(26 replies, posted in Commander Trading)

I have one in my thassa control, I'll need to grab another.


(26 replies, posted in Commander Trading)

Anything else you guys can suggest for artifact ramp? And then ways to protect them?

I will run maybe 5 counters, spell crumple, hinder, arcane denial, dissolve, dissipate?

Need a wurmcoil, lashwrithe...maybe some other mean artifact creatures.


(26 replies, posted in Commander Trading)

gumgodMTG wrote:
AmarusCameron wrote:

I love artifacts, and I have some artifact ramp like sol ring, gilded lotus and I need another thran dynamo but can you suggest anymore? I have swiftfoot, greaves, and the forge but what other cards can i play that make my artifacts untouchable?
Thanks guys this is a great help!

Guardian Beast, but it's expensive now.  I blame EDH.  Also doesn't work for artifact creatures, just non-creatures.

As long as Guardian Beast is untapped, noncreature artifacts you control can't be enchanted, they're indestructible, and other players can't gain control of them. This effect doesn't remove Auras already attached to those artifacts.

Really cool card! I will do my best to grab it.


(26 replies, posted in Commander Trading)

gumgodMTG wrote:

I tried running Sen Triplets a couple of games and what happened was that everyone paniced at the idea if their stuff being used against them and it never even hit the board.  I might have gotten it in play once? But the idea is to play some repeatable bounce to make things on the board go back to their hand, look out for homeward path (be proactive and remove it from their libraries if you can, you do have access to black so Praetor's Grasp and Sadistic Sacrament are things that are available to you.  Celestial Dawn and Mycosynth Lattice both have the interesting wording of allowing you to spend mana as though it were mana of any color, which lets you bypass the rule of not being able to make mana outside of your colors.  You should probably build the deck so that it can defend it's self very well without playing things from the opponents.

I have all but celestial dawn, but I am worried about playing the lattice I don't want to give my opponents the ability to play any of their cards that they may have been locked out of because of not drawing into that color, this happens often enough I don't want to mana fix for them.

I like the grasp and sacrement idea so I will run those.

Themaddhatter2304 wrote:

IMO, I would run a ton of artifact ramp to play triplets quickly, use darksteel forge and things that give artifacts shroud/hexproof to keep sen triplets alive. Then all the ramp you have will come in handy when you're stealing people's hands and using their cards against them. With the triplets deck I would mostly run artifacts and some esper bombs, aka sphinx of the steel wind, sharuum, magister sphinx, graveyard recursion, artifact tutoring, etc. an then use the other people's hand with all your artifact ramp to 1. Run the hand control game 2. Lock them out of board wipes 3. Make sure they don't have counter magic since all your on board things will potentially have indestructible and shroud.

I love artifacts, and I have some artifact ramp like sol ring, gilded lotus and I need another thran dynamo but can you suggest anymore? I have swiftfoot, greaves, and the forge but what other cards can i play that make my artifacts untouchable?

Thanks guys this is a great help!


(26 replies, posted in Commander Trading)

Not a bad idea, I can use pieces from that but I need to find a way to make it my own...=/ just can't think of a way yet


(26 replies, posted in Commander Trading)

Hey all,

I have seen a new influx of EDH players at my local stores and our dynamic has changed a bit, lots of people playing slight variations on Oloro Esper, so in response I want to use their deck against them. I want my Sen Triplets stealing stuff from them, but frankly I don't know how to run a good Sen Triplet deck...I have a lot of general staples but can I get some ideas for what specifics I migth want to throw in this?

Thanks all for your time and interest!
Amarus Cameron

(I posted this in the Reddit Forum but I figured you guys might have a bit of a more specific opinion since we are all EDH players here, looking to get a lot of ideas)


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Hey all,

I have seen a new influx of EDH players at my local stores and our dynamic has changed a bit, lots of people playing slight variations on Oloro Esper, so in response I want to use their deck against them. I want my Sen Triplets stealing stuff from them, but frankly I don't know how to run a good Sen Triplet deck...I have a lot of general staples but can I get some ideas for what specifics I migth want to throw in this?

Thanks all for your time and interest!
Amarus Cameron

Still in need, hit me up for a trade!

