(113 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

purvisa wrote:

I know this takes an extra step, but can't one simply copy the card lists from the WotC site and paste them into the box to add cards by list?

For some of the precons, of course! And that's how many people have been doing it.

Here are the cases that that method won't easily cover, though:

  • Multiple editions -- Some decks have their own editions (like Commander decks), and others are all predictably from the same edition (like all 60 cards in an RNA Planeswalker deck are from RNA). With these, copying the decklist and setting that edition works fine. But take the recent Guild Kits as an example: some of the cards are from the "Guild Kit" edition, while other cards in the decks are from GRN/RNA. The Challenger decks had cards from SIX editions: KLD, AER, AKH, HOU, XLN, and RIX. For these, you'll have to manually set each card's edition after import, or import the deck list in batches for each edition! Yuck.

  • Foils -- Even though Planeswalker decks are all from one edition, they also have a foil card (and Commander decks have 3). Importing via a decklist would entail yet one more step of finding the card that's supposed to be foil and manually changing its foil status. In some cases, these foil face cards have also been alternate art promos, thus needing a separate edition.

  • "Non-deck" cards -- There's also the case of the oversized commander cards, which aren't usually listed in decklists. (They are also foil and from their own edition.) Tokens fall into this category as well -- not included in the decklists, and have their own edition.

  • Multiple art for one card -- This most commonly applies to basic lands, which some people don't care about or track, but more recently it has affected non-basics. If you import from a decklist, you'll get e.g. 24 Islands of a single artwork / collector #, when in fact your inventory should reflect 8 Islands of 3 different artworks / collector #s. But it's not just basics. In the Guild Kits and GRN/RNA Planeswalker decks, there's 4x Guildgates in each deck, but each Guildgate has two art variants. You should import 2 of each variant, not 4 of one, which is what would happen by using a decklist.


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

You can sort your Inventory by that column, but to my knowledge you can't filter by that criteria, at least not on the website.

You can, however, export a CSV of your inventory, open it in Excel, and then use Excel's filtering and sorting. This will allow you to filter out cards you own <5 of first, and then apply multi-level sorting to the rest.

I agree, though, that having a native Deckbox way to do this would be better. Exporting just to do a little filtering is very inconvenient.


(2 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

This Scryfall search should be a comprehensive list of this effect.  smile


(14 replies, posted in Announcements)

meldon44 wrote:

As to the tokens, I can't find a source that reveals the quantities and sides of each double-sided token. I hope you list them like you did for the GRN Guild Kits, rather than as the 9 individual token faces that have been revealed. But I guess we'll just have to wait for that info!

@sebi, this info is now available. Here's the list of tokens:

EDIT: Added links to each token, sorted by GK2 collector #


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

In the Details column, click on the (E/#).


(14 replies, posted in Announcements)

@sebi, the kits are about to release tomorrow, but we already know which cards will be from the Guild Kit edition vs which will be from RNA. Will you be able to add the rest of the Ravnica Allegiance Guild Kit cards to that edition soon? They are available on Gatherer and other sources.

Related, the collector numbers of the Simic basic lands need to be corrected. Right now, the Forest is #135 and the Island is #152, but these need to be Island #132 and Forest #133.

As to the tokens, I can't find a source that reveals the quantities and sides of each double-sided token. I hope you list them like you did for the GRN Guild Kits, rather than as the 9 individual token faces that have been revealed. But I guess we'll just have to wait for that info!

Lastly, I'd recommend moving the RNA Guild Kit edition to the same "Non Standard Legal" section of the Editions page, along with the GRN Guild Kit edition. It doesn't really belong in the "Promo Sets" section.


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Click "Search & Filter". Then in the "Add More Filters" dropdown, choose "Number of Colors". Set this to >= 2, and click "Apply Filters".

By default, it's already sorted by Name (i.e. alphabetical), but if you've changed that, just click on "Name" to go back to that.

And of course, you can further filter to, say, a specific edition.

NOTE: The "Number of Colors" filter only cares about casting cost and not mana symbols in the textbox. In other words, it can't be used to check for color identity (for commander). So it won't find e.g. Alesha, Who Smiles at Death.

Hope this helps!


