See the thread here.

You guys are basically attempting the same thing.

Some notes about your deck. I'm making recommendations to improve the deck $$ not with standing.  Lets be honest UR is a control deck.  You need to control the board, by removal and the occasional counter.  Your board presence should be minimal.

Lands.  You need the non basic lands, steam vents and sulfur falls (?)  These will help you so much.  Gates can be a huge tempo losss and should only be played as a last resort right now.  I'd probalby also go up to 25 lands.

Spells. You need more draw.  Auger of bolas x4, think twice x4, should be in here especially if you're on a budget.  Draw draw draw.  You won't be able to protect your creatures if you don't draw the cards you need.

Sweep sweep sweep... mizzium mortars... can't say it enough, if you're playing 2 color UR you probalby need 3-4 mizziums, if not bonfire of the damned too.

Counters... dissipate is just better than cancel and honestly I wouldn't run more than 4 counter spells in today's meta. Maybe a couple more on the side for the control mirror match. 

Creatures. playing blue?  no Ætherling?  o.O????  Ling is the strongest bomb creature blue can play right now and he's really not that expensive.  Picking up a couple of these will do wonders for the deck.  He's better than nivmezzet by about a billion.  Guttersnipe looks good, but in truth, he probably won't work out that well.  Give it a whirl you never know, but tapper your expectations of the concept. Auger of bolas needs to be in here as well.

Super Friends.  Planes walkers are big threats in these decks.  Jace Architect of thought, tamiyo moon sage, ral Zerek. 

Cards to consider removing.

Bluster squall - you need to remove the creatures. tapping them does next to nothing.
Thunderous Wrath - needs to be more mizzium mortars.  If not that, then cheaper sweeapers can be, street spasm, rolling thunder or cyclonic rift.  Not great, but better than this card.
Blast of genius/Spell twine/izzet keyrune - need to be think twice x4
elixir of immortatlity and chromatic lantern - any of the other spells i've suggested would just be better.

Ultimately, for this type of deck you want to be playing White Blue - splash red.  Supreme verdict, Sphinx's Revelation, Azourius charm.

Look up the winning american control deck from SCG Dallas.  It's a good version of this kind of deck.  It protects it's threats like assemble the legion and planes walkers.

I hardly ever use his ability

If you can say this about a card, it needs to be something else.  2 more augers would just be flat out better then. Until pyromancer comes out.

I wouldn't worry about the triple red for mizzium.  You need it and it'll work out fine.  Cyclonic rift is a "sweeper" not a SWEEPER.  It does get the creatures off the board, but in a world of come into play effects cyclonic rift just doesn't have what it takes.  Granted there are some things mortars just won't kill and rift may do in a pinch here.

I'd still rather see the white come in, for azorious charm and supreme verdict and sphinx's revelation.  Without a way to regain life you're kind of at the mercy of the 20 you start with and can't make any spectacular come backs.  $$ being a factor does suck, but remember verdict and revelation will be good for the next 15 months in standard?  Seems like a good time to pick them up.

looks okay.  with M14 coming out soon, you might look for some cards like quicken chandra's phonix and the new chandra, young pyromancer will be good too.

Not sold on the nivmagus, cyclops or dragon.  Here's why.

When you exile cards with nivmagus, you don't get the resolution of the spell.  It just fizzles and gives him counters.  He's not hexproof and very susceptible to removal.  TBH he's a pretty bad card.  if you want this kind of pump effect, get some runechanters pikes.

I see the logic behind the cyclops, but he's easily chumped and you won't always have a spell to enable him to attack.  I would prefer boros reckoner here, if you could splash a couple white lands to help make him easier to cast.  Chandra's phonix will even be better in a couple weeks.  Or anything with flying/evasion.

The dragon is big, but Ætherling is really your finisher here.  letting you cast sorcories as instants just isn't good enough.  You can put in almost anything else imo.

Your missing some sweepers.  Mizzium mortars is a must.
More thing twice and turn/burn... such good cards.
turn a couple of the dissipates into syncopates.  Syncopate is surprisingly flexible especially when they tap out to play something.
see if you can get a jace, architect of thought.  He'd be really good in this deck. 

