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Deckbox Forum » Posts by Kammikaze
IronMagus wrote:Kammikaze wrote:@ jmigliore and IronMagus
Removing the total value from inventories absolutely helps prevent malicious activity. Making the total value just that little bit (or a lot, in some cases) more difficult to figure out can definitely deter would-be thieves simply because of the time and work involved.
"View tradelist, sort by price" seems like it would give a potential thief much more valuable information than knowing someone's collection value. Yes, there's ten thousand dollars there, but is that a few dozen dual lands, or 10,000 junk rares?
It's like putting all your valuables in the front yard, and then locking the gate. Now your friends can't come over to visit, but a thief can still just hop over the fence. Yes, it's a little more work to hop the fence versus just walk through the gate, but this is only going to deter the most casual of would-be thieves.
I really don't think the value breakdown of the cards matters. Which do you think would be more easily noticed by the magic community: 10,000 bulk rares of which there are probably millions in print OR a set of 40 dual lands? I would bet you good money that the magic community would recognize the dual lands over the bulk rares if they showed up on ebay or the High End Magic FB group. If I were a thief I would try to avoid the big ticket, easily recognized cards and focus on the cards that people aren't likely to give a second thought about.
I honestly think that "little more work" is enough to prevent enough thefts from happening that it's worth the rest of us losing the neat, but unnecessary feature.
@ jmigliore and IronMagus
Removing the total value from inventories absolutely helps prevent malicious activity. Making the total value just that little bit (or a lot, in some cases) more difficult to figure out can definitely deter would-be thieves simply because of the time and work involved. I'm not trying to say that this is necessarily the best possible solution, but it absolutely does make a difference.
I personally think it's kind of interesting to know the value of other people's inventories, but losing that option in no way affected my use of DB. What do you need the total value for? I am absolutely not saying this is your intention and I don't think that it is, but the only reason I can think of is theft or other malicious activities.
Bump. Now a 70c difference!
I can throw in the whopping 58c worth to make up the difference.
This seems to be an issue related to the sellers' accounts possibly.
See Attachment below: 4 listings from one seller, 3 listings from another, 2 listings from another, 1 from others, and 5 (2 on this page + 3 on the third page) from the same seller as in Sillvva's pic.
Edit: Forgot attachment
A possible solution would be to have buttons on the trade page for removing/adding cards to/from inventory/wishlist.
As for the issue of cards being available for purchase when they're in a confirmed trade, perhaps the solution is to have cards removed from the tradelist upon trade confirmation, but not the inventory. This would also work for trades so that cards don't accidentally get traded twice. This also navigates around the problem that AP (not to be confused with Adrian Peterson) mentioned of the card(s) getting removed from inventory.
Edit: I guess I forgot what the OP said after I read the responses. Ignore me.
+1 for OP
slavydali wrote:davidcostawr wrote:Hey guys,
I noticed that "Serra Angel" shows when I filter my inventory for Rare cards as well for Uncommon cards.
This happens for both M10 and M13 sets.
As that card is uncommon, it shouldn't appear in the rare filter right?
Can you please fix it?
It's amazing to me how many people don't bother to read for a minute before posting something that's already been said a dozen times.
I'm assuming this was a jab at me as it's an exact copy of what I said in the most recent announcement thread and doesn't apply here at all. If you have a problem with me for some reason, let it be with me and leave other people's threads alone.
Davidcostawr, ignore this person. This is a legitimate issue that hasn't been mentioned before afaik.
This is because Serra Angel was printed as a rare in earlier sets.
Sebi, perhaps there should be an option to search based on the printed rarity in addition to the card rarity for cards like Serra Angel that have been printed at more than 1 rarity.
rfioren wrote:If you're interested, feel free to make an offer, if not, have a nice day.
The guy has 500 completed trades. Sounds like the kind of guy that does his homework.
starford wrote:Kammikaze wrote:rastem wrote:Congrats on the new update. Can we get the edition/picture selector in the deckbuilder too? Currently we can't choose an edition there. It's important for seeing the overall price of decks. Thanks!
terrafrost wrote:What about having a user setting where people can set the pagination that they want to use?
It's amazing to me how many people don't bother to read for a minute before posting something that's already been said a dozen times.
I joined deckbox to participate in a trade and was going to comment on this as well. And I have to say... your attitude makes me want to leave already.
So it's been said a dozen times? Where? In a dozen different topics? I guess people can't comment until they've read all 88,673 posts on this forum out of fear that what they might have said might have already been posted?
If you wanted to be helpful you could say "see [this post]" but that's not what you did. Instead you're just a snide little piece of shit.
Just my two cents. I'm outta here.
Inventory Management / Labels / Specific cards in decks etc is the most talked about feature / feature request on these forums. The first sticky in the Site Feedback and discussion forum is "Upcoming Feature: Inventory Improvements - Tags (or Labels)." I don't know how much more easily found it needs to be before people stop asking about it.