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Two ways:

  1. If you've already entered your 3x Absorb, then from Inventory, hover over that row and click Edit. In the popup dialog, hover to the left of the green "count" box, and a "split" icon will appear (the icon looks like the common "share" icon on mobile devices). When you click that icon, it'll make two rows, one with 1 copy of the card and the other with the remaining copies (in this case, 2).

  2. Another easy way to do it is from Add Cards. After typing in the card name...

    • If you have "QuickAdd Mode" switched to on, then it'll automatically generate a new row with a single copy.

    • If you don't have QuickAdd turned on, then you'll just have to click the "add" icon next to Inventory.

Once a row has been added, just set the foil status, and then be sure to click "Apply" to save the changes.


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

No, there isn't (unless you're good with coding and can install a script into your browser to do it for you!).

But I'm with you -- I'd prefer to remove that column, since I don't trade on here. In fact, 100% customizable columns would be great.

If you're just trying to add an entire set, as a premium member you don't need a CSV. Just go to the correct set from the Editions page and choose to add 1x of each card from that set. If you don't have some of the cards (such as the basic lands or the "extra" cards from the Planeswalker decks), then it'll be much easier to remove half a dozen cards once you've added the entire set this way.


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

The issue was that in those 3 lines, the data wasn't correctly separated somehow (no idea why, because all values had commas between them!).

I don't know what program you use to edit CSVs, but when I opened it in Excel, the problem was immediately apparent. In all the other rows, the value were correctly divided up into separate columns, but in those 3 rows, all the values were showing up in the first column. Hard to approximate on this forum, but kinda like this:

                                                          COUNT === NAME        === EDITION === [etc.]
                                                              1 === Dark Ritual === Tempest === ...
1,"Sunhome, Fortress of the Legion",Ravnica: City of Guilds,... ===   <blank>   === <blank> === [etc.]

That was one of the problem cards, on line 121. The other two were Undertaker on line 139 and Skarrg, the Rage Pits on line 411.

I have attached a fixed CSV in case it's hard for you to fix on your end.

Deckbox does not support multi-criteria sorting as you are wanting.

That said, if it weren't for Cost, you'd be fine. If you click on E/# in the header, it'll sort by collector #, which means you'll get it sorted by Edition > Color > Alphabetically.

To get closest to what you want, you'll have to filter by a specific edition and color first, then click Cost in the header to sort by that. Then you can change the Color filter to another color, apply it, and the sorting by Cost should still be in effect.

The best way to achieve the sorting you want is to go back to your spreadsheet in Excel, unfortunately.


(113 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Jasoneagle wrote:

This is not always the case take Intro Deck: Orzhov Power (Dragon's Maze) the Swamps in the Deck follow example you've given however the Plains in the deck do not, in fact the odd card went to the second from the Highest set number.

Exactly. That was the very inconsistency I was evidencing by citing the example of the Islands in Duel Decks: Speed vs. Cunning. It's the general pattern, but not a set-in-stone rule.

This is why I've asterisked and colored red any precon I haven't actually opened. Blue links have been fully verified.

Thank you so much for your contributions! I'm painfully aware how lacking my list is in completeness. Haha. I'm hoping to add more of the decks soon. Please suggest which ones you think should be highest priority.


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I really like that idea, but I'm pretty sure I've seen Sebi stating elsewhere that he just used a pre-built forum software and doesn't have a ton of control over it. Maybe I'm misremembering, though....

I'd just message a user to draw their attention to a specific thread.

Tedology wrote:

I haven't imported a CSV into Deckbox before. Is it fairly simple? Do I need to make sure any columns match, etc?

Nope, no need to edit the columns! It was generated by Deckbox.

Super easy -- in fact, I find CSVs to be the easiest way to handle my very large inventory.

Just go to Add Cards > Add from CSV, choose the file, and import. It doesn't replace the existing inventory; it adds to what's already in it. (So be careful not to ever import the same CSV file twice! Definitely done that myself.)

As Deckbox recommends, I'd export your current inventory to CSV prior to import, just to be safe. Export is under Tools.

Tedology wrote:

I purchased all four of the C2018 commanders. They are still in their packages.

I wonder if there's a way to add every card into my inventory.

