A few improvements went live these last few days. The last World of Warcraft expansion was imported (finally), and the latest Warhammer expansion has nice images for card tooltips thanks to Omrik. (Thank you very much Omrik for the scanning efforts)

Finally, there is an improved Activity Feed section on users' profile pages. For now it includes entries for the following events:

  • a friend modifies a (valid) deck that he owns

  • a friend comments on a deck

  • a deck that you commented on receives another comment

  • a new user signs up and sets his location to your town (to identify possible friends joining deckbox)

If you have ideas of something else you would like to see listed, do not hesitate to reply. Thank yous go to Laura for this feature, as she coded it.

Next up are the promised import and export improvements.


(150 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Nighteater wrote:

Just wondering if it would be possible to set up a way to play casual games in this site

This has crossed our minds of course, but sadly it is a very difficult thing to implement decently sad

So I'd have to say this will come at some point in the far future, if ever.


(150 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Nighteater wrote:

Just wondering if it would be possible to set up a way to play casual games in this site

This has crossed our minds of course, but sadly it is a very difficult thing to implement decently sad

So I'd have to say this will come at some point in the far future, if ever.


(18 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

More seriously, I come with a question.

How would you people see such a feature for bulk importing cards?

One way would be to just keep the existing Add many textarea, and make a convention on its contents. For example we could define the format as:

(Magic 2010) 3 Lightning Bolt
(Alpha) 2 Lightning Bolt

Then, of course, people who have collections stored in excel have to somehow export them into this format, then paste them in the import box. We could also make the format closer to a CSV format, like

3|Magic 2010|Lightning Bolt

Other solutions would entail the presence of a separate dropdown field for the edition - so that you would paste in the box all your cards from Magic 2010, then select Magic 2010  in a dropdown and click import. Then paste all your cards from Mirrodin etc etc.

I lean in favor of the first solution. What do you guys think?


(18 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

silvermarmot wrote:

Want to buy status on said thing in the works smile.

Don't buy anything here, they'll rip you off. 5 gold nuggets will probably only get you "maybe next weekend" tongue

Sorry for that. Fixed now.


(4 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Sounds good! smile Will consider it.

Cards are imported as of last weekend already, but today marks the day of the new standard and extended! Card legality has been changed accordingly, as we say goodbye to Alara sad

For the new list of priciest cards in standard, go here http://deckbox.org/games/mtg/cards?c=ic … 31&s=i smile

Deck legality information is being updated as well as we speak, everything should be correctly tagged as Standard / Extended / Legacy in a couple of minutes.

So... bye - bye Alara, welcome Mirrodin!


(7 replies, posted in General Discussion)

We didn't go to prereleases for SoM at all sad As we just moved to Vienna, things are still not settled down yet, but for the next set, we're there! smile

Hopefully we'll know more german until then as well, or the opponents will be annoyed at us for constantly asking for translations tongue


(230 replies, posted in Warhammer Invasion)

Lilian wrote:

Can you import the March of the Damned
http://www.fantasyflightgames.com/edge_ … idt=359823

Now imported: http://deckbox.org/games/whi/cards?p=1&f=4312

As always, reports of typos / inaccuracies are welcome, as are card scans tongue

Happy deckbuilding!


(4 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Thanks everybody for your kind words! Much appreciated.

For our part, I can promise that even if sometimes features seem to be coming slow, we're definitely not abandoning the development (we just need to find the time for it in between the real-life things smile). All promised features are coming soon smile

tnkflx wrote:

Ok, thanks.  But it doesn't solve the token card thing smile


Sadly, there is a large number of tokens released that do not appear on gatherer. Keeping track of all of them in a complete and correct way is really not possible for me, unless Wizards does it too in gatherer. sad


(4 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Indeed, I have noticed people using decks for their cubes.  We will somehow add an option to mark a deck as a "non-playable deck", so that validity is not calculated, and maybe it will not be shown in the big deck listing either.

Updated now!

http://deckbox.org/games/mtg/cards?f=53 … te&s=n

You can add your Venser, the Sojourners and your Koths smile


(16 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Datapotomus wrote:

Hey did the export to CSV ever get implemented?

