(3 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

So this is the second deck I threw together, I've never played Aggro before in my life and it seems to be really good at killing me so I think if I can figure out how to make a decent suicide aggro deck that I might be better able to play it myself.

Here's what I've got so far, I don't want to go Golgari or Jund, too expensive as I might actually put this together but I'm open to anything: http://deckbox.org/sets/237359


(9 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Ok, so it may not be the best card, especially for this kind of an aggressive strategy, but I feel like Mikey the unhallowed would be really nice here, it won't work with Zealous Conscripts or Cryptborn Horror, it also won't work with an Unleashed Hellhole Flailer, but it would give you a second chance to sac stuff which could be the critical thing that you need for this deck to finish someone. I wouldn't go above 2 and would only recommend 1.

I also feel like maybe the library to graveyard cards aren't really needed, they seem to just take up room in the deck, but I can see how checking the next 5 cards for the last mana you need or your Jared could be good. Also Augur Spree seems like it should be cut in favor of strict removal, it's only going to work with fling on your demon cause by the time it resolves your creature is in the graveyard and cannot be Sacced with 0 or less toughness

TyWooOneTime wrote:

Why not run BOTH the Charm and Call of the Conclave?  In both cases they're better than just a 1/1 token - and both for two.  Then I'd have knights, centaurs, spirits, and birds - take that detention sphere?  To that end I guess it makes sense to keep the Seller of Songbirds and dump something else... hrm.  So many pieces, so few spots.

I like that idea, it could work out pretty well especially with intangible virtue being somewhat redundant with the knight token

Sillvva wrote:
NullParameter wrote:

I heard something about a moderator meeting? big_smile

That is actually hilarious. Never noticed that some of you were actually moderators. *Looks at imsully2* <-- Ninja.

Just happened actually

TyWooOneTime wrote:

You suggested cutting Call of the Conclave in place of a 2/2 vigilant knight.  Is he a token?  Which knight are you referring to?

Selesnya Charm as a 4 of and cut the Calls

I'm not saying Trostani's bad, but he seems extremely underwhelming because an uncommon from the same guild is cheaper to cast and has an ability which is even better IMO

And I agree about the smiter being amazing, just look at Wilt-Leaf Liege, however I am not quite sold that it can fit into this deck since you need to be pretty focused in the current meta since Rav's really bringing the power, Delver and Golgari/Jund zombies are going to be everywhere so anything that doesn't work towards the goal is probably not gonna be able to make the cut if you want to play at FNMs, hence why I probably won't be going much.

Avenged492 wrote:

If anyone is interested I would be willing to trade off my izzet and Azorius die at the value you stated above. Let me know what we can work out.

I'd love to get both, I'll go up to 6-7 each

Well you know what I'll say first so I'll skip that part and get right into what I'd add/cut

First you need to decide if you want to go the Thalia route or not, meaning if you want to use creatures that have ETB effects/death effects and not use non-creature spells, I always try to go this route cause I like to mess with people tongue it probably won't work as well with Golgari becoming so popular but you never know.

If you want to go the other route you should cut Seller of Songbirds and sideboard Loxodon Smiter, I don't really understand the inclusion in maindeck in the first place, it doesn't really fit in well, but it's beautiful in any sideboard. Then cut the Call of the Conclave, In my opinion a 2/2 Vigilant knight is better and having options makes it better for sure in my opinion.

Finally, I'd add black for some really cool stuff, especially Lingering Souls, and Sorin, Lord of Innistrad and with the shocklands being back tri-color is actually plausible, however since everyone and their mother is clamoring to use golgari it's probably not worth the investment for the mana base sad oh well what's a person to do?

Am I the only one who thinks Trostani, Selesnya's Voice is kinda crappy? I'd much rather pay 1 extra mana to be able to populate more than once per turn, maybe this is from too much of an EDH point of view but I'd happily pay 1 extra not to tap and his other ability is cool but doesn't seem game-breaking in constructed by any means.


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Bump, willing to look at any trades at all, even for one militant, lol

HikingStick wrote:
imsully2 wrote:

If the Izzet trade falls through I'd be very interested, I've got thalias and a huntmaster from your list

Are you interested even if it is just the box and the letter/checklist (though not for the cards you mentioned, of course)?

If you were offering Huntsmaster for the box with the die, I would have jumped at it earlier.  As it stands now, I'm very close to finalizing a trade.  I'll enquire as to whether or not the other trader and I could agree on a price for just the other two dice (he does not want the boxes).

Id trade for the box but not a huntmaster, lol, feel free to set something up, standard only tho

If the Izzet trade falls through I'd be very interested, I've got thalias and a huntmaster from your list

Interested in any + all tops, feel free to check my tradelist + Inventory, my lists aren't fully updated yet

I only need the Ash Zealot, if you see something bigger let me know and we can set something up.


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Bump, anyone got Ash Zealots or Dryads for trade?

I also need x2 Temple Garden

Notables I have

Huntmaster x1
Thalia x2
Other stuff I cant remember, Ill have my list updated soon

So I've decided that trying to keep up with formats to play with all of my different friends is very impractical cost-wise, so I've decided to try to make a fairly inexpensive cube, but I'm not really sure where to start, anyone who has an inexpensive cube have any thoughts about it?

I'm not even sure how you make a cube, are all of the cards thrown together in one huge pool or is it divided by color?

Are multi-colored cards used?

Basically it sounds awesome to use cards I have to draft but I have no idea how to put together a Cube so ANY advice would be appreciated! Thanks in advance!