I can see how to "Mass Input" ONE of each into my inventory.

However, if each set has a Sol Ring, for example, how can I make sure I add all four of those?

Sadly, there is no native method to add every card of a sealed product to your inventory. I requested this feature a couple years ago, and it has been requested since.

If you go to the above post, there are CSV files for a handful of the sealed precons. I just added C2018 because of your post. Also, since you have all 4 of them, attached is a CSV that contains the cards for all 4, that way you don't have to download and import 4 separate CSVs.

The only issue with my CSVs is that, since my Commander 2018 is ALSO still sealed, I have no way of verifying that the basic lands have been distributed across the collector numbers correctly. I have followed the normal pattern WotC uses, but without actually opening the product, I can't guarantee it.

I hope this helps!

xeroshifter wrote:

Sad though that it probably wont become an actual Feature.

There's hope. When I contacted Sebi about making my old post a sticky in the forums, he explained his ideas for implementing this feature. So I think it's definitely on his radar. But it likely won't become a feature as swiftly as any of us would like!

xeroshifter wrote:

As soon as I expand my storage such that I can actually open the product without it laying everywhere I'll be adding my Guild Kits. If no one else has done lists by then it's likely that I will.

Forgot to let you know that after my Guild Kits arrived, I got the CSVs created. So no need for you to wait now!  smile

Pmintz wrote:

Also the only Guild Kit cards I own, Dimir Doppleganger and Growing Ranks, show the promo card symbol.  I assume that was intentional though.

Yes, I'm thinking it was intentional. It's because "Guilds of Ravnica: Guild Kits" is considered a single edition in most places (such as TCG Player and Scryfall), which would usually mean having a single expansion symbol. However, each deck actually has its own symbol. I'm assuming Deckbox's database doesn't support multiple expansion symbols per edition.

That said, Gatherer actually lists the kits as 5 separate editions -- "Guild Kit: Boros", "Guild Kit: Dimir", etc. (while still maintaining correct collector numbers; e.g. Boros starts at 77 and goes to 101). I think it would be wise of Deckbox to copy Gatherer, and assign the correct expansion symbol to each deck.


(113 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

This project has been dead for quite a while, but due to a recent post requesting the very same feature, I decided to resurrect it to see if there was still interest in a community-compiled repository of CSV for sealed products.

I just added CSVs for the Guild Kits. Let me know if there's specific sealed products I should focus on adding first. Contributions from others would be very welcome!

I actually proposed this feature a while back, and tried to begin a community effort to supply CSV files for each precon as a temporary solution. Sadly, due to seeming lack of community interest, the project has grown stale.

However, if there's any specific precons you'd like "quick-add" CSVs for, let me know and I'll get them added! Even better, if you'd be willing to contribute to the project, please do!

I'll ask again for Sebi to sticky that thread, both to avoid re-requests of the feature as well as to make the resource more easily available to the community.

I'd recommend responding on that other thread to bump it to the beginning of the forum.  smile

Glad I could help!

Drewsome wrote:

DeckBox database doesn't offer this one, but the card does exist:  http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/ … eid=383005

And I believe that the Vintage Masters Mana Crypt needs a database fix in DeckBox, so I'll just make a note to myself for now.

Vintage Masters is a MTGO-only edition, which Deckbox hasn't decided to support.

For some reason, Wizards has decided to add the online-only editions to Gatherer even though not all of their paper editions are on there....

meldon44 wrote:

... first try changing all values for that edition ...

Meaning, in the CSV file in the Edition column, prior to re-attempting import.

Drewsome wrote:

Then it worked with 330 errors, most of which were in Commander Anthology 2018.  Odd, but I can easily re-enter those.

Before going through the hassle of re-entering, first try changing all values for that edition from "Commander Anthology 2018" to "Commander Anthology Volume II", which is what Deckbox uses. See if DB recognizes them then.

Drewsome wrote:

Did this ever happen?

Yep! You'll need to export a CSV from Decked Builder first, but it's one of the main import options when you go to "Add Cards" from your Inventory.

That's from Revised Edition. It has a plain black line for the border, and the card name has a bit more contrast with the background.

For reference, attached is how an Unlimited one would look. (Source)