I have several,  which ones you looking for


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I have opened plenty of packs but all i ever got or seen was centaur or other equally mundane ones. then i pulled a vampire one for vraska's ultimate and wondering what else is there. I have heard of a wurm, dragon, etc. What are the rare ones and what are they worth?

someone throws rocks at your window so you start throwing rocks at other peoples windows. 

Let me clarify I am not calling galactic a jackass if he is trying to make things right. That is somewhat in question at this time so perhaps i can lay off on the name calling but saying 'other people are jerks so i thought its ok to be a jerk' seems absurd and the spirit of this site combined with some common sense would not have had him cancel a trade and use such a lame excuse.

yeah I dont see how if some people are dicks that means you get to use that as an excuse to be one as well.

It sucks they did it to you.  they deserve negative feedback. but if you didnt lose your cards at least you have that much.   

But when you turn around and do the same thing to someone else the next week and thinking that because you 'told him you got a better offer' somehow makes you any different then them then your a hypocrite.  If you didnt want to trade then dont hit the accept button.

Now if it was a non accepted trade and they canceled it on you I dont consider it the same thing. until its confirmed it doesnt matter and yeah I have screwed up as well and had to bite the bullet twice, buying cards i accidentally double traded.   In a few cases where there were issues with the cards i worked things out and THAT Is what communicating with the other person means,  putting effort and possibly more cards on your end (or theirs) to make things right.  Just telling him 'sorry I got a better offer, tough luck' is not being responsible, its you being a jackass for actually thinking that its ok.

trade sent

i have rasputin and angus


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

lol I read it that way as well the first time.

I actually some how lucked out and got the weekend relatively free obligation wise so i might actually do it more than once.  my lgs is hosting 5 including the midnight one

I have a ftv realms dice available

interested in the eldrazi lords and textless damnation.  sent a trade

got plenty, will collect and get bakc to you


just skimmed through that and i know i have a lot of the cards but its not in your wishlist to make it easier to read


(6 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

That wouldn't really count as a playset since you cant play with it legally.


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

sent you a trade with the cards i am interested in, cash or trade

welcome, sent you a trade


(6 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

trade sent


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

offer, sent, etc etc


(10 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

for canada the best you can hope for is that form you fill out, it has some number that can be used but it is not a DC.  But who the hell is going to pay 25 bucks for that? 

And if the person said they would get it thats one thing, if you assume they are getting it thats a differnt thing, i rarely get it unless the trade is over 50 and sometimes even then I forget too.

have one available

So when you are editing, you make the number of that card zero and it still does not dissapear?

Need that and a textless lightning bolt.  together or seperate.  let me know if we can work something out


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

i have a promo paladin for trade.

i have had that happen to me but it was only 20 cents which i didnt mind.  but 1.5?  I would give negative feedback for that if they do not respond and while I agree its only a buck fifty, its still ridiculous and their fault.

its the same as not including a 1.5 dollar card.  would you let that slide? nope

you want to make a foil set?

yeah thats the whole reason you make people with zero feedback send first.  Make them correct the issue before you send anything.  Its their fault so there is no reason for you to send until they have corrected their mistake.