
(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Yep, those are traits. I just checked the pictures and you are right... maybe people would expect Rules Text to also include the traits. I've duly noted this... smile If it comes up again and proves to be confusing, maybe I'll change it so that the traits also appear in the rules text, so you would find those cards as well...


(5 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Forumul e simplu, și are doar un plugin pentru subforumuri, care ar trebui modificat / îmbunătățit... și necesită un destul de mare efort. Îl voi face... dar deocamdată sunt alte feature-uri mai importante. Forumul ăsta nici măcar nu a ajuns la 1 pagină întreagă de topicuri smile. Când vom avea probleme cu organizatul, promit că rezolvăm și cu subforumurile. tongue


(40 replies, posted in General Discussion)

The ultimate fun card. Whoever gets that ability played will have some brag material tongue


Now we have to be wary of anyone who carries many eldrazis with him outside of his deck... he might plan of using this dude to bring them all in tongue


(2 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Urmez exemplul lui Sergiu cu linkurile la guide-uri smile Am găsit postul ăsta azi, și deși nu sunt chiar cele 10 porunci ale EDH-ului, ci doar părerile unui singur user, sunt subliniate niște idei care mi se par importante, și din care eu cel puțin am trecut multe cu vederea.

http://forum.dragonhighlander.net/EDH_F … amp;t=3724


(230 replies, posted in Warhammer Invasion)

Whoohoo! Great job!

Now we have tooltips for everything! smile

(I've also fixed the rarities, thanks for the heads-up. And some power values for AoU were swapped with the health values, fixed those as well)


(40 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Green is really getting nice things this set...


This feels to me like a good card... although the color wheel issues again... this does not feel like green to me, plus haste on green is not nice smile


(11 replies, posted in Announcements)

Trickster wrote:

PPS: The days headers in the calendar for the events are off (Friday should be Thursday, Thursday should be Wednesday, etc.) tongue

Where is my beer? tongue

Hehe, true that! More testers, more beer! We can have a tester party on thurday's FNM smile. Small party though, as it appears only the 2 of us will attend: http://deckbox.org/communities/gameflux/events/1 tongue. Hopefully I'll convince the communities lead developer to join us smile


(11 replies, posted in Announcements)

Yep, fixed and fixed. Thanks for the heads-up. There were a couple of hiccups, but it should be mostly ok now smile Stand by for a couple more mini features to come today / tomorrow (like a notification icon somewhere that tells you if you have unread messages in your community's forum).

@ too many bogus communities issue... we're aware of the issue and we're thinking about it... maybe we'll come up with something before it actually becomes a problem tongue

P.S. I do pay my tester with beer. Actually, also my sysadmin, my DBA, SEO expert, webmaster, marketing boss, community outreach coordinator and manager (as they're all the same person) If you ever want to buy the dude a beer, I hear he likes a nice weissbier tongue We can ask Laura about her tester's beer preferences also tongue




(11 replies, posted in Announcements)

And I'll be the first one to issue a request (It's nice being a user for a change, on the easy side of feature requests tongue)

We will probably need to specify various details for events and communities (like what DCI foil we get, prize structure and so on), so the 'Description' field will need to be rich content - to support markup features, bold, titles, italic, lists etc.

(The good news is that I promised to make something like this for user's profiles too, as well as for deck descriptions. So we'll kill all these rabbits with one stone tongue)


(11 replies, posted in Announcements)

Here's a rundown of how this feature works, exemplified by the real-life case of our little MtG community in Cluj-Napoca.

Laura and Sergiu are responsible for planning and setting up our bi-weekly Magic the Gathering events. They create a new community here on deckbox, and fill in the name, a short description, and location information: GameFlux. There! Ready to invite some users!

Then, on the event page they create the upcoming events. Members can now - upon visiting an event's page - confirm their presence and see who else is coming. The upcoming events are also shown on the profile page of all community members, as well as on the profiles of users from the same city as the community.

Finally, as our community did not have a forum before, only a mailing list, we can set up a subforum here, where the members can discuss whatever Magic communities discuss smile

We hope that really soon the community admins will be able - upon an event's completion - to specify the top 8 standings and the winning decks, so people can see the winners and their decklists. Those decks will be rate-able, and commentable.