Still looking for the stuff listed above!


(15 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

truechill wrote:

This is absolutely true. It would appear that this forum is like 90% EDH players. Makes it very difficult for people like me that are only interested in competitive (Modern / Standard) formats to trade. haha

Hey anything is for trade if the trade is right =P

I have offered guys 100% over value for a card I really needed on multiple occasions. Just depends on where your priorities are at.


(15 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

UnstableFlux wrote:

One of the more interesting trends I've noticed in my trading is just how much EDH affects cards value and liquidity. If a card is only a modern / legacy staple, but not really used in EDH people are generally more inclined to trade it for same value cards. Example: Remand. Not that great in EDH, but a modern staple. As long as you've got other similar valued staples like Deathrite, etc you can usually find someone trading Remands. Now let's look at the alternative: Kozilek. Kozilek is a a modern and EDH staple, and sees some play in legacy but is usually looked over for Ulamog and Emrakul. People are much less willing to part with Kozilek because he is both valuable and highly liquid, so they will only trade him for a similar value card they really need, or put him in a trade up. Personally when I was looking for a Kozilek a little while ago it took me almost 2 weeks of hunting to get one, even when I was offering a fetch (either Catacomb/Mesa/Flats). When a card is an EDH staple ontop of another format staple I've noticed people are far less willing to part with it for equal valued cards or highly sought-after cards. No real data to back up this claim, just something I've noticed in my 320+ trades here.

Edit: I can grammar

This is one percent correct!

As an EDH player first and foremost, I would have a hard time trading anything that was considered an EDH staple, Kozilek is a great example; but also cards like Maze of Ith, Sol Ring, any of the mirrodin swords, and things like seedborn muse are all going to be somewhat hard to find people trading even though they may not be 100 dollar cards.


(15 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Well the stuff you have in particular on your wishlist is just so bloody useful in every deck (aside from the banned nature of Emrakul in EDH) it's hard to part with any of that stuff =P


(15 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I would also like to add some emphasis to what Bondidude said. Standard cards though they may currently have a price of 25 dollars may not be traded at the price when you are after modern/legacy/EDH staples. When I trade staples for modern, depending on the card I will normally recieve 30-50% extra in value depending on what cards I am trading. Also don't be offended if some people (though the card is on the trade list) just won't trade it for what you have. There are tons of times that I have say a fetch land on my tradelist that I will not trade it for standard at all.

Stuff like that just happens. Also there are tons of people with particular interests and pet peevs so try not to be offended, I find myself just brushing things like that off anymore, not worth my time.

Good luck with your trades!

Updated needs, also good afternoon deckbox!


(13 replies, posted in Commander Trading)

Nekusar is my new favorite, I have so much draw in the deck. Reforge the soul, windfall, howling mine, font of mythos, spiteful visions, I have never seen people lement to draw cards so much as with my new grixis. I draw the hate and I love it, I normally drop boots, plate and a sword or two on Nekusar to make sure he can stick and then presto game over in about three to four turns.


(6 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Paul I run pentacolor Myr artifact. Scarecrow King is general and it is a conspiracy deck. All my myr = scarecrows and I tear every turn with my generators...sooooo mean.


(6 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

also I have a lattice big_smile


(6 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Just so you know Tinker is Banned in EDH, that would be like a turn one Blightsteel...not cool.

Morning, bump, hey everyone, hope your fridays are going grandly.

Also need a Jace Beleren

Topic updated, with extra cards.

Any other thoughts?

Also yeah I have a foil forced fruition, got it for 89 cents at the time, its only gone up since then

I have nin on the way too me, as well has a few others, Winds of change maybe useful I will check that out, but I am needing a windfall.

Thanks for the heads up, I have most of those cards already, glad to just throw them in, but I do need a windfall now lol.

Morning deckbox, just a little bump here.

Also got any suggestions for my new Nekusar deck...I am loving forcing card draw and burning you for it. I already have spiteful visions, forced fruition, howling mine, font of mythos and I am getting jin-Gitaxias...what should I be after?

I got them, I bloody well got them...thank you folks.

Now for Jin-Gitaxas...