Sigmar Empire Support 2 + Core Set
1 City Gates Empire Support 2 + Core Set
1 Duelist Training Empire Support 3 + Fiery Dawn
1 Helstorm Rocket Battery Empire Support 1 + Fiery Dawn
1 Hidden Grove Empire Support 2 + Omens of Ruin
1 Higher Ground Empire Support 1 + Redemption of a Mage
1 Knight Training Empire Support 0 + Core Set
1 Rally Point Empire Support 1 + The Twin Tailed Comet
1 Red Arrow Coach Empire Support 0 + The Accursed Dead
1 Temple of Shallya Empire Support 4 + Core Set
Sideboard - 50 cards, 27 distinct
Name  Race Type Cost Edition
Unit (20)
3 Averheim Soldiers Empire Unit 2 + Fragments of Power
3 Friedrich Hemmler Empire Unit 5 + Redemption of a Mage
2 Gold Wizard Acolyte Empire Unit 2 + Assault on Ulthuan
1 Johannes Broheim Empire Unit 6 + Core Set
1 Luthor Huss Empire Unit 3 + Signs in the Stars
3 Osterknacht Elite Empire Unit 3 + The Eclipse of Hope
3 Reiksguard Swordsmen Empire Unit 5 + Tooth and Claw
3 Steam Tank Empire Unit 4 + Omens of Ruin
1 Vigilant Pistoliers Empire Unit 3 + Warpstone Chronicles
Legend (3)
3 Kurt Helborg Empire Legend 5 + The Accursed Dead
Tactic (9)
3 Chain Lightning Empire Tactic 2 + Chaos Moon
1 Demoralise Empire Tactic 0 + Core Set
1 Forced March Empire Tactic 2 + Core Set
1 Franz's Decree Empire Tactic 1 + Core Set
1 Judgement of Verena Empire Tactic 4 + Core Set
1 Sigmar's Intervention Empire Tactic 2 + Core Set
1 Twin-Tailed Comet Empire Tactic 2 + Core Set
Quest (5)
3 Hidden Operative Empire Quest 0 + The Accursed Dead
1 Protect the Empire Empire Quest 0 + Arcane Fire
1 Visit the Haunted City Empire Quest 0 + Omens of Ruin
Support (13)
1 Gate of Sigmar Empire Support 4 + Path of the Zealot
3 Helblaster Volley Gun Empire Support 1 + Warpstone Chronicles
1 Higher Learning Empire Support 1 + Fragments of Power
3 Runefang of Drakwald Empire Support 2 + Vessel of the Winds
1 Runefang of Solland Empire Support 2 + Warpstone Chronicles
1 Shrine to Taal Empire Support 2 + Core Set
3 Temple of Ulric Empire Support 3 + Shield of the Gods

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