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releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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Main Deck - 52 cards, 26 distinct
Name  Race Type Cost Edition
Unit (22)
2 Black Knights of Morr Empire Unit 4 + The Silent Forge
3 Bright Wizard Acolyte Empire Unit 2 + The Fourth Waystone
2 Celestial Apprentice Empire Unit 2 + Chaos Moon
1 Friedrich Hemmler Empire Unit 5 + Redemption of a Mage
3 Grail Knight Neutral Unit 4 Bleeding Sun
3 Gryphon Legionnaire Empire Unit 3 + The Burning of Derricksburg
3 Knights of the Blazing Sun Empire Unit 2 + The Burning of Derricksburg
3 Knights Panther Empire Unit 2 + Redemption of a Mage
1 Thyrus Gorman Empire Unit 3 + Core Set
1 Wilhelm of the Osterknacht Empire Unit 4 + The Fall of Karak Grimaz
Tactic (11)
2 Blessing of Myrmidia Empire Tactic 1 + Bleeding Sun
3 Douse the Flames Empire Tactic 0 + The Fourth Waystone
2 Forced March Empire Tactic 2 + Core Set
1 Judgement of Verena Empire Tactic 4 + Core Set
2 Tactical Misdirection Empire Tactic 2 + Redemption of a Mage
1 Twin-Tailed Comet Empire Tactic 2 + Core Set
Quest (3)
2 Defend the Border Empire Quest 0 + Core Set
1 Protect the Empire Empire Quest 0 + Arcane Fire
Support (16)
2 Church of Sigmar Empire Support 2 + Core Set
1 City Gates Empire Support 2 + Core Set
2 Garden of Morr Empire Support 3 + March of the Damned
3 Griffon Standard Empire Support 2 + The Burning of Derricksburg
3 Helblaster Volley Gun Empire Support 1 + Warpstone Chronicles
3 Higher Ground Empire Support 1 + Redemption of a Mage
1 Runefang of Solland Empire Support 2 + Warpstone Chronicles
1 Shrine to Taal Empire Support 2 + Core Set
Sideboard - 0 cards, 0 distinct
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