I might be interested in such a thing.  What is the condition of the Geist?


(3 replies, posted in Legacy Traders)

I've got a Wooded Foothills that you'd like, so if there is anything else you need, please let me know.  smile


(0 replies, posted in MTG Girls)

For those of you who are not already members, I invite you to join Ladies of MTG on Facebook.  It's a really fun and safe place and everybody is welcome to join.  smile



(4 replies, posted in MTG Girls)

Liliana of the Veil is one of my favorite MTG cards; I just love how it plays.  However, my favorite Planeswalker is probably Elspeth.  I wish a more females were depicted the way that she is.

As for my very favorite female character, it would have to be Jaya Ballard.  Her quotes were one of the favorite things about my youth.

I hit you up!  smile

Hey there, everyone!

I've got:

Imperial Recruiter (Judge Foil)
Gaea's Cradle (Near Mint, Chinese)
The Abyss (Near Mint, signed)
Transmute Artifact (Poor condition)
Taiga (maybe)
Sneak Attack
Noble Hierarch

And I'm looking for:
Lion's Eye Diamonds
Underground Sea (1x)
Karakas (2x, Legends only)

Hit me up if you're looking for a trade.  I have plenty of other cards -- or cash -- to even up a trade.  Thanks!


(13 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I'm in no rush, so if you want to hold out for Badlands + Taiga, I can understand.  I should be able to match whatever condition your Tundra is in.


(13 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I'd probably do a Plateau and your choice of Badlands or Taiga.

I'd do $22 for it, but I'd ask you to ship first.  eBay auctions are tending to go from $19.50 -> $24 these days, so I figure right in the middle is fair.

I've done you-ship-first transactions for cash in the past, but I can understand being reticent about doing it.  You can look at my feedback to know that I'm good for it.  smile

The topic says it all.  Hit me up if you've got one for trade.  Thanks!

The topic says it all.  If you've got a Tropical Island to trade, I'd like to get it off of you.  Thanks!

Bummer to see you go!  You've been a great trader!

I really hope that the next revision makes it a lot easier to find people who actually want to trade.  If they could even have some sort of metric such as response time, that'd be all the better.


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I'm interested as well.  Feel free to take a gander at my tradelist and make me offers.  I could probably trade away three of my four Shamans as well.


(150 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Just noticed a bug today.  On this trade:


When my partner confirmed his email address, I got *seven* emails from Deckbox announcing it.  No idea what happened there!


(150 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Simple request!  Could you set autocomplete="off" on the inventory fields?  When it pops up, it just get in the way of things like the + sign for the wishlist and what not.  And there's never any reason to need it.



(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I'd definitely keep that in mind, thanks!

I know the value is in my favor, but I'm also trading down.  I don't particularly care about the condition of the Taigas, as long as it is better than Heavily Played.

If the Taigas are in significantly good condition, I'm willing to toss in something extra as well.  smile


Don't know if this is still the place to post this, but... the login popup is nearly completely unusable on most of the Android browsers I've used.  The menu pops up, but when you click in a field to enter your credentials, in zooms in horribly, the popup is off the side of the page, and you can't see any of the submission buttons.  It's pretty bad.

Casual bump for other offers, in case iamsolipism decides to go with another trade.  smile

Asuran wrote:
cbwebber wrote:

Yeah, don't hate me, but I have a full set of duals, and a full set of goyfs.  This is just a spare that I had laying around.

But I hear you, I know it's not very stable, but going to try it out to see how it goes...

Or you should sell it and buy the standard you need. Only standard i would trade for are snapcaster mages, liliana of the viel and shock lands

Abrupt Decay and Deathrite Shaman are probably also fairly safe bets for long-term value.  smile

You've got trades!

I'll hit you up when the baby gets put to sleep (or early tomorrow morning!)  Screamy infants!  *flails*

3x Thoughtseize ($60 on TCG) seems to be a roughly even trade for 2x JtMS ($90 on TCG), plus some pot sweetening, so that would be ideal.  I'd be happy to do that trade.  Ideally, I'm looking for three Jaces, and I'd be more than happy to trade from inventory to make it work, if need be.

Offer up some tradelings!


(6 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

You should be more specific about which Jace.  smile

Yes, thanks for fixing the address issue.  Double kudos!