For now, a big, big THANK YOU to Laura for this great feature! And let's post some feedback and feature requests for these communities, so she has her share of bugs and enhancements tongue


(0 replies, posted in Communities)

Forum Rules for communities:

  • The community administrators are Moderators for your community's subforum. Nevertheless, if you notice abuse, vulgarity or inappropriate content, please report it to admin@deckbox.org

  • Using English is NOT mandatory. Any language can be used in your community's forums, but please use english in the global forums (Announcements, Magic the Gathering, etc)


(1 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Forum Rules for communities:

  • The community administrators are Moderators for your community's subforum. Nevertheless, if you notice abuse, vulgarity or inappropriate content, please report it to admin@deckbox.org

  • Using English is NOT mandatory. Any language can be used in your community's forums, but please use english in the global forums (Announcements, Magic the Gathering, etc)


(40 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Yay for legendary Goblins, my favorite tribe tongue



(230 replies, posted in Warhammer Invasion)

Artemus_Maximus wrote:

sorry - i was up til 2 a trying to get my scanner to work with no luck sad

Sorry for that. But thank you for trying!


(230 replies, posted in Warhammer Invasion)

No one with english scans yet... sad , but we're getting them eventually!


(40 replies, posted in General Discussion)

More costly Timmy cards for us! smile

A nice coat for Uril tongue


And a demon with Pestilence on him that's going straight into my future Sapling deck smile


Yep, it's definitely on the list, and pretty high up on it, as it's a much requested feature.  smile

In the meantime, you can post a thread in the game's forum section post a link to your deck, and I'm sure people will help with suggestions.


(40 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Aaaand I'm pround to present the card that I love most of this set...


So card draw is back for green! YES! Instant version of Greater Good, with no discard and life gain. Just bonkers... I love it!

Happy Easter everybody!


(40 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Nice creature for red


And mihai, here's one you're going to like (no picture yet) smile :

Magosi Sphinx 3UUU
Creature - Sphinx (R)
2U : Draw a card and put a +1/+1 counter on Magosi Sphinx


(230 replies, posted in Warhammer Invasion)

Assault on Ulthuan is added! Waiting for someone to provide scans, so we can have nice tooltips big_smile


(40 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Yeah, combolicious indeed. Still... if you could actually arrange 2 Cruel ultimatum on the top of your deck, then you don't need this guy anymore wink ... unleees you want to finish in style... massive extra points if you use him, I'll give you that


(40 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Here's a lovely "Huh? What the hell is that?" mythic demon


Feel free to actually say "Huh? What the... " and scratch your head. I know I did... smile


(8 replies, posted in Warhammer Invasion)

Welcome, and thanks for your kind words.

Now, onto the clarifications for your requests smile

DrJester wrote:

1. Deck printing: aside from using DCI layout, it'd be nice to show Edition Tag or full Edition descriptor by the side of each card (just to make it easy find them at home! wink )

By the DCI layout you mean this print view: http://deckbox.org/sets/2490/export ? You'd like to see the edition of each card by it's name, right? (The DCI number row was initially just for Magic cards, but I forgot to remove it for the other games big_smile.)

DrJester wrote:

2. the same thing would be nice on the spoiler page (very useful to me), like for the number tag

I thought a bit about adding extra information near the cards in spoiler view, but I did not find a nice way to put it in there. (without making a mess of the layout). I'll consider your request though. (For Magic this problem does not exist, as the expansion symbol can be clearly seen on the card image)

DrJester wrote:

At last, may I offer to give you italian translation of Warhammer Invasion and expansions cards? Just to use like alternate name for player outside USA.

Sorry for my bad English, but I'm italian. I hope you can understand me... sad

I have thought about internationalization as well... but sadly that is a larger endeavor, and will require quite a bit of work.... so I'm putting it off for now. But I've taken note of your volunteering request, and the moment I get to it, you'll get an email smile

Your English is great! Thanks for the feedback.


(40 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Gideon has come to Zendikar! The story (pretty nicely written BTW, I really enjoyed it) is here: http://www.wizards.com/magic/magazine/a … grss#68198.


Interesting planeswalker but... Assassinate on a white dude... hmm what's up with that?

As Laura already said, you have to click on the little red arrow, to get a card menu. From there, you can select specific details.

The card listing will then look something like this: http://deckbox.org/sets/703?s=i&o=d&c=icte. The edition symbols at the right of the card name are the actual editions the card is from. The edition symbols in the Rarity / Edition column to the right are actually just the last printed edition for each card.