I still like the idea of splashing white...  it's a much better package.  Look up the American deck that won SCG Dallas a while back.  A friend of mine net-decked it and it does pretty good.  Lands are expensive.  But it's something to work towards.


(7 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

In the current RDW You don't cast many spells.  It's a creature based aggro deck. Young Pyromancer belongs in a deck with mostly spells. Something like a UR delver deck.

Chandra's phoenix was good the last time it was around, it provides evasion and recursion which are good, but it doesn't provide better damage, than say, a turn 2 burning tree + lightning mauler, unbonded, turn 3 reckoner+bond?   The board presence isn't as imposing as reckoner either for RDW purposes. Right now with pillar and other popular exile effects I wouldn't play this card. 

Burning earth is well, i'm not sure.  In a longer game it seems like it could be deadly, but current RDW build want to end the game by turn 5 ideally... so this card seems slow in theory.  Could be good, might not be... play it and see.

Awaken the ancients, is almost a direct replacement for hellrider/thundermaw.  Although with a couple big draw backs.  1) it's an enchant that turns a land into a creature so any removal spell can now immediately 2 for one you.  1.5) when they do remove it your down a mana now.  RDW is traditionally a mana light deck, you might only see 4 a game.  Do you want to give one up for this guy? 2) no trample/flying/evasion, it can be chumped with any 1/1 token.

Honestly to me these cards, except Awaken the Ancients, look like they belong in some kind of UR burn/control deck.  Like a UR midrange. Not 100% sure.  Too bad burning earth doesn't activate chandra's phoenix, but ral zarek does.  Also quicken with a red burn spell like mizzium mortars... seems like it be good.


(4 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

silverheart, imo, is win more in this deck.  You have kessig and thundermaw.  I don't think you need another beefy 5 drop.

I said Turn/burn because it should be main imo.  It stops so many things.  Thragtsuk, Angel of Serenity, sire (which ruins your day). 

Same goes for pillar.  It's cheap and effective and really belongs maindeck.  I would argue for it over spears.  You can snap a turn, and pillar it for the same effect.  Stopping voice is paramount to your deck and letting them have the token is silly when you don't have too.

You mention answering thragtusk. I think with more removal and fewer counters cards like thragtusk will seem less threatening and so will aggro decks.  Side the avengers if you think you really need them, but I bet you won't.


(4 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)


You gotta have the turn/burn, it's such a good spell.  I think you could go down a couple counters to make some room.

Your land seems light for this kind of deck.  I would expect 25ish.  I know you have farseek/think twice, but things like kessig/overloading mizzium will cost you.  I'd say 24 lands minimum. Speaking of think twice... I might try to go up to 3-4.  The draw card advantage is really good.

I'd try to fit in a couple pillars.  One of the strengths of rug flash is playing spells on your opponents turn.  voice makes that kind of hard. 

have you played it with alchemists refuge?  Thoughts on that? 

Do you have a Jace, Architect of thought?  I think he's better than ral for the card advantage and the fact he can hurt the aggro decks.

I think you could cut the avengers, on turn 2-3 you want to be playing farseek/thinktwice, or a 4 drop on turn 3.

Deserves a sticky, imo. 

Lots of new players coming in with rtr block.


(1 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I'd suggest going RG aggro, burning tree emmissary and ghor clan rampager are very strong aggro cards right now.

Need to get some shock lands to help out your mana fixing.  Some check lands too.  (Blood Crypt, Dragon skull summit). 

Important to note that doomblade inst standard legal until the 19th.  smile

Your creatures are okay for a budget deck.  There are a couple changes I would suggest.  Burning Tree emissary combined with fire-fist striker and gore house chain-walker.  Also another one drop would do well, something like diregraff ghould would work. 

Also, your removal is fine for creatures, but in general you want something that can also burn out your opponent.  Searing spear and pillar of flame would be advised right now.

as for your sideboard, volcanic strength is a must in any red aggro deck.  dread bore perhaps.  A couple (few) madcaps could be put main deck, but I prefer the fire-fist striker.

