(5 replies, posted in General Discussion)

The thing is Dual Lands will always go up in value and will always be a sought after item. There are only so many going around that people are willing to trade and they are the main stay of Legacy which is in itself hard enough to get into so it will always have value.

The only issue with trading it is that it might be hard for you to find an offer that has all of what your looking for espically if your going to be trading down with it. If you have no desire to play legacy, then your better off trying to trade it now espically since Maverick is becoming so popular.


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Hmm Ill start a trade

Feel free to parooze my stuff for a possible trade for the Goyf. I only have 1 Unhinged Island I could trade but I might be able to get my hands on more Unhinged lands (prolly not enough to trade straight lands for the Goyf) I do have butt ton Zen Full arts tho.

Trade list - http://deckbox.org/sets/191842?s=i&o=d


(24 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Man these people are annoying...


(20 replies, posted in Announcements)

You guys are making my heart melt. Truly amazing work. Keep it up!

Yea I saw that but  most people arent going to pay that price for it just yet bc it is soon new and more readily available due to the people who have managed to get more than one. Once those "extra" ones are gone, the price is going to go up. My point is that the longer your willing to hold off trading/selling it, the more in value you'll get back from it.

If I were you I would keep it. This is def one of the better From the Vaults to come out in a while and I could see it going for about 150 or more down the road if you keep it unopened. I was one of the unlucky who missed out on getting it at my LGS so I had to by mine for 80.


(7 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I was just confused because those are technically current already and Shocklands will soon be current  but I digress


(7 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Just to clarify your looking for Shocklands correct?


(15 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I would say im pretty stoked for chromantic lantern. Ramp and mana fixing on 1 card is just awesome. Im glad someone else thinks this jace is mediocre at best. I like him better than memory adept (ESP the pic) but he's just not really what I hoping for

Well AVR has some pretty solid cards that people might want to try and people pull. They prolly aren't going to reprint cards with miracle anytime soon. Restoration angel is solid option in modern. The legendary angels make good generals for edh. Griselbrand sees play in legacy as well as the already mentioned cavern of souls. It's got alot of flavor that I'm sure people down the road could value.

I wish I could get a Goyf for my Cube but I only really have an Ooze from your wants sad

Zuul36 wrote:

I would be interested in a Foil Bonfire.  I'll start a trade, let me know if I have anything you are interested in.

Gotta complete the 2 playsets of them huh? And really 35 Snapcasters? I apologize if I sound like Im mocking bc Im really not. My jaw just dropped when I saw that in your Inventory lol.

Carry on...

Let me be the first to welcome you smile

Actually I think the reason behind the full-art Avenger being 70 is bc its limited print run. They were not widely distributed so its more of a collector card than actual played demand. Mutavault is the same thing but its actually played in both Legacy and Modern. I think I remember reading somewhere that there is only about 250 Mutavaults in Europe and about 150 in all the US. They are not easy to come by. The full art Doran, The Seige Tower is 250 on SCG

OH poop. Way to get my hopes up dude. Well depending on what you value the Zur at and you could find stuff, I could be interested in him.

As well as mine...for the Foil Breeding Pool


(32 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Yea I just used that link and logged on my Personal Paypal and was able to create a shipping label (alot cheaper!) than USPS.com would let me.


(32 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I bought a pack of 30 Manila envelopes at Office Depot that are the same size (look the same atleast) as bubble mailers. They just dont have the bubble wrap in them. I use these for trades I send with DC  and havent had any issue aside from them costing an arm and a leg.

EDIT: Thanks to the OP for bringing this up. It was always something that erked me so Im glad I wasnt the only one smile


(32 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Im going to have to try shipping through paypal now that I figured it out. I dont know if its bc Im shipping from NY but its the only option it ever gives me on USPS.com and I can never make it to the Post Office bc Im at work they are only open til 4. Ive been paying the 4.90 for DC just sending 5 cards. (granted it was $150 worth in the 5 cards) but still...


(32 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

So your actually shipping through Paypal not USPS.com?


(32 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Dakkon4444 wrote:

Currently im sending delivery confirmation first class and its costing me 4.90.... Is there a cheaper way to go. The Pay pal links offered here on the site do NOT work (unless Im a Jack@$$). Thank guys! Appreciate any positive suggestions

Id like to know they same thing myself. Its the same for me if I send with DC. Im not even using a bubble mailer either, I just use a manila envelopes and the cheapest option it gives me on USPS.com is with the US flat rate envelope at 4.90...


(27 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

tretty wrote:

Meanwhile, somewhere near the start of the thread...

I just want another foil delver or two. seems everyone here wants to keep them if they have them as well though, lol.

lol Yea sorry kinda went off topic. I guess Im going to have to scour my area and see if I can find some...


(27 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

You know what tho, it may not get reprinted in Standard again but all it takes is for it be printed as a FMN promo card and/or some duel or event deck and that will keep its price lower. Path to Exile comes to mind in this respect. I agree that the Foil Flip aspect of the card will increase its rarity overall but I just cannot see its value rivaling V. Clique. 

EDIT: If in 2 years it does, you have my permission to say you told me so smile

"I just cant fathom what could be a better 1 drop at this point.  I know Power Creep being what it is... but there has to be a limit somewhere, right?"

That day will come when the all card types include creature at the end.


(27 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Zuul36 wrote:

But the interesting thing about Squad Hawk vs Delver is that Squad Hawk stopped being played often after it left Standard.

Delver is being played in all formats currently.  I would like to know how it will do once it leaves current standard... considering I own 8 wink

Well Hawk got replaced pretty quickly once Delver showed up, but it was played in a couple legacy decks if I recall. the hardest hit Hawk took was having its BFFs banned (JaceTMS and SFM) in Standard and Modern and not having those hurt its value. (Plus a Human Insect is far more logical at carrying a Sword of X and Y than a bird) Delver is miles better than hawk in most decks but I just cant see it going above 15-20 at the most. With the way R&D prints cards that 6 months later they write an article saying "Ooops we didnt see this coming with this card" Im sure there will be something else chopping at the heels of Delver soon enough.