BEN POPPEN's profile
- MTG DECKS (273)
Casual Brews
mod 3 CMC Spirit Control
leg Broken and Slow
mod Crazy Cat Lady
leg Glitter Kittens
mod Spurits
leg Turtle Power
leg Vigilance
mod Wulvez
Cube Thoughts
Reject Rares
EDH Brews
leg Ertai, the Corrupted
leg GOLD Naya Mayael EDH
leg New Rules EDH
leg Teysa EDH Idea
leg Teysa, Envoy of Ghosts
leg Tsabo Tavoc EDH Rough Draft
vin Vela EDH Start
Horrible Ideas
Alternate WinCons
mod Even Dumber
mod Hoarders
vin Self Mill
vin Suicide White (Dumb Blonde)
leg Because
sta Beebles
mod Feud Storm
vin Legacy Hate Brew 1
vin Legacy Hate Brew 2
leg Legacy Hate Brew 3
leg Legacy Hate Brew 4
leg Legacy White Budget
Modern Ideas
Multiplayer Plagues
mod Global Wither
leg Group Hug
mod Look, Ma! No Hands!
mod R/B Bummer
Real Decks
Standard 2014
Standard Brew Ideas
leg Alligaterz
mod Arcanist Combo
mod Augur Spree
mod Azor's Again
mod Bant Life Gain
mod Biomass Hydrastomp
mod Boros Sliver Legion
mod Colorless Standard
mod Copy of ShadowCity
mod GB Heroic DeathBeats
mod Hybrid Monowhite
mod Immortal Servitude
leg Master of Cruelties?
mod New Standard UR
mod Orzhov
mod Red Mess
mod Sac Race
mod Simic Obvious Aggro
mod Some Rocks
mod standard deathtouch trap
mod Standard Stall Out
mod Vraska Brew
leg **Alesha
mod America
mod Aristocratish
mod Athreos Festering Cauldron
mod Athreos Midrange
mod Athreos Value Town
mod Bant Infinite
mod batttle of wits mortal combat
mod Bestows
leg Better Punisher
mod Blue Combo
mod Booby Trap
vin Booby Trap Modern
mod Boros Lock
mod Boros Mid
mod Breaking Thassa's Ire
vin Brrrrrrrrrago
mod Bubbling Cauldron
mod BUG arcanist
mod Bug Combo
mod Burn
mod Burning Inquiry
leg Burns
mod BW Bestow
mod can't be countered
mod Cancer
leg Chance Encounter
mod Chimera Pump
mod Chromanticore
mod Cipherness
mod Codex Shredder
mod Collosus
mod Constellation?
mod Control Bounces
mod Copy of Athreos Midrange
mod Copy of Draw Cards
mod Copy of Filibuster
mod Copy of GreatAmericanScry
leg Copy of How many fetchlands are you running?
mod Copy of Midrange Infect
leg Copy of Monoblack Suicide
mod Copy of Pigpen
leg Copy of Puzzle Thief
leg Copy of Saproling
mod Copy of Simic G/U 3.0
vin Copy of Suicide White (Dumb Blonde)
mod Copy of Superbitches
mod Copy of Weener Assault Squad
mod Copy of Wildcard
mod Deciet
mod Defender Shift
mod Dega
mod Dega Storm Lock
mod Delver
mod Do I look like a man with a Plan?
mod Douche Tempo
mod Draw Cards
mod Elocute
leg Empress Galina
vin Empress Galina 1.0 (WIP)
mod Enchantment Control
mod Espercrats
mod Felhide Twin
mod Fill the Grave
mod Flash Tempo
mod Flash Tempo
mod For Kyle
mod Fuck it. LETS GO!
mod Fuck Removal
mod Giant
leg goblin tokenz
mod Goblinblossom
mod GR Land Tempo
mod Grand Architect Painter
mod Greenvolve
leg Grenzo EDH
mod Grixis
mod Grixis Morph
mod Have fun blocking
mod Heroes
mod High CMC UR
mod High Priests
leg How many fetchlands are you running?
mod Hydra Tricks
mod IDK Standard
mod infinite life
mod Infinite Mana
mod Infinite Reanimator?
