Thanks for the update! Some notes:
- Variant tag should have a few more options (casual, horde)
- I would also like to be able to turn off the variant tag as an option (same with the deck built vs deck idea tag). I find both tags to add clutter.
- For the card type breakdown, instants and sorceries feel like they should be next to each other on the circle. Same with artifacts and enchantments.
- For the my orders notification, can we get a different symbol for when there is paid order vs a discussion open? I always get cards pulled then realize people haven't paid yet.
- Being able to tag your commander should be a non-premium feature, its not really a selling point.
Now, for some suggestions:
- Make it so you can search for decks as well as cards (example: I search for all Ruhan commander decks).
- It would be cool if we could import our decklists into Right now it only takes tapped out. Not sure what that would take.
- For premium users, it would be nice if value automatically showed up for tradelist, wishlist, and inventory (rather than having to go to tools to view it).
- For premium users, option to set decklists as private.
Thanks for all your hard work Sebi!