Tags in drop down:

When using the drop downs to add cards to deck or manage decks you can see the associated Tags for each card, however the display page is missing those tags.  It would probably be more consistent to have it visible anytime you are referencing the actual printing:


sebi wrote:
Sightburner wrote:

Firstly, the 'add to deck' feature defaults to 'from collection'. Is this necessary?

It defaults to 'from inventory' when the deck is marked as built and is unchecked by default in deck ideas (as a deck being "built" signifies those cards are in your inventory already most of the time). I'm not sure what the best solution is... I could try to make it "sticky" so it just defaults to whatever you clicked last.

Is it possible to add the card preview image on the collection add?

Yep, I can add something for that. In the printing dropdown on card pages (the selector at the top of the page on a card page: https://deckbox.org/mtg/Mountain?fromqs=true) there is a "picture" icon, that when hovered shows the card. I could add this to all the autocompleted selectors I suppose.

Haha, I should have kept reading.  Looks like you got it under control.  This solution would be greatly appreciated.

It would be lovely to have that implemented.  When select from collection is not selected, you could use the default selection.

Sightburner wrote:

Much appreciated, Sebi.

Followup questions, with the preface that I obv don't know what you have in the pipeline:

Firstly, the 'add to deck' feature defaults to 'from collection'. Is this necessary?
Some idiot, who may have been me, spent too many minutes trying to figure out why the card I was trying to add to a deck yesterday wasn't appearing when I tried to add it. Turns out it was just this one tiny tick box threatening my sanity lol

Secondly (But less importantly) Is it possible to add the card preview image on the collection add?
I.E. to hover over the cards and see a preview of it. I personally just find it more intuitive than using the numbers, which would require pulling the physical deck to match. 

Just my personal opinions as always.
Either way, always appreciate the efforts and structure, Sebi. Stay awesome!


I agree. This would be incredibly helpful.  With so many variants, the name and set number are no longer enough if you're a visual deck builder.

A great example of this being implemented is on CardMarket in Europe.

Having it not default to showing the image when hovering on the list, but having the option when you hover over a camera or other symbol would make it work without it having to show images all the time.


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Are there any updates on features and estimated release for the Tag functionality?

It would be really great to know what's coming down the pipeline as I'm leaning into Tags heavily but it's starting to have some challenges (I've raised these elsewhere)
- Tags not visible when selecting cards for trades
- Tags disappearing when a trade is initiated (if tagging locations this info is lost when tag is accepted)
- Tag organization (only by date added, no way to group)
- No hover for full tag when using drop downs (similar tags can be impossible to distinguish)
- Tags in decklists

If you're still considering functionality, it would be awesome to see
- tags in wants that could migrate to haves when a trade is received
- ability to quick add/remove tags from Card page

Really exited to see this functionality rolled out.


(7 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Honestly, it seems like it wouldn't be too difficult since the complete lists are published on multiple sites.  We would just need to have that imported/configured one time per deck and then the add complete deck (add to haves / add to trade / etc) could be done in the same way as adding an inventory.

@Sebi, if you created a standard form for it I'm sure we could crowd source the data and files for you. Starting with current sets and working backwards.

I agree this would be an excellent addition for paid users.


(4 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Malocoran wrote:

The card list for the Secret Lair Drop series is at least two cards short. 

First, the bonus card from the Evil Dead SLD drop, Shovel of Decapitation (Colossus Hammer).  It is #736. 

Second, the bonus card from the Doctor Who: Dalek Lands SLD drop, Woodland Cemetery, #738.

Just so you're aware there is a dedicated post for missing or incorrect cards: https://deckbox.org/forum/viewtopic.php … 3&p=30 it's pinned to the top of Site Discussion.  The cards you reported had already been reported in that pinned post.


(6 replies, posted in Honorable Circle of Magi)

Ooof.  That's rough ShadowRose - I'm glad to hear you and the others are all finding a way to make it work.

I really respect your plan SengirHellLord - my inner completionist just cannot imagine random sets but I love it conceptually.


(6 replies, posted in Honorable Circle of Magi)

Ooof.  That's rough ShadowRose - I'm glad to hear you and the others are all finding a way to make it work.

I really respect your plan SengirHellLord - my inner completionist just cannot imagine random sets but I love it conceptually.

fatstacks wrote:

New Secret Lair version of Elvish Visionary needs to be added: https://scryfall.com/card/sld/763/elvish-visionary



Elvish Vanguard - 762 https://scryfall.com/card/sld/762/elvish-vanguard

Colossal Hammer - 736 https://scryfall.com/card/sld/736/colossus-hammer

Woodland Cemetery - 738 https://scryfall.com/card/sld/738/woodland-cemetery

Terror - 750 https://scryfall.com/card/sld/750/terror-terror

fatstacks wrote:

New Secret Lair version of Elvish Visionary needs to be added: https://scryfall.com/card/sld/763/elvish-visionary


Also Elvish Vanguard - 762 https://scryfall.com/card/sld/762/elvish-vanguard


(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Yeah if you're not a big fan of foils, you just want the mechanically unique cards its 1-191. For all the non-foil, non-extended, non-alt-art cards you would need 1-331. If you bought them as singles that would be $342 as of today (source: MTG Goldfish )

Note you would get all of those in one swoop if you just purchased the four Commander Decks.
This would run you $180 on Amazon

If you wanted to add the alt-art it would include 535-565. The non-foils of these are atually quite cheap.
Singles only would run you $37 (source: MTG Goldfish )

So in summary, you could get all the non-foil, non-extended cards and showcase cards for about $210 if you get lucky with bundle order for singles on TCG or similar.


