Interestingly enough, this is because Gatherer also does not list Archenemy rares. Weird...
I have submitted a bug report to them too.
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Deckbox Forum » Posts by sebi
Interestingly enough, this is because Gatherer also does not list Archenemy rares. Weird...
I have submitted a bug report to them too.
Any time, and true, but until then (more than 2 months you can still use it if you have access to it)
Well, as the thread title says, the OP is looking to get his deck ready for the new standard
Here we go: Fall of Karak Grimaz.
As usual, waiting for someone to scan the cards
Thanks for the heads-up. Sadly, Cryptozoic has not yet added them to the Official Card Reference, and it is very hard for me to import them by hand.
I have posted a comment on the official forums regarding their addition to the Card Reference, hopefully it'll happen soon.
Yep, they're up on the FFG forums as well.
I'll import at some point this week, when I have some time.
P.S. BTW - hello from our new town of Wien
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The spelling errors are fixed, thanks!
The other issue (with Do you know who I am) not yet, but soonish.
Yep, I've changed it now: Aether Adept
Thanks a lot! Now we've got nice tooltips.
Yep, Great Cave Squig is cool in the funny department, and now we can see Whip the Slaves, with art representative in a different department
The new MtG core set, M11 is imported:
And just in time for the prerelease tomorrow!
As usual, the set will become legal in all formats (except EDH of course) next weekend, after the official release.
Card prices should be updated tomorrow.
I've imported the Burning of Derricksburg cards:
All names and text is taken from here: idt=241859
As usual, there are probably a bunch of typos and inaccuracies, please submit corrections, I'll gladly modify.
Also, I'll be waiting for some brave soul to scan them so we can have nice tooltips
First batch of imported cards:
Premium Deck Series: Slivers
Duels of the Planeswalkers not yet, as Wizards did not add it to Gatherer. Maybe it'll come next week when M11 is added.
I've updated format legality for cards and decks to suit the latest changes that are in effect since yesterday.
So you might find that some of your decks are now only Legacy legal. Also, for you Mystical Tutor players, your decks have become Vintage - only legal.
Hi and welcome.
The question is addressed here:
The short version of the answer is: maybe in the future
Thanks for the feedback!
I'm glad the site mostly works ok on the iPad, I did not have a chance to test it yet. Both your first 2 points will be addressed sooner rather than later.
Point 3 is also something very interesting, that I have not thought of... although now that you said it, it totally makes sense. Not sure how this is going to work UI-wise, but I'll think about it. This was a big problem before I added the counts in all the sets, but after that I kind of settled for going into my inv, finding the card and modifying all its "counts".
On the import thing... that also makes sense, and should be useful. It goes into my Todo list, but it has to wait until after I finish all the other things I promised.
The last few months have been a bit busy, and the next one will be even more so, as we are moving to another city (and another country for that matter ). But as things settle down and we get back into the magic and deckbox thing, expect features at a better pace
Wow... ce frumos e ăsta... nicest Ooze ever, if one can say that
They have finished spoiling the Titan cycle. I especially like green, black and white.
Frost Titan 4UU
Whenever Frost Titan becomes the target of a spell or ability and opponent controls, counter that spell or ability unless its controller pays 2.
Whenever Frost Titan enters the battlefield or attacks, tap target permanent. That permanent doesn't untap during its controller's next untap step.
Yaay! Thanks a lot Omrik!
Check out the nice tootips
Când am văzut Diminish am sughițat puțin. No offence to the blue players, but that shit is fucking sick.
E slabă cartea aia... nu se va juca. Nu face nimic să schimbe situația de pe masă. Are un efect palpabil doar ca și "combat trick", și doar în anumite situații. Există deja bounce de 1 mana, creature counter de 2 mana... deci un Snakeform mai slab și mai ieftin nu ajuta la nimic.
Hello and welcome!
Thanks for your kind words.
As for the request - we're going to do it. Comments have been proposed before, and we thought about implementing it in different ways. The problem is that you can comment or rate a deck, which then is edited by its owner and the comments and rating might become irrelevant. Solutions have been suggested though, and one way or another we'll have comments soonish.
I've promised a whole bunch of features and haven't delivered lately, because it's a busy busy time right now. But I'm getting to it, no worries
Când încep odată ăștia cu spoiluiala oficială de artwork? Ar fi trebuit să înceapă deja...
"Join me next week when Magic 2011 previews begin." Rosewater în articolul de azi.
As many of you already know:
On July 1, 2010, the following sets will leave the Extended format: Ninth Edition, Mirrodin, Darksteel, Fifth Dawn, Champions of Kamigawa, Betrayers of Kamigawa, Saviors of Kamigawa, Ravnica: City of Guilds, Guildpact, Dissension, and Coldsnap. From that point forward, the Extended format will include approximately four years of Magic sets instead of seven.
At that time, the following sets will be legal in the Extended format: Time Spiral, Planar Chaos, Future Sight, Tenth Edition, Lorwyn, Morningtide, Shadowmoor, Eventide, Shards of Alara, Conflux, Alara Reborn, Magic 2010, Zendikar, Worldwake, and Rise of the Eldrazi.
With the upcoming release of Scars of Mirrodin, the following sets will leave the Extended format: Time Spiral, Planar Chaos, Future Sight, and Tenth Edition. One year's worth of releases will leave Extended with every subsequent fall Magic set.
Source: eature/95b
I'll change the format legality of cards and decks next weekend (26 June) to reflect this.
As a relatively new player, I think I like these changes. Being just a bit larger than standards (2 blocks larger), it will make card price drops lower on standard rotation, and new people will enjoy playing old standard decks again, without them being completely obliterated by the power level of extended.
Și interesant va fi cum vor oscila acum prețurile, și cum anumite cărți vor reveni în spotlight
Precum Great Sable Stag va fi f puternic dacă Feries vor fi decente în noul Extended
Oare ce înseamnă asta pentru formatul acela etern ce se zvonea acu vreo lună? Parcă îl face mai plauzibil... diferența dintre extended și legacy va fi huge acum...
Yep, Slivers, DotP and Archenemy all coming in this weekend I hope
Deckbox Forum » Posts by sebi