(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I had a volcanic island come to me in a bubble mailer and a penny sleeve, as you can probably guess a corner was slightly bent but no permanent damage, i immediately contacted the seller and went through the whole "hey, for future reference, PLEASE USE A TOP LOADER etc etc" bit

Heres what you do:


2) contact the seller

3) try to work with the seller, if you want to keep the banged up cards, try and see if you guys can work something out where he can send whatever to make up the lost value

4) if you dont want to keep the cards, get a bubbler with tracking, put the cards into a toploader and send em back

5) cancel the trade, start a new trade if you really want to

6) inform the seller that top loaders are cheap and the preferred way to keep cards safe in transit

The best part about top loaders: you can reuse them! i have a bunch of the little buggers just sitting around from purchases/trades, easy to accumulate but hard as hell to get rid of

And if you REALLY want to make sure your cards get there straight, you can get one of those hard plastic cases, its more expensive but when youre sending out a large value of cardboard its worth it.


(13 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I'd give you like, $1.50 for the terminus and then bulk buy other rares, wouldnt be interested in most of the commons/uncommons but i'd bulk some of em.  Theres just not much of anything there.

dragonxx21 wrote:

bump. There`s a ton more stuff in my tradelist too. Is nobody interested?

I'm not seeing any prices so....


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Looking to pick up some Stifles, will trade for other things on my list but priority goes to stifles.

Looking to grab the last pieces I need, I'm open to trading for anything on my list but would prefer to grab the Stifles/SFMs now.


(40 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Lakaen wrote:

These fourms are a complete joke for selling things, they might be fine for trading,  but are full of suspicious assholes that constantly spam bullshit and bash people because they don't have dozens of trades and feedback, instead of asking real questions or possibly proposing a good solution all most assholes do is take time to call someone A dirty scammer with next to no evidence than " this kinda looks shady" you people make this group look like shit to anyone atempting to get decent value from their stuff, most of you are just sharks and complete rude assholes. I've tried to be nice, tried explaining thing, none of you read none of do anything but skim posts and make rude remarks. The thread is done, I learned my lesson I won't try to sell on this group again, if I have good stuff for sale I sure as hell won't be bringing it here.

And until you learn how to approach selling cards nobody will buy from you.


(40 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

morph66 wrote:
Lakaen wrote:
Vincentarasin wrote:

I'd prefer to get free money too, but if I have to come by it honestly I guess I'll settle as well.

Point is, you've been hawking these for a while with this bullshit $300 bid. Take it and be done with it.

FYI, If you do decide to post some screenshot or another, I'll post one of Jessica Alba sexting me via facebook. Or insert any other scenario that can be faked with very little knowledge and effort.

I could email it it won't seem to let me post it on this forum, and you don't need to be a jackass about it, and your missing the point completely, I don't think $300 is near enough for what I have, it's something that's just going to keep going up over time so I think it's not to crazy to ask closer to full retail for something like this. I'm getting sick of people just trying to discredit me, I can understand why it might look a little shady but there is no reason to be disrespectful and constantly try to hammer someone who is just trying to sell something in this way, I've even said multiple times i can do normal paypal. If you aren't going to contribute in a constructive way then you need to just pass over the thread and say nothing, or provide a good criticism, people like you make these fourms, if what I ask is to crazy no one will bite and I just won't sell it online. It's as simple as that, I don't need people like you commenting.

it's been like 4 days, you haven't had a bite yet. Maybe it's time to let it go.... That's your problem dude, people don't trde/sell magic stuff here based on what might happen in a year. Your stock market approach isn't well received. Like i said before about the piledriver, you wanted 65$ a piece because of potential gain in the future when they are clearly worth 45 in the now. It doesn't work the way you want it to here.

If you have to have full price then sell it on ebay because people don't pay full price cash here. If you expect more then fair market value, (which you do)  I don't know what to tell you. From what i've seen here, people will pay under the tcg low in cash. Everyone seems to ask for tcg low or a bit under it. You seem to want the high or even more then that.

I feel you have the right to do/ask as you please, but as you can see, people are going to just start crap with you and pollute your threads for doing it.

Ive bought on here without issue, the main thing im seeing is this guy wants way too close to retail when i could just go to a large event and make a deal there, if I wanted to pay retail I would walk into my LGS and hand them a stack of money.  Not to mention he kicks it off with this $300 "bid" and yet he hasnt taken it despite that being the best he is going to be getting.  If you wanted to accept actual offers then you should say so instead of pulling $300 out of thin air, most I would do on these things would be like $200 and maybe like $20 in trade value.


(40 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Lakaen wrote:

Honestly just wanted a clean post, so people are not dissuaded. These are very particular items and I think I just might be better off posting what I want on ebay and just waiting however long it takes to get it.

The main issue is that nobody wants to pay $300 for 70 lands, that and you supposedly have an offer yet here we are in thread #2, not to mention if you had an offer for $300 why would you go to eBay and incur fees as well as most likely not get $300?  If you have such a good offer just take it.  And the whole wanting payment via paypal gift isnt helping you at all.