If you can go outside of budget I'd suggest going more RG aggro.  With Boros Reconer, Flint hoof bore, expiriment one, stromkirk noble,

google red green aggro, or go to starcity and look at the decklists from recent tournaments and you'll see a good list.


(3 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

well, you didn't say anything about the value of the cards tongue

I agree it's a little over priced, but I don't think rotating out of standard will drop it that much.  It's like a lili of the veil.  And it does work in the deck you're talking about.  I've played against it and seen it played... when it works, it really works and it can cause your opponent to have to play around it.  Especially in modern where there's a lot of tricks.

I don't know if something like advent of the wurm has a place in your deck, but 5/5 trample with flash for 4, seems okay.  If you're thinking splashing for green.


(3 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I'd go junk for voice too.


(4 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

consuming aberration is vulnerable to lots of different removal spells.  And it's quite possible that if you haven't done any damage to someone in this format their life total could be well in excess of 30 by the time you go to start swinging with it.  Also... in this deck it doesn't have trample and you can't give it trample so a 1/1 spirit can block it all day long. Also, consuming aberration has the potential to just not work.  They could hit land every time. 

Olivia would ruin your day... Also there are plenty of decks that don't care if they have cards in the yard.  Reanimator would just eat your aberration with angel of serenity.  Other decks would side in rest in peace no graveyard means the aberration is dead.

Jace is subject to less removal. Lets you draw to get answers and mills for a guaranteed 10 cards. Also, jace helps protect your life total.  You opponent is going to go for to kill jace most of the time.

Artful dodge is bad because it requires a space in your deck that could be filled with better "stuff"  if you want unblockable creatures then use unblockable creatures.  At the very least use rogues passage it's repeatable unblockable effect against most decks. Committing a spell slot to a cantrip of this type is just not efficient.  It's better to have a spell just to remove your opponents board.

I don't know what your area is like, but FNM's have the potentially to be decently competitive. 

Exava is legendary, but that shouldn't stop you from playing her.  She's your bomb finisher, you want to be able to play one on turn 4.  Hellrider is better in that respect, but again, trying to stick to your budget.

Hellhole flailer, is okay, but for 3 drops, I'd rather play reckoner over and over again.

The statement I made about guild gates isn't about having the "right" mana.  It's tempo. 

If you play a guild gate you lose tempo with is death to an aggro deck.  You want to hit your drops every turn like a steady heartbeat.  If you have to play a tapped land the that heart skips a beat and you're behind from then on out. This consistent tempo is the strength of aggro decks.  Which is why burning tree emissary is so good.  it allows you 2 beats on turn 2.  It puts your opponent in the position of trying to catchup to you.

I would consider playing guildgates in a budget midrange, but never in an aggro deck.  The key rune is the same thing as a gate in this deck.  You commit 3 mana, on turn 3 when you should be advancing your board. 

And lets be clear only 6 of the lands I suggested are "shock" lands (take 2 damage to com into play untapped).  The dragonskull summits are "check" lands.  and 8 black splashes aren't bad for having exava. 

i suggested exava for a couple reasons. One , the main one, it's a good aggro creature that's not rotating, and it can help finish the game.  Two, it was on the "theme" of your aggro plan.  There's nothing wrong with going Mono Red (RDW) and using something like hellrider, but the rider is rotating and it's important in the current meta to have a heavy hitter that comes out swinging on turn 4 to finish things.

Well, I see a couple things i'd change right off.  You want to stay with RTR block cards so that's going to make your deck weaker overall to start off. I'll try to stay "budget" minded.

