(13 replies, posted in Announcements)

Some problems occurred with a major mysql upgrade today causing close to 2 hours of downtime, sorry about the inconvenience.

I'm still investigating potential issues, please let me know if you notice slow pages or any other new bugs.

- fixed an issue preventing some decks being properly displayed in spoiler or cube/compact mode
- fixed an issue with changing the preferred currency in seller accounts
- fixed an issue with creating events in communities
- imported Japanese media insert Counterspell
- imported 2 missing 2021 Judge promos
- imported 10 missing basic land printings in the Introductory 2 player set

- imported Strixhaven Art Series
- imported Fabled Passage WPN promo
- fixed a (rare?) issue with facebook login / signup

Caraminyu wrote:

My bad, I didn't realize since it's the wrong logo. Really sorry.

No problem. I should fix the problem with those logos at some point...

Caraminyu wrote:

Let me rectify.
They're not a print options when you add one of the cards to the inventory.

Should be the second option in the linked screenshot, no?

- fixed a couple of long-standing issues with the deck export to csv, the printings should now correctly match the inventory or the custom set ones (instead of the 'default printing') in all cases
- fixed some issues with the "trade all" option in inventory
- fixed an issue with "add missing cards to wishlist" in decks
- import missing kaldheim and strixhaven promo pack cards
- Dragon's Approach is unrestricted now in EDH
- import missing The List cards
- import Love your Lgs 5 2021 cards

I'm still behind on the imports - more stuff to come tomorrow, and on the support tickets, but I'm getting there big_smile.


(50 replies, posted in Announcements)

I think Scryfall and other websites also have this as separate printings, and not a "flag", like normal foil. That is, if you go to a card that has for that printing a normal, a foil and and etched foil version, they don't all show up there as 3 different prices for that card. They will show up as a printing that has normal and foil, and the etched will be a separate printing.


(50 replies, posted in Announcements)

The user settable flag has the problem of affecting a very large amount of code and pages, because it's basically a special case in pricing.

Just to illustrate a small part of the problem: because a printing could have a non-foil, a normal-foil and an etched-foil version of the same printing, everywhere on the website that now shows 2 prices (normal and foil), will have to show 3 now. This directly relates to the backend where now we will need to store 3 prices for each single printing to cover these 3 cases instead of just 2.

Then all places where pricing sum-type calculations are made (collection value, trades, 'intersection values' for trading opportunites,  etc) now have to be double-checked and if necessary adjusted to check and account for the etched flag.

The matching in trading opportunities has to also be adjusted for that.

And so it goes... smile

I do ideally like this solution in principle as a user. But as the developer this will cause weeks of work and guaranteed future hidden bugs. The solution of separate printings (either with another edition, or with other collector numbers) gets rid of all these complications, since it's gonna be just another printing, that is foil (but with an "e" on the number, or as a note).


(50 replies, posted in Announcements)

scramasax wrote:

While in the card database list the image that pop for "grief" is the image for "grief tyrant" but if I click on grief to go see it , it is the good image

Should be fixed now, caching issue. Shift-refresh if you still see the old one.


(50 replies, posted in Announcements)

Imported MH2 today with the tokens.

Sadly still don't have a good solution for the etched foils. I really don't want to have to go with a user-settable flag, it would imply a lot of internal changes for pricing calculations and display etc etc... but also it would be awkward now to have a second edition as well. For the 40 timeshifted MH1 reprints, they are already in a separate "Modern Horizons 1 Timeshifts" so I would have to add another edition "MH1 timeshifts ETCHED" or add another 40 printings in the MH1 timeshifts one. Ehhhh i'm really unsure, I don't like any of the solutions sad

Ferroxen wrote:

Dont know if this is the correct place to post this, but I noticed the wrong rarity on two cards in the new commander 2021 set.

Sanguine blood is currently registred as Uncommon, when it's supposed to be Rare.
https://deckbox.org/mtg/Sanguine%20Bond … mp;lang=us

Greed is currently registred as Rare, when it's supposed to be uncommon.
https://deckbox.org/mtg/Greed?printing= … mp;lang=us

Thanks for the amazing work you do on this site!

Fixed, thank you!

Also added the Gargos, Vicious Watcher resale promo media insert.
Changed Consecrated Sphinx in secret lair to MythicRare.
Fixed the card numbers for Extras: Kaldheim Art Series to start at 1.
Underworld Breach is now properly marked banned in Legacy.