(40 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

fairportmagic wrote:

pretty much, I'd love them but my top $ is around $200

Same here, I wouldn't pay $300 for em.

If you got somebody that will pay $300 I'm not sure why you're not taking it.

Big things on my tradelist are up to date, smaller things are currently being updated to make sure that everything is there.

I am primarily looking for Painter pieces so any trade offer with those will have priority over anything else on my wishlist and while I am always looking for Unhinged lands theyre by far the lowest priority right now.

Any trades above $30 will involve bubble mailers and at the minimum delivery confirmation.

Currently interested in knocking out the white wants on my list, those right now are the highest priority.  I might have missed a card or two so if youre looking for something and you dont see it on my list just ask and ill check if i have any.

MangoSplash wrote:
morph66 wrote:

The white nightism is borderline pathetic on this site. Can't call someone out for ridiculous prices, can't call someone out for probably mapping boxes. People should get some thicker skin. People can defend themselves when something goes awry, you don't need to always add your 2 cents because you "think" someone is being picked on.

A few posters on here are ridiculous and do it in every thread. Let people stick up for themselves, jesus..

People who are attempting to help the community feel welcoming are pathetic? Interesting. Also, I am not terribly active on here (read a lot, but never have much to contribute) but I have seen more posts from you trying to call people out than posts from you that add meaning or insight to the topic at hand. There are people actually interested in the original post, but bickering has detracted from it almost completely. I know I am guilty of that bit at the moment as well, which is why this will be my only post on this topic (also meaning: I won't be responding here).

Also, "knight-ism". Thought you played Magic, lol.

So, calling out potential scammers is making people feel "unwelcome"?  Good.  People who would attempt to sell mapped boxes/packs as well as any other shady deals should not feel welcome.  While we cant say for sure that these boxes are mapped, it seems extremely suspicious that somebody would break the seal on a box, stop opening part boxes simply because they got a good value box or two, and then try to sell it for what they put in, and its being sold on a fairly recent account with 0 feedback.  This screams mapping, but not necessarily everybody knows that box mapping exists so in order to prevent somebody thinking theyre getting a decent deal on a box and finding out it has 0 good cards in it, the topic must be addressed.

When it comes to selling boxes, if you arent sure you want to open all of it, LEAVE IT SEALED.  The only way to avoid mapped boxes is to buy from trusted sellers (mainly an LGS with a good reputation) and to buy it SEALED.  Buying individual packs, partial boxes, or refilled boxes is never 100% safe online.  These boxes could be mapped or its possible that they arent, however people should be aware that by purchasing unsealed boxes/loose packs online they are taking a risk, whether or not that risk is worth it is up to the individual.

still lookin for these

Looking to finish off my playsets of both and right now they are the highest priority on my wishlist.  Anything else on there at this point is fairly low priority in comparison and while i will trade for other things on my list, priority goes to the lands.

Looking for a number of things, namely:

  • 4x Sphinx's Revelation

  • 4x Watery Grave

  • 3x Sacred Foundry

  • 1x Godless Shrine

  • 4x Aetherling

  • 3x Supreme Verdict

  • And whatever else is on my wish lsit

I would ideally like to trade off my stuff, but am willing to buy as well.  Keep in mind however that if i wanted to pay TCG Mid/SCG/etc prices I would go to my LGS and buy there.  I am also willing to add cash to trades.


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

EDIT: Got em


(10 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

TBittenbender wrote:

in this guys defense, after snap rotates out, and if not reprinted or something better isn't reprinted, I can see the price jumping quite a bit after about a year when its in high demand for modern. even so I would never trade shocks for any of these

thats not relevant considering that you dont trade for what a card could POSSIBLY go to in the future, you trade at current value on both sides.  If he actually wants shocks he is going to have to accept that his cards are not worth what he wants to get out of them.


(10 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

MTG_Player wrote:

In response to the other comments, yeah I guess the prices are pretty high, but I want shocks and alot of people need eternal value and I am looking for them to trade up to my cards, either way comments that only hate on my prices don't serve anyone.

There is no real "eternal value" here considering how many shocks you're asking for, you're way overvaluing your cards and undervaluing their cards. If somebody were to offer me VoR for 7 of my shocks I would just walk away.  I do not know anybody who will do this trade, trading shocks for roughly half of what they are worth is something nobody will do, shocks are very easy to get rid of because of their high demand.

As for "eternal value", shocks are seeing tons of play in modern, they are the definition of eternal value.  Your best bet would be to go to star city or tcgplayer or card kingdom to get a good idea of where your cards stand in trade value and then look up shock lands to get an idea of how many you can get, keep in mind that some shocks are cheaper than others and I'm seeing fewer "shock for shock" trades


(10 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

What youre asking is completely unreasonable.  People dont trade at some arbitrary value that you decide to set (since when does $20 = 4-5 shocks?) they trade at what the cards are actually worth.

Cant seem to log in on the main site through any means, however I seem to be able to log into the forums just fine.