Creatures. You do need some more one drops.  Foundery street denizens would work if you can't get stromkirk noble.   Get rid of they keyrune,  You're losing tempo with it big time in a deck like this and that's going to hurt.  Get some burning Tree emissary's,  she's double red in the deck, but she can play off chainwalker, madcap skills and firefist striker. Get some firefist strikers, it makes it difficult for your opponent to block even without madcap.  Drop bloodfray giant and get some Exava, rakdos blood witch.  She's pretty decent for the cost 4/4 first strike/haste.  Splatter thug, hellhole flailer, and shred freak can probably go as well, they just don't have what you need.  You might consider, Ash Zealot.  Boros reckoner is really good.

lands.  Guild gates are slowing you down.  Get some Blood Crypts and Dragonskull summits. The rest of the 22 lands being mountains are fine.

Spells.  Get rid of deviant glee, it doesn't play off of burning tree emissary and that's really where you want to be imo.  Spear is fine. A couple mortars is okay too. 

Consider the list below.

4 Blood Crypt
4 Dragon Skull Summit
2 Sacred Foundry
10 Mountain

4 Stromkirk Noble
4 Rakdos Cackler
2 Foundry Street Denizen
4 Burning Tree Emissary
4 Firefist Striker
4 Chainwalker
4 Boros Reckoner
4 Exava, Blood Witch

4 Searing Spear
4 Madcap Skills
2 Mizzium Mortars

A couple big things, First off, your deck is 70 cards.  You must cut it down to 60.  You have 18 lands You must run many many more in order to consistently play your cards.

Now for your construction.  There's nothing wrong with the graveyard deck concept.  There's some strong golgari cards that work with this synergy. 

Lands.  You probably don't need haunted ferngraf.  You do need 4 overgrown tombs and  I think evolving wilds could work in this deck as well. 

Creatures. There's nothing wrong with arbor elf at the moment.  I would consider running Deathrite shaman since you can get value out of your graveyard with it and it can help ramp up.  That and arbor elf should help you get some of the bigger creatures out a little easier.  Varolz is the card to build around in this kind of deck.  His ability is pretty good.  Cards with Lotleth troll, Desecration demon and Jarad lich lord synergy well with him. Scavenging ooze coming in m14 will also be very good. 

Try the deck below.  Some of the cards cost a little bit but I think it has the graveyard theme you want with still being able to play to win.  You'd want to scavenge onto something like desecration demon or lotleth troll and just go over they're blockers, and jarad can just fling the pumped up creature at their heads.  Deathrite can eat evolving wilds to help ramp up to an early 4 drop or she can eat cards out of your yard for value.  Grisely salvage does 2 things.  It can get creatures in your yard for varolz/jarad and it can also get something in your hand to pitch for lotleth.

6 Forest
4 Golgari Guildgate
4 Overgrown Tomb
6 Swamp
4 Evolving Wilds

4 Arbor Elf
4 Deathrite Shaman
4 Varolz, the Scar-Striped
4 Lotleth Troll
4 Desecration Demon
4 Rot Farm Skeleton
2 Jarad, golgari Lich Lord

4 Grisely Salvage
3 Putrefy
3 Abrupt Decay


(4 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

first thing I noticed that you can do that will improve the overall performance of the deck is get you some watery graves. WG will stay in rotation until next October, 15 months seems like enough time to make that investment.  Drowned catacombs would help as well, but it doesn't look like they're staying in standard.  Still they aren't very expensive. 

Something that's also not expensive and would help you, is nephalia drown yards.  They're rotating this fall, but they aren't expensive.  1-2 bucks tops.

As far as your creatures go.  Nothing wrong with vampire night hawk.  I don't think you need artful dodge with the flying though.  In this format you need some life gain and nighthawk can make it difficult for your opponent to attack into.  I would actually consider dropping wight of precinct six for something like auger of bolas.  Auger will help you get to the spells you need.  With jace's phantasm and nighthawk I think you have enough evasive creatures to hurt your opponent.  Consuming aberration is decent enough. He's kind of a poor mans jace.  If you pick up some jace I would consider dropping an aberration or two. 

For spells, I think you need a sweeping spell for the aggro decks out there.  If you can't afford to add another color like white or green for, supreme verdict or gaze of granite then consider picking up a couple mutilates.  A board sweeper is very very helpful in these kinds of decks.  I would also consider dimir charm since it has multiple functions and try to fit some more direct removal in.  Warped physic is actually been pretty good.  and I think, far/away is a must have especially against decks like bant hexproof.