Pagination has already been talked about previously even on this same page as well as on the first page of this thread. Scrolling up is hard.
This isn't a Deckbox issue, it's a forum issue. More like a "lazy people that use the internet" issue.
Thanks for the insult. I'm glad I can get under people's skin on the internet; I am so proud of myself.
rastem wrote:Congrats on the new update. Can we get the edition/picture selector in the deckbuilder too? Currently we can't choose an edition there. It's important for seeing the overall price of decks. Thanks!
terrafrost wrote:What about having a user setting where people can set the pagination that they want to use?
It's amazing to me how many people don't bother to read for a minute before posting something that's already been said a dozen times.
wonderdog79 wrote:While i am at it, the following are showing as commons but i believe they are uncommons:
clockwork gnomes
clockwork steed
coral reef
greater werewolf
joven's ferrets
serra paladin
These are all commons.
The total value for trade opportunities isn't calculating correctly at the moment. See attached.
As you can see, the total value for cards I need is the sum of the foil and the non-foil Kiora even though I only have 1 on my wishlist.
This seems related to This thread.
Edit: It looks like this is related to the pagination of card lists. When I click on someone's profile the Trading Opportunities list shows cards that don't strictly match. If I then click on page 2 of the list the, strict matching starts to apply.
Higher Priority Wants:
Mirri's Guile
Kiora, the Crashing Wave
Tooth and Nail
Lower Priority Want:
1 Spellskite
4 Liliana of the Veil
2 Snapcaster Mage
4 Ensnaring Bridge
Iona, Shield of Emeria
Sorin Markov
4 Remand (DD)
2 Helm of Obedience
Ancestral Vision
Xenagos PW
FNM Isochron Scepter
Altered Full-art Oversized Commanders. Altered to be the size of a regular card.
and many other goodies.
I could see this going either way. On the one hand, almost every card ever printed is legal in Vintage. The only ones that aren't are Ante cards, the Conspiracy cards, and a few others (Chaos Orb, Shahrazad and such). But on the other hand, Commander has it's own banned list.
Perhaps the best solution is to mark a card with ALL formats in which it is legal.
I believe he is talking about having a non-foil on the wishlist and seeing a foil as a match from someone's tradelist.
This issue is definitely a double-edged sword. On the one hand, if someone has a $1 regular Brainstorm on their wishlist, they probably doesn't want to see a $200 foil Mercadian Masques Brainstorm as a trade opportunity. But on the other hand, many times people don't care whether the card is foil or not. In the case of FTV, Duel Deck, Premium Deck Series and other printings, those foils are sometimes worth about the same as the set printing, but even if they are worth more there are many people are happy to trade for them.
Perhaps a good solution would be to have a strictly "non-foil" option when adding a card to a wishlist.
If your local meta is Pod heavy, run 3-4 Pack Rats in your 8-rack sideboard. If you lose game game 1 just side in some rats and win game 2 and 3. Try it.
slrsmith wrote:Mishra's Factory (Antiquities) has 4 different cards which seem to vary widely in value (anywhere from $6 to $130 depending on card and condition) but this site has no way of indicating which card(s) one has to justify the price being asked. Any way to rectify? Maybe have a listing for each season with the appropriate price for each?
Thanks in advance for looking at it
This is high on Deckbox's priority list.
Just looking to swap. I will throw in extra value to make up the difference.
I wasn't trying to say that "cancelling with no reason" or that cancelling because of spikes should be allowed. The marketplace would be absolutely terrible if they were. However, there is a consequence of cancelling an order without sufficient reason. The worst that can happen to a seller (at least here on DB) if they refund/cancel an order for no reason or because of a spike or w/e is that they get negative feedback. I would assume that if a seller receives multiple negative feedback they might just get banned or suspended from selling or something. Just because someone is supposed to follow the rules doesn't mean that they will.
I've placed plenty of speculation orders on TCGPlayer that were refunded because the seller didn't ship fast enough and by the time they went to ship the card(s) had spiked. What's the punishment for that? Almost nothing whatsoever. I am unlikely to buy from that store/person again, but that's negligible for stores making hundreds or thousands of sales a month.
TLDR: Whether "cancelling for no reason" or "cancelling because of spikes" is allowed by Deckbox's rules or not, they will still happen.
You have no way of knowing whether the card was really stolen or not. It sounds fishy, but it's not impossible. In regards to this case, whether it was stolen or not is irrelevant. The seller has the right to refund a purchase for any reason or for no reason at all. Since the order was cancelled and you were refunded you were able to leave negative feedback. You already got everything you can possibly get out of this BTR. What more do you want?
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Deckbox Forum » Posts by Kammikaze