elpablo wrote:

There's usually a slight premium on the japanese version for people trading in the states. That's true of all foreign language cards.

That word "Premium" has always rubbed me the wrong way.   why is t common ractice to jack up he price of your card based on the language if the card is no more rare than the original? (at least it would be if you knew where to get it)  I have found that any trader (here or anywhere else) will find any excuse to jack up the price of any card that is "worth playing" i.e. premiums from language and cross format trading.

from what i know (and take this with a grain of salt because im no expert) they are valued about the same as normal due to japan printing just as much mtg cards as america


(7 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

you could always find a download for cockatrice.  they have a full library spawned from gatherer or i use this website to playtest my decks before i make them out of real cards www.tappedout.net


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Skylizard wrote:

I like these. Just tokens or cards as well?

Right now the only ones we have done are the ones in the link.  Possibly will try others as it becomes easier to do and we have the right supplies


(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)

What sort of token would people most be into having an altar for? I have a few spirit tokens but absolutely no one is interested.  Is there a type of token people WOULD be interested in? Help me out!!


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

morning bump

Asking price is 5$ apiece as this seemed pretty fair.  I can answer any questions regarding condition and quality as well. Depending on what it is we can also work out a request but that may or may not cost a bit more (depending on what the request is of course) otherwise shoot me offers smile

A link to some pictures:



(0 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Asking price is 5$ apiece as this seemed pretty fair.  I can answer any questions regarding condition and quality as well. Depending on what it is we can also work out a request but that may or may not cost a bit more (depending on what the request is of course) otherwise shoot me offers smile

A link to some pictures:


oh i'd definitely stick with the firemind.  His shenanigans are way too priceless to overlook. add in a jace the memory adept too.  his -10 with a tamyio emblem is more like "draw ten cards" which also lets you ping 10 things, which could also kill them or put them under your control with proper enchantments/artifacts.  im in favor of a more voltron build with the firemind.  sounds like amazing fun. i might have to rebuild that deck of mine haha

i once ran a niv deck that completely pissed EVERYBODY off! lol  Venser's journal is amazing here as would Charisma, Freed from the Real, and Mind Unbound


(6 replies, posted in General Discussion)

dont forget to add in Grand Abolisher!

Once again, did you read my post?  There is no way to cover your ass when making deals with a minor.  Plain and simple.  I don't give a shit if people like me or not.  I was simply stating what this website's terms and conditions.  It's about legality.  You had to go and turn it into something else, so that's on you homie. A witch hunt huh?  I only said I recently had a bad experience, I didn't say nothing else about that incident until you brought it up.  I'm hostile lol.  The shit would have been gravy had boy not lied.  You see me having issues with any of my other trades?  Nope, cause they weren't lying POS.   okay, and since you asked... the BTR is definitely not handled yet, so once again, you don't know WTF are you talking about.  I don't have my cards or his cards.  So get your facts straight.  "Demand shipping on both sides" WTF does that even mean.  We did ship cards, I sure and hell didn't meet up with him for a trade and have issues.  If somehow you were trying to say I should have used insurance, that wouldn't help.  If you don't understand why at this point, there's no point in trying to explain it again.

1. The point you came here in the first place was rant and rave after a trade didn't go your way.  Why else would you bring this up?

2. You can cover your ass by checking all aspects of a person before sending 150$ worth of cards to them.  getting to know a guy a lil better would help

3. yes sir, you cursed out another person before i even decided to reply.  you are hostile.

4. let me quote one of our beloved mods from the post, yes? "Mattsacre and gravemole, you may choose one of two options:

    Wait for gravemole to get the package back and send it again

    Have gravemole send back Mattsacre's cards and cancel the trade

Please post back here once you've reached a decision. Thank you!"  seems like they have you covered.

5. Excuse me, that was a writting error.  What i meant to say is demand a tracked shipping before you send.  i'm sure if you let some one know you'll be doing the same they won't mind sending first, granted you'll send the day you get the tracking number.  If they don't, they're probably unsafe to trade with right?  common sense my guy.

6. I'm saying if you're going to take the risk of trading online, expect at some point or another to have issues. i myself am waiting for my second week for a cavern of souls.  not so bad, about 11 or so bucks but hey i might have a btr of my own .  thats the breaks of trading.

Mattssacre wrote:
VampireArmy wrote:

in my opinion the minor appears to be handling it with more maturity than you are.  what does that say about the very argument you're making?

Perhaps you should address the person you're trying to communicate with. Since I'm the OP, I'll assume it's me.