- imported missing double-sided Amonkhet tokens
- fixed Blast Zone card number to 504
- imported Fractal // Treasure missing token from Strixhaven
- imported double sided Hour of Devastation tokens (some of them actually HOU//AKH)
- imported Commander 2021 tokens
- imported missing Swamp from World Championship Deck: 2001, Tom van de Logt

Thank you Solseek & the other guys reporting in detail what is missing.


Sadly last week a bug was introduced (part of a large backend framework / libraries upgrade) that caused the "unread" status of chat messages on trades and orders to not be properly set, so notifications of unread messages were not delivered, and the icon in the left menu with the "unread messages" was not rendered.

I have fixed the bug now but some data regarding the "unread" flag was lost (i.e. never saved), so the only way to get users the missing notifications was to mark all the chat messages since last Thursday as "unread".

Notifications will now be correct for those of you have not manually looked through their trades / orders, but if you did read some new messages, they will now again be shown to you as "unread" until you open the trade/order again.

Sorry for the mishap.

There have been a bunch of 'stealth' updates to the site infrastructure recently - the web framework and libraries needed to be brought up to date. I think I ironed out most of the bigger problems but if you notice any weirdness or bugs please let me know.

Belated database updates:

- imported Historic Anthology 5
- imported 6 missing Secret Lair Drop Series cards
- imported missing Secret Lair: Ultimate Edition cards
- imported missing Strixhaven The List cards
- imported missing Strixhaven tokens, single & double sided

Still a bunch more to come tomorrow (Amonkhet tokens, Hour of Devastation tokens, C21, etc). Will post again then with the details.

RDPARTY wrote:

Hey Sebi,

Do we have an ETA for the Strixhaven Art Series and the C21 tokens?

Yep, I'm trying to catch up with all the stuff missing from the database tomorrow.

Yeah, deck pages were not designed to support thousands of entries. All changes to any card re-render the whole listing (for totals and statistics and stuff), even though that would not be necessary (or should be cleaned up and optimized). But the idea was that a deck is something small(ish), and not made to be paginated, like big collections.

I think when we finally have tags for inventories a large number of usecases that people use decks for will move to use that instead. (except gigantic cubes)

Yes, same dropdown you can choose  "Add new row for this card", then select a different printing for that row.

ZuluKilo wrote:

I mean it lists all the cards in the dropdown, but due to the ordering its
not really useable.

This is not a problem with normal cards, since they dont have too many different printings,
but with basic lands its a real problem.

Yep, true. It's a bug actually, the "normal" edition / collector number ordering was supposed to be used there. Fixed now!

This one? https://www.dropbox.com/s/5mlzlpk79ji8mm8/Screenshot%202021-05-26%20150549.png?dl=1

ZuluKilo wrote:

<3 <3

I know this is not the topic for it,

but is it possible to have some kind of upgrade on the built decks subpages when adding basic lands?
I have a lot of different basic lands and under rhe deck subpage i cannot set wich exact copy is in the deck. There is a dropdown, but it lists the cards in last added order. Could you look into it at some time?

You mean the ordering of the printings in the "details" dropdown in the deckbuilder, right?

Ah it's the mobile view, now I understand why I was not seeing it. Thanks for reporting! Fixing now.

ZuluKilo wrote:

Since yesterday the main site wont come up, it shows “{ }” for me.

Is the problem on my end?

I did deploy a large update of backend upgrades yesterday, might be the problem. Can you send me a screenshot to support@deckbox.org please?

Thanks guys for the heads up. All good now.


(46 replies, posted in Announcements)

Just another issue I have with the user-settable etched flag: pricing will need significant work for that to work. Right now the normal foil is the only "special case" there, and adding a second "special case" is going to be a non-trivial amount of work.

I'm still leaning towards having them as separate printings (as they are in real life) somehow. Perhaps a separate edition that has a distinct edition icon is still the cleanest way to go, despite the explosion in editions...

It's clear by now that wizards is not stopping the explosion of special "editions" they produce, quite the contrary. So I do need to find nicer UIs for a "we now have a huge amount of editions" problem anyway, along with updates to the edition icon handling that is now cumbersome and old (cumbersome to add special icons for editions i mean, as evidenced by the "ribbon" everywhere and extras having same icon as main set etc).

So if I have to do it anyway, perhaps adding a separate edition for etched is not that big of a deal....