Thanks for everyone's feedback!
I have added the missing Wrathgate cards, and fixed the rarities for Mass Purge and Voidmaven Christie Noone
About the Naxx heroes, do you have a link to a listing that contains them?
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Deckbox Forum » Posts by sebi
Thanks for everyone's feedback!
I have added the missing Wrathgate cards, and fixed the rarities for Mass Purge and Voidmaven Christie Noone
About the Naxx heroes, do you have a link to a listing that contains them?
Interesant video-ul despre block constructed. Așteptăm să vedem și concluziile după ziua de mâine
is curios cat % o sa ramana din m10... sau vor sa schimbe iar 50% din core?
Dap: "Like the Magic 2010 Core Set, approximately half of the Magic 2011 Core Set will be brand new cards.The rest of the set will be returning favorites from throughout Magic’s 17 - year history."
Nu de alta, dar mi se pare cam mult în condițiile în care e 90 dolari pe net.
E 90$ în USA. Și Wizards le interzice să le exporte.
Deci nu poate nimeni din afara US să le comande la prețul ăla.
Yep, you are right with regard to the export feature. It will get a revamp soonish
Oricum, nu va fi o singura rara per deck, ci presupun ca vor fi vreo 4-6, cum era si in Planechase.
8 rare vor fi, a citat Sergiu în primul post. Și eu am văzut după ce am postat
Cine va cumpăra deckurile? Și putem comanda și în afara kitului de event deckuri?
Sunt pe mtgsalvation(
ost5364559) niște ipoteze despre rara din fiecare, și dacă în deckul RB e într-adevăr Avatar of Woe, eu cu atât mai mult l-aș lua
Abia aștept să văd decklisturile, și mai multe scheme-uri spoiled.
Finally, as of yesterday all yahoo related problems should be fixed. (No guarantees about mail going to the Bulk folder instead of Inbox though ).
Yes, the problem is that the column information is not automatically saved
This is an oft-requested feature though, so it's high time I get down to it . I'll post back here in a couple of days after I solve this...
Aaand, it's here:
Torch of Holy Fire and all the rest.
Happy deckbuilding!
Both good ideas! Duly noted, I'll take a look at them this weekend.
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Fixed Envoy of Mortality as well.
Thanks! (It's possible that there are more of these mistakes, of course )
Thanks for the heads-up. Armor sets are indeed listed as being of type Armor right now. I'll look into it, and maybe change that. Right now I'm waiting for the Wrathgate expansion to see what structural things change with it, and maybe for a comprehensive rules document from Cryptozoic, that would define (or redefine) some of these things. Whatever they define, I'll abide
Arrowsong was indeed wrongly linked to the Shaman class as well. It's fixed now.
While a valid request... this might prove to be a bit difficult from a technical point of view. But I've taken note of it, and I'll think about it.
Yep, poor BFM, being a special card, is not properly handled.
I'll look into it!
New interesting article on the WOTC site today, with details about the upcoming Archenemy multiplayer variant: grss#68753
All in all, it looks pretty nice. What I'm curious about is how the combat balance scales with a varying number of players. The scheme cards revealed have the same efficiency when played against 2 players, as when played against 4 players. So... how does it scale?
Maybe someone who has played with WoW raid decks can chime in?
Yep, it is a bit confusing when you try to add cards with short names that match many things. (like Maro).
But you can do it the following way: type Maro in the input box, then after the dropdown appears press Esc. The dropdown will close. Then press Enter or click on Add, and it will correctly be added.
Hope that makes sense.
Fixed, now it's in: Fletcher's Gloves of the Phoenix
Thanks for the heads-up.
Arcane Fire cards are imported. No tooltip images yet though
The deck Workbench area and Mobile website are on the Todo list - both are things clearly missing, and I myself have felt the need for them.
Also I have added a link to the card gatherer page: see Abyssal Persecutor for example. (And the decks now list a remaining value as well).
Yep, this Richard Garfield guy keeps making problems
The bug TheShaman refers to was indeed fixed a while ago (that was a problem with many Un-Set cards, because of the funky type lines they have). This one AceV reported was a more recent bug I introduced
Anyway, it should be fixed now, thanks for the bug report!
FtW: Exiled is imported:
Also Mirrored Depths and Horizon Boughs.
Box sets not yet, but soonish.
Și la Salt Lake City văd cam 2 culori doar, și niciuna din ele nu e din shardul de Jund
Mai sunt și la case mai mari
Uite PTQ în Richmond de ieri: 20Richmond
Unde'i Jundu?
Deckbox Forum » Posts by sebi