mod Inspiration
mod Inspired Modern
vin Interrogation
vin Intet the Dreamer (Game Breaker) EDH
mod Izzet Tricks
mod Jund #1
mod Jund Current
mod Jund Mill
mod Jundsplosion
mod Junk
vin Junk Annoying
mod Junk Mill
mod Junk Rampimator
leg Keranos
mod KeyRune Challenge
mod Kiora Trial
vin Kruphix Current
leg Kruphix EDH
vin Land Grant Shenanigans
leg Legacy Athreos
leg Legacy Burn
leg Legacy Hate Brew #5
mod Legacy Troll Brew
mod Legendary Hatebears
mod Luck
leg Marchesa Instigator
mod Master Sneak
mod Midrange Infect
mod Mill Stomp
mod Mind Games
mod miracles
mod Modern
mod Modern Athreos 2
mod Modern BR
mod Modern Fling
mod Modern Friends
mod Modern Jund Fake
leg Modern Mazes End
mod Modern Ooze
mod Modern Rule Bears
mod Modern Suppression Field
mod Modern Suspend
vin Mogis EDH
mod Mono Green Ramp
leg Monoblack Suicide
mod Monoblue Arcanist
mod Monogreen
mod Monowhite
leg Most Legit Jund
vin Nath of the Gilt Leaf
mod Naya Lock
mod Naya Midrange
vin New Brew
mod New Jund
vin New Urza
mod Nivix Chimera
mod No Blocks
mod notion thief
vin Oona EDH
mod Ordeal Sac
mod Orzhov Mill?
mod Pain
mod Pantheon
vin Pauper
mod Pigpen
vin Pitch Cards
mod Platemail
mod Populate?
mod Power White
mod Purphoros
leg Puzzle Thief
mod Rakdos Armagedon
mod Rakdos Mid
mod Rampchantmess
mod Reanimate
vin Reaper King Tokens
mod Reckoner
leg Reject Rares
mod Restore Balance
vin Revised Jund Bros
mod RG
mod Rig and Armor
mod Rogue Tribal Modern
mod Rogue Tribal??
mod RUG Infinite Combo
mod RUG Infinity
mod Sanguine Sacrifice
leg Silly Chandra
mod Skybind Control
mod Slivers
vin Smothered
mod Soul sisters
mod Squid Pro Quo
leg Squirrels
mod Stall out
vin Standard Meta Call
mod Stormfire
mod Super Dumb Infect
mod Superbitches
mod Superheroes
vin Surgical Hate
mod Taxed
vin Teysa Combo
leg Teysa Combo Lock
vin Teysa Tiny Leader
mod Thasa
mod The Douchiest
mod The Worst
mod Theft
leg Thraximundar EDH Idea
mod Token Grixis
mod Torpor Orb Black
mod Torpor Orb White
mod Tricks
mod Turn 3 Bobo?
mod UB
mod UR Control
mod UR Fast
mod Waste Not
mod WB Artifact Aristocrats
mod Weener Assault Squad
mod Whitechant
mod Why Not Both?
leg Worldfire Mana Clash
vin Zurgo, Punisher

Name | Cost ![]() |
Mountain | |
Swamp | |
Blood Crypt | |
Elvish Mystic | |
Sylvan Caryatid | |
Desecration Demon | |
Reaper of the Wilds |
Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
1 | Forest | |
2 | Duress | |
3 | Anger of the Gods | |
4 | Elvish Mystic | |
5 | Golgari Keyrune | |
6 | Mizzium Mortars |
Mana Base
Colors | |||
Symbols | 20 | 14 | 13 |
Percent | 42.0 | 29.0 | 27.0 |
Lands |
Symbols represent the number of times each mana symbol is present on the casting cost of all the cards in this deck.
Hybrid mana is counted as 0.5 for each color.
After deciding on the number of basic lands in your deck, type that number in the Lands textbox and press enter. The last row
will give you a proportionally correct number of lands for each color.
Please note that this calculation does not take into account cards that you will play without paying their cost
(like Veinfire Borderpost).
Please take it as a general guideline, and adapt it to your deck type.