Not yet sad ... but it's coming!


(15 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Apparatus wrote:


Its a difference in "spelling" that is causing the confusion.  The Gatherer had the Mirrodin version of the card spelled "Aether Spellbomb" while the new Archenemy and Duel Deck: E vs T versions are spelled 'Æther Spellbomb'. Look for spellbomb and you'll see the listing for the other two editions.

Hope that helps.  I'm not sure if Sebi can merge the two entries as they have on The Gatherer without losing the inventory data for users but I'm sure Sebi will if possible.

That is exactly right.

I so hate that Ae character, it's the 4th time or so that this happens. sad I'll fix as soon as possible.


(4 replies, posted in World of Warcraft)

Thanks for the heads up, will import as soon as possible. I have looked around the official forums in search for the official card reference, but I could not find one for Icecrown sad.


(230 replies, posted in Warhammer Invasion)

Thanks for the scans!

They are working now.

Boucka wrote:

Hi all,

How accurate is the pricing on the cards on deckbox?

Thanks all smile


As Apparatus very well said, prices are fetched from tcgplayer.com. That website has listings for many stores who sell a card. As an example, here is the page for Baneslayer Angel: http://store.tcgplayer.com/product.aspx … er=DECKBOX.

On deckbox, on a cards' page (like Baneslayer Angel) there are 3 prices shown: Lowest price on tcgplayer.com, Average, and Highest price from tcgplayer.com, colored in red, blue and green respectively.

Prices shown in all card listings are in fact the average one. Clicking on any price on the site will take you to the cards' page on tcgplayer.com, where you can see its price on all the stores that have it available.


(257 replies, posted in GameFlux)

vikirosen wrote:

In plus, partea care par a fi ochii sunt acoperiti, cum sa porti o casca prin care nu poti vedea? Doar ca sa ucizi Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal, ca de altceva nu-i bun.

Acuma că avem și un HHGTG reference, the geekyness score of this forum is waaay out there smile


(16 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

After re-reading, I think I need to clarify a little bit.

The topic discussed here (Tagging / Subsets) refers to custom tags that users would like to attach to their cards so they can manage them better. So for example "Closet", "Borrowed", "Promised to Mike".

What you are referring to is actually card editions and conditions. This you can already do if you click on the little arrow to the left of a card's name, and then Edit Details.

Your suggestion for card addition still stands as it is, because people want to add cards and directly set the edition as they add it, just wanted to clarify that "tags" / "subsets" would deal with something else than editions or conditions.

So after everything is implemented, you would have
  [card name autocompleted field] [number] [card edition autocompleted field] [possible custom tags dropdown]


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Vlad wrote:

Not opening a whole new thread for this...

Whenever I add a card to a deck, right after I press Enter, the blinking cursor jumps aaaaaaaaall the way down to the Sideboard blank box.

Thanks, fixed.


(16 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Thank you very much for your very detailed and insightful suggestion for the card input. Some of the ideas are very good and had not occurred to me while thinking about this.

I am not sure yet if I want to do the collapsible inventory rows, but the auto completed subset list in the Add Card interface - that will definitely see the light of day smile

P.S. Export to csv is coming soon (hopefully this weekend)!


(230 replies, posted in Warhammer Invasion)

Justice wrote:

Black Guard Aspirant should have 2 Power instead of 1.



(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

The quicksearch is implemented as it is now because many times people search for a card they know the name of. When they do not know the name, they generally search for things in the rules text, or in the type, subtype, edition, color etc.

Trap for example is as defined by the game rules a subtype (as seen in cards type line). So you can search for something like this: http://deckbox.org/games/mtg/cards?f=47dHJhcA**.

In those situations in which you want to search for something that is part of a card's name - click on filters, then More filters, then Name. You get a search like this: http://deckbox.org/games/mtg/cards?f=17VHJhcA**.

Again, I've implemented it like this making the assumption that quicksearch will be used to find things that you know the name of, and searching for part of a card's name is generally rare. If that assumption is wrong, I'd love to hear some more people's opinions, we can change that smile