NullParameter wrote:

I think we can probably knock it down a few lands, simply because we have a fair amount of ramp with our mana dorks and a lot of our creatures are very low mana cost, but probably no lower than 22 lands, because we do have a lot of high cost enchantments.

If we're going to weed something out, I'd say that the Fogs can probably go, because they almost go against our end goal.  We essentially want our creatures to die, so blocking a big attack and killing most of our stuff off isn't a huge deal.



(12 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

The Reya I just traded you is Promo, lol


(0 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I need some promos for a deck I'm working on, I need

x3 Promo Silverblade Paladin (Buy a Box Promo) I value them at $6.5 each
x3 Promo Rancor (FNM Promo from 2005) I value them at 9$ each

I would also trade for

x1 Promo Oblivion Ring (FNM Promo) I value it at $7.5
x4 FOIL Thunderous Wrath I value them at 4$ each

I'm getting these for a specific deck, as such I'm not going to trade cards from that deck unless I'm trading non-promo for your promo


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Anybody have these for trade? I'm still trying to finish out the promos for a deck of mine and I've recently discovered that there is a FNM Promo Rancor (I value them at about 10$ each) so if anyone has them for trade, I don't need regular rancors from any set, only promos so I need

I've got some standard stuff plus a Glimpse of Nature and a couple promo Oblivion Rings, let me know!


(15 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I still don't think that Jace will see any standard play, not competitively at least, while he is fun and can be pretty dang good I think that without a way like proliferate to get him to his ultimate faster, he probably won't see any play. Worldfire would only kill if the other damage spell was not an instant since an instant would in fact go on the stack before the Worldfire, but the concept is interesting


(15 replies, posted in General Discussion)

TyWooOneTime wrote:

I'm looking forward to pairing Jace 4.0 with an Omniscience in my deck.  Get him to his ultimate and it's a free Omniscience and the best card in their deck.  Can't lose there.  I will admit his +1 and -2 are pretty weak though.  And man, I do wish they'd knocked one off so he wasn't clogging up the already crowded 4-drop in blue.

My issue with that is that I feel like by the time that you're up to his ultimate you should already have enough mana to hardcast Omniscience and he doesn't really buy you much time, especially since I play exalted he just doesn't seem too effective, I know they didn't want another Mind Sculptor but still

Monolith wrote:

valid point.
I just don't want to kick myself later after cracking the box when I got a great deal on it to begin with.

I would wait and see if anyone more experienced than me has a different POV because I might be forgetting something major, but I doubt Bonfires'll ever be worth as much as they are while in standard

I'd say that most stuff in AVR is just gonna go down over time, if you keep it sealed you've just got to hope that nothing like Cavern ever gets reprinted again cause I don't think anything else is impressive enough and unique enough to really drive up the price, feel free to correct me community at large as I havn't been playing all that long smile


(15 replies, posted in General Discussion)

NullParameter wrote:
TyWooOneTime wrote:

I'm with imsully on Detain as being weak relative to the other mechanics thus far.  I mean have you seen overload?  Not only has Mizzium Mortars made Searing Spear completely worthless, but the fact that either it or Street Spasm can produce Bonfire of the Damned results for just a few more mana... include Goblin Electromancer to reduce the cost of those spells, and you can see where an entire deck of Bonfire effects isn't too far off (although they likely made overload to control the demand for bonfires).

I'd disagree.  First off, Searing Spear can target a player, while Mizzium Mortars cannot, which can be a huge advantage in lots of situations.  And, while I agree that Overload is amazing, I don't think that the additional 6 mana required to utilize it on the Mortars will be used all that often in constructed play.

Detain can lock down blockers for a big attack, or even a planeswalker before it can go ultimate.  If some Golgari is using a bunch of abilities on creatures like Jarad, then they could possibly be hosed for the rest of the game if you are able to keep detaining the creatures that they're depending on.

I'll agree that the mechanic itself isn't as immediately changing of the board state, that doesn't mean that it can't make a huge impact.

I don't think that the revealed overload cards are nearly as good as they seem, I mean think about facing a Mana Dork deck with either overload or a Bonfire, at worst bonfire for 3 kills every mana dork but it costs tons to kill all of them with overload, I think it's a really cool idea and I'm pretty excited about it for my EDH decks but for standard constructed, I don't see it making much of a splash without some sort of mythic one of that's actually good (Like Huntmaster for werewolves)

Detain however I'll stick to my original statement, the cards that use it just don't do enough, Tamiyo's +1 is good because it's repeatable without a negative consequence, that's when this type of ability is good (See frost titan) however I'm not sure if something that's 7 cmc across 2 colors without having a huge body is going to be playable especially since frost titan wasn't even played that much.

I personally like unleash, it's a perfect fit for the Rakdos guild's aggro, and black's sacrifice for power, you risk yourself for the chance to hurt your opponent more, my only issue is that none of the cards I see are that impressive

As a side note what are people's fav cards that are spoiled, Mine are the Hypersonic Dragon, Rakdos's Return, and Niv-Mizzet Dracogenious and the most disappointing is the new Jace, I love non-standard formats which he was clearly designed for but his utter unplayability in standard bugs me a little bit.

I'm pretty sure I've got all of that, I'm willing to deal but I'd need either a really big trade or else gain value to ship them fast... Let me know

Of course if we can work something out today shipping wouldn't be an issue


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Hey Reddit, given that Shocklands have been spoiled for RTR I want to get ahold of some, the value will be decreasing very shortly so I don't want to trade for them at full value.