(2 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I've seen a list like this before and I never got what you're supposed to get out of the temple garden.  I ran a similar list and did okay at FNM.  I actually like cedric phillips list from a few SCGs ago. It's more of a jund aggro but I think it can be easily modified to just RG. IIRC he was actually running it as a red green and splashed black at the last minute.  I think domri is a good fit for this kind of deck too.  If you've play tested you're deck and you're comfortable with it then a drastic change like this probably isn't recommended. … ckID=55192

For your deck. I'd go up to 20 lands minimum. If you're concerned about being able to burning tree/reckoner consistently then you can put in another temple garden but really I'd just put in another mountain. You have some 4 mana spells you want to be able to cast and doing that off 19 mana can be tricky imo. I would actually like to see 22 lands, but i just hate being mana screwed. 22 lands 2 being kessig is how I ran it. It was a good mana dump and trampling even for 1-2 was effective.

I think you want the 4th lightning mauler if that's your plan, to be consistent.  You could drop a ghor clan rampager for one.  He's there to give the surprise I win/tramp advantage.  You're most likely never casting him right?

If you're looking to be unblockable with madcap, i think i like gruul charm better it doesn't present the same 2 for one scenario the enchant does and it works for your entire board.  If you're using Madcap just to pump I think you'd be better with something like rancor. Rancor is cheap and it leaves you a mana up off a burning tree to cast something else.

Searing spear and pillar are fine I think. 

Sideboard.  I don't think you'll ever have enough mana to overload mizzium mortars, that's not the plan for it though right? It's a smiter killer?

I don't think I like gruul warchant.  Can you tell me how that's played out for you as a 4 drop, on the side?

You might _might_ consider running a couple blasphemous act on the side for a surprise blow out.  Test it and see what you think.

I like the rest of the sideboard.  You've got stuff for sphinx/thrag, tokens, volcanic str is a must.  Not a lot else you can do here.

Last thought, When I went rg aggro I did 22 lands, with thundermaws.  It was slightly more midrangy, but more resilient to the blow out.  I ran domri too. With your strat your balls deep into being aggro and there's no plan if you get blown out by something.  A good midrange deck like jund will probably still crush you the first game and with volcanic str on the side you probably still only stand a 50/50 shot the rest of the match.  I pilot jund mid most of the time and decks like this just don't scare me.  Only the nut draw really has a chance to beat me game one.


(1 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Some Notables from my trade list.  Angels would be nice and I def have value for those. 

Qty    Name    Price
1    Ral Zarek    $14.67
1    Domri Rade    $14.00
1    Deathrite Shaman    $13.13
1    Hallowed Fountain    $9.11
2    Gideon, Champion of Justice    $5.24
1    Hellrider    $4.34
1    Varolz, the Scar-Striped    $3.64
4    Predator Ooze    $3.19
2    Chromatic Lantern    $3.04
2    Frontline Medic    $2.67
1    Sire of Insanity    $2.66
1    Maze's End    $2.29
1    Maze's End    $2.29
1    Ash Zealot    $2.10

That's correct essentially.  Ætherling, has U: exile it return it at the end of turn, U: make it unblockable, 1: +1/-1 , 1: -1/+1

you'll usually pump it for damage and make it unblockable, or block and exile it to prevent damage or destruction.

It's one of the top 5 creatures out in the RTR block right now. Arguably the best.


(3 replies, posted in General Discussion)

depending on where it is he may not have received it yet.  I'd give it some more time. End of the week before you start worrying.  If he has more feed back than you he may not send until he receives your cards in good condition, so you may not get yours until the beginning of next week. 

However, that's no excuse for not communicating.


(7 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I am by no means a master of modern, but it seems that 90% of the deck is also humans. 
Why not slightly alter the theme to be a "army/military" themed deck? soldiers, warriors, knights all humans.

Splash red for some more removal/options, add in some caverns like ty said  for the control match-up.


(1 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Please propose trade.

