(0 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Wanting to get rid of my collection in one bulk go!

*Disclaimer* the collection is mostly uncommons and bulk rares but there are plenty of each!  my asking price is 115$ shipped through usps flat rate box tracked if you have any questions let me know smile


(9 replies, posted in General Discussion)

UnstableFlux wrote:
VampireArmy wrote:


That's a first smile

As far as shipping goes: Use a USPS flat rate box! Much cheaper than shipping individually / any other method. As long as it fits it ships, and they have 3 sizes available.

Whoops sorry about that! and that I shall do! thanks so much for the information and advice guys!


(9 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Alright then i suppose i'll add cost of shipping to the total?


(9 replies, posted in General Discussion)

gumgodMTG wrote:

Well if you change the settings to use the minimum price from TCG player it calculates it as

"Total value of cards in this set: $150.16 (using the minimum price on tcgplayer.com)"

VS using Average price:
"Total value of cards in this set: $449.51 (using the average price on tcgplayer.com)"

Now that may also may not be realistic, but really the hard part is going to find someone who's interested in buying everything as a lot, then you can work out pricing, and you may even want to consider selling to a store or someone local to avoid the shipping.    The one time I sold my entire collection (except for 1 deck) I used e-bay.  I got a little less than it was worth at the time, but if you document everything the buyers will often do the work of figuring out how much they want to spend on it/how much it's worth.

Alright the helps a lot actually I suppose I will work out a fair price and post it up here on the trade forums and if that doesnt work out I'll try Ebay/Amazon next. and to answer UnstableConflux i have indeed deleted and readded EVERY single card in my possession.  It took about 3 days of tedious organization but i think it's worth it. My next question being, shipping this monstrosity.  I have heard there is an option for that.   is that in the paypal site itself?


(9 replies, posted in General Discussion)

gumgodMTG wrote:

Set it up as a one sided trade and agree on a price with the person through the chat.  Then confirm as usual, wait for payment then ship.  If they use the normal Payment option (paying for goods/services) through PayPal, then it is eligible for PayPal's buyer's protection, but PayPal charges you a fee of about 3% + $0.30.  If they are willing to make the payment as a gift transaction then you are not charged any fees. 

You just have to be willing to negotiate on price.  Advertise here, take photos or scans if you can and be willing to beat TCG prices.  If you sell on TCG player directly they take about 12% and have a delay from the time you make a sale until you get paid of roughly a week.  So keep in mind if you're selling here, even if you undercut TCG player you'll probably make about the same as you would selling there by their avoiding fees.   Generally I try to have cards I'm selling listed on both sites but it requires some work to keep your lists up to date.

hmm seems more complicated than I originally thought to be honest I'm just looking to be rid of my whole list but i don't even know where to begin on pricing it.  any help on that? the estimator has it at like 400$ which i know cant be what anyone will pay since they are mostly bulk stuff.

I think that kind of covers it.  thank you so much!

joecat wrote:

Same as a normal trade, however the buyers side will not have any cards. You will give them your paypal address, they will pay you and you ship your cards.

So basically that's it?  just the address.  I've been looking at the paypal itself and i wasn't sure how i would do the transfer of funds.

so if i wanted to sell a few cards on here using paypal...how would i go about that? ive been a long time trader here but now a days im looking to rid myself of my collection in paper in order to move on with school and work (and in need of money!) but i face the question of HOW do i do that? i want to do this as securely and hassle free as i can for me AND the buyer.  Help?


(9 replies, posted in General Discussion)

so if i wanted to sell a few cards on here using paypal...how would i go about that? ive been a long time trader here but now a days im looking to rid myself of my collection in paper in order to move on with school and work (and in need of money!) but i face the question of HOW do i do that? i want to do this as securely and hassle free as i can for me AND the buyer.  Help?

i agree with this as i do have a few altered hand painted tokens but may end up doing actual cards one day and that would be nice to add to my tradelist


(0 replies, posted in Trading Post)

not much on my trade list but hey let me know


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I dont have much as far as stuff to trade with but hey if you see something worth while let me know


(9 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

nikk0pl3ase wrote:

thanks for all the feedback both friendly and douchey. i found my offer to be in line with ebay prices when i posted this. also, these where quite hard to find in my area as most locations in the houston area were picked over. i had a false assumption that this is what it looked like everywhere else. i'll just keep them with my other sealed products till it's time to sell.

It was no offence intended.  I know the feeling of an empty thread (My trade binder sucks and no one wants altered tokens!!! gyah!) and i felt like leaving helpful (or maybe it wasn't so helpful) advice.  Sorry if I'm one of those duechy guys    ;-;


(9 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Just saying.  I would wait a long while before trying to sell those.  they are still being sold in stores everywhere so people will probally be getting them there.  in the comming months and ect when they arent i can see that price being fair.  patience friend :3


(18 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

elpablo wrote:

I'm sorry, but that just sounds awful tongue

a 4 color deck with the current manabase is not a viable deck at all.    There's a pretty good reason why we haven't seen a list like this at a PTQ or open let a lone the pro tour.  It's just not viable in an environment where you expect to face a lot of tough decks.