Ideally I'd trade my more valuble Shocklands for your less valuable ones and pick something else up that i could use since I need cheaper ones and I don't really need the ones I've got

I need
x3 Temple Garden - 13$ (each)
x3 Sacred Foundry - 10$ (each)
x4 Stomping Ground - 15$ (each)

I know my tradelist is pretty sparse for picking up this much but I've got a blood crypt, Steam Vents, and Overgrown Tomb coming in as well as a Breeding pool with an unknown amount of damage

Please feel free to send offers I might be able to help, I've pulled alot of my current standard since it's all in the deck I need these cards for so I don't have any intention of trading them to get lands for that same deck, lol

TyWooOneTime wrote:

I've tacked on 2x Predatory Rampage to give all those ooze and wolf tokens some added bite.

What's next?  We're only 5-6 cards from getting to the narrowing down phase, then to the mana... although, looking at the leaked RTR cards, just about all the strategies people are used to running are about to get blown to hell... hah.

For anyone who wants a good look at what's coming: … avnica/cig

I'm liking Korozda Guildmage for post rotation in this deck, just saying


(15 replies, posted in General Discussion)

NullParameter wrote:

Definitely not just you.  I'm very much looking forward to opening up a box of RTR, but now I'm having a lot of trouble deciding what I want to play, because all of the guilds actually look really good.

I'm glad that I think every pack I open will be exciting and worthwhile but as far as the Pre-Release I'm thinking I'll probably wonder what if I had picked another guild no matter what I pick since I'll wish I had gotten other cards, lol (Accept maybe Azorious, not too impressed by Detain as a mechanic and UW aren't my colors.

projhex wrote:
NullParameter wrote:

So, I'm just curious what you guys think of this scenario.

I did a small trade with somebody, ~$3.  Finally get the cards in the mail, but they sent them in a bubble mailer with only a single stamp, which wasn't enough to cover the shipping.  For some reason, the package made it all the way to me, but now I have to pay an extra $1.50 for the shipping costs.  Obviously, I really didn't want to pay another $1.50 for such a small trade (or any trade for that matter), and I informed the other person of the situation, but haven't received any response despite seeing them online numerous times.

Do I demand action, or let it go, or ..... ?

How did you possibly owe shipping? Did the USPS try to bill you or something?

That's what they do, they charge you upon receiving the package because it would cost them money to send it back to the original owner so they just charge you, it's a sucky system but it is what it is, the only time it happens is when you're dropping cards in the mail box so I usually just do it through the post office so I know my postage is correct

I completely agree, missing cards can be accidental but if it's that common it's better to take a hard line because I think it makes the community weaker as a whole if no one thinks they need to be completely honest/attentive, as a side note I hope everything works out with your iffy trades!

Velocizachtor wrote:

I'm interested. Any particular edition sol ring? Which promos?

EDIT: Just realized we have a trade going on still. Possible add this to it?

We could add to it, and any edition sol ring is cool with me, the only promo I'm looking for is the Elite Inquisitor game day full art promo (Top 8 in INN)

I've got a thundermaw hellkite that I have no use for and I'd like to trade it for pretty much anything in standard worth around the same value (16-22$ not trading down beyond 2 for one) that isn't going to rotate, I'd also trade for Inn lands, thragtusks, or almost anything non-standard worth about that much, I'll also trade down for EDH staples (Greaves, Tower, Sol Ring, tutors), shoot me any and all offers, the worst I can say is no

Edit: I'd also trade for Elite Inquisitor Game Day promos

I've got a Yosei and some other stuff from your wishlist, I'm interested in your snapcaster, let me know if you'd be interested

Just thinking we could use more undying so throw in x4 young wolf

I don't have anything you need but I need a cavern so if you can't find a better offer I'd offer something worth about 20$ and some other stuff so you're gaining value, lmk if interested


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Bump, Willing to offer more than twice SCG value and I'll consider almost any offer, within reason of course

MMJuno wrote:

4x Butcher Ghoul to continue my Undying suggestions.

Remember, you only get counters on the enchantment if a non-token creature dies.

Another issue to bring up with the enchantment... if it gets destroyed/exiled... say goodbye to all your Ooze tokens. Maybe that's better for a sideboard answer of some sort though..?

Sorry I actually meant non-token, it was late

NullParameter wrote:
TyWooOneTime wrote:

Nobody has made that move yet.  He said 4x Arbor Elf.  Note the rules of the game at the top of the post.

AKA Feel free to suggest it if you think it is a good idea wink

x4 BoP, since we're adding black (Hoping for a reprint and dual forests) and it will help stop fliers

Some thoughts, the biggest issue I've faced with gutter grime is that it wants you to have a mostly token deck that just lets you benefit from mutual sacrifice, there is a pretty nice mechanic currently for this in Undying (Hint hint)

I'm not really feeling bump in the night, it seems like it doesn't serve much of a purpose and you'd be better off with something like Pillar of Flame or maybe thunderous wrath if you want but miracles are always a bit weird unless the deck is based off them.

Peripheryy wrote:
echoways86 wrote:

just gonna throw this out there, i have one of the tournament gold bordered edition scroll racks. they can't be played in sanctioned tourneys but can be used in things like edh.

I would be interested in trading for one, but I'd only value it at a couple bucks honestly. If you'd be interested still, check out my list and see if you see anything. I have some mwonvuli beast tracker promos (8 or 9 of them) and a couple knight exemplar promos also.

If this doesnt work out I'd be interested in trading for it