(0 replies, posted in Set Collectors)

I'm so exhausted with the never-ending sets (and Master sets) being released non-stop by Wizards.  While I had originally tried to do a Modern Frame singleton collection, I find that I'm just getting so many duplicates of the same cards and especially expensive staples. As such I completely re-did my collection and wants, and have put a ton of my dupes up for trade.

If you want to help close out some of my needs, I ask you check my haves:

https://deckbox.org/sets/1462936?s=i&o=d and my wants:


I'd love to work out some big trades but would like to keep the approximate values similar (at least for the >$10 haves)

I'm so exhausted with the never-ending sets (and Master sets)being released non-stop by Wizards.  While I had originally tried to do a Modern Frame singleton collection, I find that I'm just getting so many duplicates of the same cards and especially expensive staples. As such I completely re-did my collection and wants, and have put a ton of my dupes up for trade.

If you want to help close out some of my needs, I ask you check my haves:

https://deckbox.org/sets/1462936?s=i&o=d and my wants:


I'd love to work out some big trades but would like to keep the approximate values similar (at least for the >$10 haves)


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

mrcelophane wrote:

You could probably use a tag for this

Unfortunately, you cannot tag anything that isn't actively in your inventory.

I think adding tags to outbound trades and wants makes sense. If someone fulfills a want it would inherit the tags when you add it to inventory.

What OP is asking for would be like having different classes of wants.  You would have to have active and inactive for this to work.  Another good idea, however, like tagging cards you don't have, implementation might be challenging.


(9 replies, posted in Honorable Circle of Magi)

Are you talking penny sleeves? I could definitely use some of those.

I have my own packaging, so I don't need the top loaders, but would gladly pick up some penny sleeves

To summarize a bunch of the recent posts here; from the recent Lost Caverns of Ixalan set we are missing a few things:

1. Special Guests
Like the List, I think this list will just keep growing every set that has one.

2. LCI Additions to the List

3. Pre-Release Stamped Promos
(This has not been updated yet)

4. LCI Art Cards

Hope we are able to get these up soon!


(2 replies, posted in Set Collectors)

Although they're not listed on the site yet, from the Special Guests:
For Trade:
- Ghalta, Primal Hunger Foil
- Lord of Atlantis Foil

Looking for everything else except
- Ghalta, Primal Hunger
- Lord Windgrace
- Star Compass


(1 replies, posted in Honorable Circle of Magi)

Heya Circle,

Finally got my Ixalan boxes open.  Got some good hits, but still need quite a bit:

Would love to trade out from these sets if you're looking for cards any of these cards still:

Of course broader trades, and things from the broader haves and wants is cool too!

Although they're not listed on the site yet, from the Special Guests:
For Trade:
- Ghalta, Primal Hunger Foil
- Lord of Atlantis Foil

Looking for everything else except
- Ghalta, Primal Hunger
- Lord Windgrace
- Star Compass


(2 replies, posted in Set Collectors)

Hey all,

Finally got my Ixalan boxes open.  Got some good hits, but still need quite a bit:

Would love to trade out from these sets if you're looking for cards any of these cards still:

Of course broader trades, and things from the broader haves and wants is cool too!

Hey all,

I opend up my LTR Holiday box and Collector's box and got a few good hits (Still no One Ring!).  If you're looking to trade, or trade up to foils I've got my list of Non-Foil Trade Wants from this set:

Here are the things I have for trade if you're looking to keep within the same set:

Of course I'm willing to add non-LTR stuff on either side.

Thanks for looking!

- Chad

Hey all,

I opend up my LTR Holiday box and Collector's box and got a few good hits (Still no One Ring!).  If you're looking to trade, or trade up to foils I've got my list of Non-Foil Trade Wants from this set:

Here are the things I have for trade if you're looking to keep within the same set:

Of course I'm willing to add non-LTR stuff on either side.

Thanks for looking!


(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)

@sebi, Maybe you could get an affiliate partnership with TCG and have a link to buy from card pages. This could offset some revenue lost from seller fees, and provide a community supporting option if trades ffor a wanted card are not available.  Not sure if they have restrictions on their pricing API but this could help those discussions I would imagine.

I'm in the process of trade with another user and one of the cards shown in the Trading opportunity is not showing when we try to add to the trade:


The Specific Card is Swamp (SLD 394)

When you try to add it in the trade though it is not available:


This user should have multiple copies in foil and non foil for this card.

I sent you a trade request.  Get back to me if you're interested.


(8 replies, posted in Announcements)

The_Ertai wrote:

Thanks for the updates! :-)

Are there csv files available of the precons somewhere?

The one site that was shared a while back has been completely dead since Brother's War:


If someone has an alt site, that would be awesome!