I mean that goes along the basis of just running Deso-Demon.  If it hasn't been there, doesn't mean it shouldn't be.  I mean, for example i remember when i was running Desecration demon the minute he was released and back then i recieved a lot of flack about how it was a terrible card. (Admitingly tokens was more of a thing back then) still, i won't argue if you think it's so terrible and sure maybe not ptq material but you'd never know until ya try.  wink im out.

P.s. My aggro Vamps have once destroyed Delver control on several occasion during IND-Scars time.  Not all crazy deck ideas amount to nothing sir! lol im just havin' fun now really i needa get out of here


(18 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

elpablo wrote:

the thing about the 2 drop deck is anger of the gods just invalidates your strategy.

Also, burning tree has zero synergy with these cards.

4x Ash Zealot
4x Lotleth Troll
4x Rakdos Shred-Freak

I have a hard time believing an aggressive deck can play a 3 color mana base atm and still win.  3 color is only viable for midrange and control atm.

spice it up with a splash of white, you got boros charm.

EDIT: though BTE wont give it to you for free, it still makes it cost 1 red less which still kinda helps anyways. ive never been dissapointed myself playing it in my mono red devotion deck which runs on a smiliar principal


(18 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

not sure if this helps or not but ive seen some wacky fun reanimator decks around where they play nothing but aggressive 2 drops all day long, drop porphorous then finish with underworld cerberus.  then if they have to, they'll use immortal servitude in the end to reanimate all the fallen guys which also activates the god and burns people out. a little example of this:

4x Ash Zealot
4x Lotleth Troll
4x Burning-Tree Emisarry
3x Purphoros, God of the Forge
4x Rakdos Shred-Freak
4x Sylvan Caryatid
3x  Underworld Cerberus

4x Grisley Salvage
4x Commune with the Gods
3x Immortal Servitude

EDIT: Add Whip of Erebros and you've got the cake!

just a short list of usable stuff as a skeleton.  i think it's pretty fun and still able to win.  I've lost to it once or twice.

I don't know.  Drop me an offer for it? nothing like super awesome but nothing overly low either please!


(0 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I don't know.  Drop me an offer for it? nothing like super awesome but nothing overly low either please!

TRZ wrote:

Alot of people talk about a tweak on hatebears  to try and make white wheenies work. I'd look for more cards that disrupt your opponents more.

Judge's Familiar
Samurai of the Pale Curtain
Dryad Militant
Leonin Arbiter

And maybe consider swapping something else in for Honour. Honour is good but another creature that does alot for you might be better.

Yeah I'm a big fan of aggressive creatures that disrupt the opponent but Hatebears is a deck reserved for the wallet smash! haha but as for the others im running :

* Rest in peace in the SB which i find a little more reliable than the militant

* i would add the arbiter if i was going hatebears for sure

* Thalia sits in my SB because you're right, shes good

* Familiar lacks a bit in modern i think. it's a 1/1 counterspell but usually people will be able to pay the extra

* Samurai of the Pale Curtain seems pretty cool i just worry that he wouldnt get enough UNF ya know?

thanks for commenting!

whoa this reply just made me realize the deck had changed a lot since i updated t and now i feel like a jack-ass! I'll ponder on those ideas though! let me make the changes then can you look again?

Edit: Nevermind it was pretty much the same. i'm going to playtest that configuration thank you!

So i've been working on this white weenie build for quite a while! and i need help deciding a few things :c

A link To the Deck : http://deckbox.org/sets/465658

A few points have been crossing my mind!

    Is it worth it to keep the red so highly splashed? i could keep in the shocklands but remove the Mountains and Cavern of Souls then replace the Lightning Helix with Chained to the Rocks I'd be giving up life gain but gaining 4 more exiling spells. Opinions?

    I have a slot of 2 in this deck that I'm stumped to fill. So far the best i can think of to fill it are Boros Reckoner , Sublime Archangel , and Mirran Crusader but I can't decide which one would be best! Opinions please.

    This is my competitve build for modern i want this to win! like...really win so further insight on things i may have missed will be very appreciated, thanks in advance!


(4 replies, posted in General Discussion)

ya know, it's likely that if you moved this to the trade thread, people will be interested there tongue


(10 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

i actually compiled a list of stuff i was considered adding here's a link:

http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/list-of- … oloro-edh/

elpablo wrote:
Jesse_Custer wrote:

its hard to find cards that will remain useful for the long haul, which is why Legacy and Modern retain such high costs, the cards stop being just a card, and become more like an investment, which is strange to think of since its just a game.

To this point, people probably said the same thing about sports memorabilia or Star Wars actions figures.  As long as people play magic and "value" the cards there will be investment potential and you really have to consider that aspect.  If you came across a signed Mickey Mantle or Babe Ruth would you throw it away?  I don't play sports, don't follow it, don't really care, but I know someone does.


Alright i can see your point in that.  I guess it was the attitude of those people who ask the premium even on cards that DO see Eternal play I.E. wanting to get more money when trading lets say a fetchland for deathrite shaman.  both see lots of play (of course the land sees more) but yet ask for more value then what its "Worth" in the trade simply because it's a fetch land. i guess i wont ever get that.