Also, note that if it's in my inventory I may trade something else as long as it's not in my RBW deck or Jund that I currently have listed on my deckbox profile.

Any more diverse samples?  the spirit is nice, whispy and spooky in all the ways that a spirit should be, but how does a realistic image look like a human figure?  how about scenery?

Those kinds of samples, go along way to marketing the skills and service.


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I believe I saw this posted not that long ago, but I would like to add my voice as well.

Trading on deckbox has so far been a great experience. However, there are some ways it can be improved.

The filter options below would be superb

  • Specific Cards

  • equal value trade

  • player activity level by date

  • PLayer country/area

  • on/off options for exact match for wishlist criteria (foil, promo, version, set)


(2 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

There are some great token decks out there.  See the article/decklist below. It's hard to beat the junk aristocrats decklist when it comes to tokens.  I think I prefer a couple sorin lord of innistrads in this list though. His emblem is pretty crazy with tokens like lingering souls.  I think if you want tokens this is the way to go instead of trying fo the advent strat.

Junk Aristocrats by Dani_Castillo
Main Deck
4 Blood Artist
4 Cartel Aristocrat
4 Doomed Traveler
3 Skirsdag High Priest
3 Varolz, the Scar-Striped
4 Voice of Resurgence
4 Young Wolf
Creatures [26]
2 Garruk Relentless
Planeswalkers [2]
4 Lingering Souls
4 Tragic Slip
Spells [8]
2 Gavony Township
4 Godless Shrine
2 Isolated Chapel
4 Overgrown Tomb
4 Sunpetal Grove
4 Temple Garden
4 Woodland Cemetery
Lands [24]
Deck Total [60]

    3 Abrupt Decay
2 Barter in Blood
3 Deathrite Shaman
2 Obzedat, Ghost Council
2 Profit // Loss
3 Sin Collector
Sideboard [15]

Now about your advent of the wurm strat and the other guys. 1st your deck construction is a little off.  You need some more lands to consistently cast the bigger spells you have.  24 minimum IMO in a deck like this.  Some of the card choices aren't gonig to work well.

Primordial hydra -  You're going to cast it for x, but you're not running enough mana to really make it consistent.

Fog - You don't want to be fogging, when you could be tapping out to cast something really big.

Blind obedience - is good against aggro sure, but if you play a loxodon smiter turn 2, that's much better than blind obedience.   

Sigarda - good, but sideboard against decks like jund.

Thalia - bad for you, if you want to cast advent. 

Judge's Familiar - bad for you, you want to put presence on the board and command the field with bigger dudes than your opponent.  Wasting even one mana on a creature like this early doesn't get you a lot of value, and you can't surprise your opponent with it, a smart player will just cast the same spell next turn when you can't counter it, or just destroy your familiar.

Grove of the guardian - yeah it makes a big dude, but if they remove it then you just tapped out 2 creatures sacked a land and payed 5 mana for nothing. Where if you just payed 5 for trostani or a thragtusk, then you don't lose as much. This card costs you too much tempo to be effective. Gavony town ship is much much better in this deck.

If you want to stick with GW. Below is a version I suggest you can work towards. It focuses on ramping and getting your bigger dudes out there faster. I think this will work a little better and be a little more consistent.

The key here compared to your current deck list is consistency.  You have some 1 of 2 of spells which is fine sometimes, but in an aggro deck you really want to hit your drops.  This deck gives you a lot of options for the token strategy and still plays a lot of strong cards.   Playing mana ramp with arbor elf and avacyn's pilgrim is the way to go in these decks.

Creatures 20

4 Avacyn's Pilgrim
4 Arbor Elf
3 Voice of Resurgence
4 Loxodon Smiter
2 Trostani, Selesnya's Voice
3 Thragtusk

Plains walkers 2

2 Garruk Primal hunter

Spells 14
4 Advent of the Wurm
4 Call of the Conclave
3 Selesnya Charm
3 Rootborn Defense

lands 24
2 Gavaony Township
7 Forest
7 Plains
4 Sunpetal Grove
4 Temple Garden