Sir I know that feel.

Sorry I can't help you, but I just wanted to commiserate with you for a moment.

I think that the mods have this one spot on.

The ability for a group of people to police themselves means that there must be accountability to each other, which we don't have. Most of us don't really know one another other than through trade reputation, and when money(card value) is on the line, otherwise very nice people can become very pushy and insulting. The facelessness of a forum makes this much too easy. There must be accountability, the only way we can fairly have this is through moderators by acclimation and rules that universally enforced and leave little room for opinion.

Just my two cents.

Anyone? Some mana's, anything I can do to get reflections, I mean I have a fetch up...


Needs they are a changing.

I got the Mana Reflections, thanks to a PM about an ebay auction. So thanks for that, was a great buy.

Now I need some cards to finish out my grixis Nekusar, which is already scaring the crap outta my EDH group, which I love.

Winds Of Change
Jace Beleren

also a random one if you have it

Gate To Phyrexia need three of these

Thanks for your time!


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Well I never had limited resources and my one invoke was part of an EDH Myr deck, but I have made the deck more aggressive rather than reactionary. But I loved the look on people's faces when I threw that down and they couldn't play any color except for double the cost because I was only playing the little shits. Gooooood Times


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Thanks for the offers so far, still deciding, always looking for more smile


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Not worried about trades up or down, all offers are welcome...just have an itch to trade =P


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Hey All,

I've had this card for a while, it is still perfectly NM and it has seen it's days of hate and hating; but the deck I use it in has changed and I can't find a home for it so rather than let it sit in my binder for years I was wondering if I might pull some stuff for it.

Anything goes for offers but I will add I really need two genesis waves so that will give you priority =P

As always, thanks for your time and interest.

Amarus Cameron

I have had issues with this personally, I would like to think that I try my best to make everyone happy but sometimes it just doesn't work out, this is definitely a needed addition.

I would request that it should remain stickied in the form of a simple locked post on rules about valuation as this is a sore subject for a bunch of people (for some reason)

I mean recently I traded way over value for a card (stifle) but that is because it is old as hell and I valued it more than the modern cards being traded for it. But I know that if it had been backwards and I was asking for more value for the card some people would be offended rather than just say ok that's unfortunate and close the trade.

It's all good, I figure if no one responds in a couple days I'll just buy them foil =P


Seems like a cool card. I don't want to be lazy and take advantage of your knowledge, I'll continue looking around. I even have a regrowth from the duel decks to play with =P

Could still use those noxious revivals though, if you have them >_>

Aside from green, is there any blue recursion and I would prefer choosing target permanent, but (in blue) target instant or sorcery would work as well.

Also thanks for the green ideas. I forgot to mention I knew Elixir, and Eldrazi's anti mill effects.

Howdy all,

I am amping up a couple of my EDH decks and I have found that I need a couple more Noxious Revival, and I need more recursion, problem for me is I don't exactly know what cards there are out there for that, aside from noxious revival so any suggestions would be most appreciated.

Thanks for your help and time!

Bump, priority at this point is flusterstorm


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

discussion started

Got All is Dust, just a bit more!

Got my Tezzeret, just four more cards!

Updated list

I have one of each, I'll start a discussion

Need just a little more, morning bump!

Was able to grab the Force of Will, thank you gents!

Got my stifle, Palinchron, and mind over matter, keep those trades coming, thanks guys!

You willing to trade from inventory? I see some stuff I can offer but I don't particularly want to trade it for things I'm not going to put into a deck right away.

Yeah that sounds awesome, gonna add that sucker