The minor who's handling it more maturely than I am did nothing but lie for the first two weeks of our trade.  When you can't trade face to face, all you have is the other person's word to go on.  Perhaps you're some sucker who likes to be lied to, but that doesn't fly with me.  Liars are straight cowards, if he would have owned up to his mistakes early on, I wouldn't have even made a deal of it.  You might want to learn your facts before you come in here talking sh*t.  Did you even read my post?  You must have zero reading comprehension, since you completely missed the point of the post. (Pro tip: Legality)  I wouldn't be surprised if you're a minor too.

Whoa-ho-ho Mr. hostility over the keyboard warrior has bite.  Let's address things one at a time shall we

1. He owned up to those lies, when taken to the BRP, (where this discussion should have stayed mind you)

2. I don't like to be lied to or scammed as much as the next joe what's his face but that doesn't give me the right to lead a witch hunt on the poor kid for his mistakes. 

3. I've read every post and comment that came up with your btr as it seemed interesting to read.  you're the one who escalated it this far.  The BTR was handled, yeah?  So be a man like you say you are and get on with your life and leave the rest of us alone.  Didn't you ever learn not to gamble with anything you're not prepared to cover or lose?  well thats what you get for online trading. 

4.  For a guy who wants everyone on you're side, you're damn quick to jump down any nay-sayers throat.  I'm 19 years old, im not afraid to admit it because i have over 30 plus trades, including with one of the mods of this site itself and never had a problem that couldn't be resolved peacefully.  But of those problems, did i get on here and make myself look like a jackass over it? sure didn't. 

So in closing, guy.  Next time be smarter about how you do trades and cover your ass and maybe you won't be a sucker in the trade? and don't get your panties in a bunch when people call you on being an asshole.  this is why people don't lke trading online in he first place. shit is too hostile.  It's a card game people, wanna be a big spender?  there's plenty of sites that would lve your buisness and they are 100% more credible than trading online.  if you wanna save your cards from being lost?  demand shipping on both sides. if you arent decent enough to do either, then you S.O.L.

in my opinion the minor appears to be handling it with more maturity than you are.  what does that say about the very argument you're making?


(14 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

put in Akroan Hoptite asap :3

i have a few of those.  would you do a dual land for a few? im in need of 1 isolated chapel and a few woodland cemetarys.  can also look through my list for those if youd like

well though i myself don't play this type of deck things i commonly see playing against it online are:

* Supreme Verdicts
* Electrolyze
* Sphinx's Revelation
* Celestial Colonnade
* Mana Leak.

I found an okay structure here if you'd like to reference it for a skeleton: http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/cryptic- … one-right/

Pickled_Fetus wrote:

You are going to hate me for asking yet another question but what about Etched Monstrosity will he still get his minus counters or not?

Hy no problem. Questions are meant to be asked.  to my knowledge he would enter without them.

simple 1 for 1 swap (being that they price almost the same) i don't want to trade my elspeth for ANYTHING other than the the Duel Deck art. I have other stuff in my list if you'd like to trade for those. I also have 2 stomping grounds i might let go of if the trade is cool enough.


(12 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

tjdrake719 wrote:
VampireArmy wrote:
tjdrake719 wrote:

Thoughtseize was officially confirmed as a reprint for theros.

but...its not out yet :3 where could i get a 10$ thoughtsieze right now? i must know!

Like I said, you can't. Buylist prices are 15-20. That's why I laughed at OP. No one would sell for 10.

so from 60 to 20?!?! thats freaking insane! and awsome sorry OP didnt mean to spam your thread


(12 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

tjdrake719 wrote:
VampireArmy wrote:
tjdrake719 wrote:

Lol, buylist is still 15-20.

isnt it like 60$? im lost halp?

Thoughtseize was officially confirmed as a reprint for theros.

but...its not out yet :3 where could i get a 10$ thoughtsieze right now? i must know!


(12 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

tjdrake719 wrote:
PhyrexianLibrarian wrote:

Paying $10 for your Thoughtseizes. Will take as many as you're willing to ship me.

Lol, buylist is still 15-20.

isnt it like 60$? im lost halp?

Pickled_Fetus wrote:
VampireArmy wrote:
Pickled_Fetus wrote:

Does Torpor Orb work on Eater of Days?

sure does, it negates enter the battlefield effects including eater of days

Thanks. But I just thought of something else. Does it also effect things like when a creature has battle cry?

No because. Thas a combat based effect not entering th

e battlefield

Pickled_Fetus wrote:

Does Torpor Orb work on Eater of Days?

sure does, it negates enter the battlefield effects including eater of days


(1 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I've been working on this Weenie Deck for a while now, it's been play-tested thoroughly on cockatrice with many 'metas and seems to excel (when i pilot it correctly) but what do you guys think? am i missing something?  better cards in the format let me know!

The Deck: http://deckbox.org/sets/465658