Main Deck - 100 cards, 77 distinct
Sideboard - 0 cards, 0 distinct
No cards here. :(
Scott Smith | 10-Apr-2014 13:30Cheaty pants
Handovrfist | 10-Apr-2014 04:31Bah, updated it. I always thought your commander didn't count to the 100. Just reread the rules.
Scott Smith | 10-Apr-2014 02:07also, how is this 100 cards without your commander? Cheaty pants
Handovrfist | 07-Apr-2014 22:12It's in my Melek deck. Maybe i'll add it. Don't think i'll be using that deck anymore.
Scott Smith | 07-Apr-2014 15:15I thought you had that sphinx that you draw a card when a creature with flying attacks.
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