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Its the first title then // the second title, for example Fire // Ice


(31 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Monolith wrote:
HikingStick wrote:

White-Red Angels (Commander: Gisela, Blade of Goldnight)

Mono Red (Commander: Krenko, Mob Boss)

I think you've got a good start smile
toss in a Price of Glory for counter defense. just because it's such an awesome card smile
running W/R add a Sacred ground to take full advantage

Sacred ground only works if your opponent controls the Price of Glory so you'd have to add Bazaar Trader or something as well or if you want to do as was suggested above and not use Gisela as the commander, this looks like a perfect combo forZedruu the Greathearted EDH


(31 replies, posted in General Discussion)

You should also talk to your friend group and see how strict they follow the rules, some people say that nothing is banned and others say that stuff like Feldar Soverign and Serra Ascendant are banned/have the rules changed. Some people are strict about the kinds of cards you can use as well, as it's a non-tournament type some groups allow printed proxies for any card that you want, and some don't even allow gold bordered cards.

Again chat with the people you know before you start to set stuff up cause if you can just proxy stuff it can save you ALOT of time + money, i know that my group will allow any proxies because we just want to have fun and have lives that don't allow us to drop 100+ dollars on one deck much less one card

Hey guys, so my job is preventing me from attending ANY prerelease events for RTR and I so here's what I need for constructed:

x4 FOIL Ash Zealot
x4 Dryad Militant (Not foil, I'm going to get them as Game Day Promos later so I have no use for foils now)

I know I won't get any responses for a while but I'm just putting it out there, good luck at the prerelease everyone!

cbwebber wrote:
  • RESPOND to trade offers with SOMETHING instead of just canceling them, if you don't say SOMETHING how do we know what to change or tweak?

Sure what I'm asking people to do is think about what they are doing.  Yes it's cardboard, and quite valuable cardboard, but in the end run, it's just a game people...trade nicely and don't be douchey.

I couldn't agree with this more!

Looks about right, only thing that should be in there is livewire lash but even that's optional, also x4 gut shot is probably worth it since you can gut shot your own creature as long as Wild Defiance is in play as they become the target before the damage is dealt.


(31 replies, posted in General Discussion)

HikingStick wrote:

Interesting that mono-red Goblin tokens would get mentioned.  I started working with Gisela, and quickly realized I could make two EDH decks--one white/red and one mono-red.  The mono-red deck has Krenko and token generation.

Please take a look at my first two efforts, and let me know what you think:

White-Red Angels (Commander: Gisela, Blade of Goldnight)

Mono Red (Commander: Krenko, Mob Boss)

If you're running Gisela Heartless Hidetsugu is a requirement, auto win if everyone has an even life total smile


(31 replies, posted in General Discussion)

One thing to note is that mono-color is really really fast in EDH oftentimes but if you're playing casually it's often more fun to play slow games at least IMO.

It looks like all of your questions were answered very well above but if you'd like different thoughts I can offer some.

The speed of games is also relative to how many people are playing, for example, I never play with less than 4 people so I play very slow games but 1v1 can be fast

Valkut and kessig Wolf run

extraplanar lens (mono color), the new mirrodin swords, crucible of worlds, thran dynamo
Path to exile, day of judgement

Phyrexian metamorph

Knight of the Reliquary (Maybe not??)

Kozelik and Ulamog (however you spell those)

Possible Sideboard Cards:

Bower Passage (Flying)
Cower in Fear (Tokens)
Crushing Vines (Self Explanatory)
Deadly Recluse (Flying)
Elixir of Immortality (Mill)
Fog?? Craterhoof Behemoth/Overrun
Ghost Quarter (Inkmoth Nexus)
Ground Seal (Snapcaster)
Human Frailty (Um... Goblins??)
Naturalize (Again, self explanatory)
Sever the Bloodline (Tokens)
Victim of Night (Werewolves, vampires, and zombies)
Vile Rebirth (Reanimator)
Witchbane Orb

Cards I'd consider for main deck:

Harvester of Souls
Reaper from the Abyss
Skirsdag High Priest
Vampire Nighthawk

Just trying to give you some thoughts, this is everything I can think of that isn't about to rotate that I'd recommend, there's no point in looking for things you might be able to use once and that's maximum

Good Luck Next week!! I was working tonight also so I feel ya sad Sucks to miss it

NullParameter wrote:

If you'd like to take a look, here is the sideboard that I came up with quickly.  I'm terrible at sideboarding, and even worse at making a sideboard in the first place, so it probably sucks.

Additional spells to make use of all that sacrificing
2x Bone Splinters
2x Gnaw to the Bone
2x Grim Flowering

A few more creatures that add onto the theme and give me some advantages in other ways
1x Disciple of Bolas (Just because it didn't make the cut and I think it goes perfectly in this deck)
2x Solemn Simulacrum (The only card that isn't rotation safe)
2x Acidic Slime (Artifact/Enchantment removal, plus another sac target)

Some general protection against stuff in the meta
2x Witchbane Orb (Protect against Bonfire of the Damned, and other such threats)
2x Curse of Death's Hold

Oh yeah, and I substituted Birds of Paradise for the Arbor Elves for the time being, since they can block fliers and make black mana.

(Whole Deck)

A general idea about sideboard is that its usually best to only have cards that hate specific styles/strageties because if you just put cards you like that didnt make the cut youll never put them in, theyre just not as good, things like topor orb and grafdiggers cage are sideboard cards, or my favs surgical extractions smile