(92 replies, posted in Announcements)

outofstep wrote:

Not straight at the beginning. Right now you just get another price column in your tradelist, which you can edit to whatever you want. All cards you set prices for are considered to be for sale.

Are we obligated to sell at the price shown, per website rules?

The reason I ask is, well, just look at card price spikes lately as a result of the Modern events. Let's say that I had a couple Ensnaring Bridge in my sale list (prior to the spike) marked at $11/each, because that was a decent price for them at the time. Then, I go away for a relaxing weekend with the wife and, in the meantime, the card blows up... doubling in price, and, of course, people are all over mine at the $11 price tag because it's not updated/adjusted for the spike.

I guess what I'm asking is -- are we held accountable to updating prices in real time (I know you can set an option to be X% of tcgplayer, but that's been lagging lately)? Or, do we have the final say on a sale without negative feedback or breaking site rules?

I really hope the answer to this is you are obligated to sell at the price you have listed. Nothing is more infuriating as a buyer to buy a card and be told the price has gone up after they have paid. I also hope we can leave negative feedback for sellers that do this.

Magic is a volatile market, and any seller should have a clear understanding of this. Price your cards at whatever you want, but if you say I want $10 and someone pays your $10, you should not be able to cancel or change prices after the fact. If you go away for the weekend, put your account on vacation mode. I'm sure that is one of the reasons the deckbox team added it.

I have a Brimaz, Ephara, and a temple of enlightenment. I'd like to trade you for some vengevines and gravecrawlers. I understand this would be with about 20% to your favor for standard to modern. Please shoot me a trade!

Not to blame the victim, but people have some responsibility to be aware of trade values and I wouldn't trust any source implicitly. If your 100% content to never question deckbox prices then you shouldn't be real upset if you loose a few dollars in trade value imo.


(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I think you posted this in the wrong forum, this is deckbuilding.


(1 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Gothnak wrote:

I recently got a number of cards with an (M) set icon, an M in a circle which i have been led to believe is from a Duels Of The Planeswalkers set. Is there any reason why this set doesn't appear on Deckbox, are they classed as promos?

They are promos.

TyWooOneTime wrote:

The purpose of the BTR is to provide a place for mediation of issues in trades, some as a result of less than upstanding behavior and some as a result of circumstance (sometimes things just go wrong).  The problem with what you propose is that it would essentially penalize someone for seeking mediation in resolving a dispute similar to giving negative feedback, which is clearly not dished out lightly.  There really doesn't need to be any mechanism for flagging people like that as it'd tantamount to punishing them for following the proper channels to resolve things.

As you'll note the BTRs are publicly viewable, providing transparency for all parties involved.  To that end, if you're worried about being in a trade with someone involved in a BTR, which you're certainly entitled to be if that's your prerogative, then I would suggest looking at the BTR forums and going from there.

Personally, I view the BTRs as a place where things can be resolved, not as a place to create new issues.  So to that end, I don't think it's really worth stressing that much... but again, it's entirely up to you if you choose to weigh them more heavily.  But I do think it would be a shame if people allowed this community to devolve to the point where we're all trying to do background checks and god only knows what before we trade.

That being said, is the user in question animated/angry/disgruntled?  Sure, but wouldn't you be if you were on what looks like the short side of a trade?  We just all need to remember that cooler heads prevail and patience is a virtue.

Oh, and as one last point, it really doesn't make sense to link to the BTR thread and then try to be non-specific in your post... I would actually advise removing the link from your original post.

I understand that point. I guess my thought is, if someone knows I've been in a BTR, reads it, they can judge for themselves whether or not it is a problem. I was in a BTR, I opened it, it was something that the moderators did need to make a decision on, and I wouldn't mind if someone read it.

Perhaps I'm just frustrated because this is a pretty good community and when someone negative comes a long it can be a big drag. You remember Morph? I adore this site but lets be honest, he was allowed to stink this community up longer than he should have been. I don't want that to happen again.

Please feel free to delete this thread, it was probably not well thought out on my part.

A recent BTR left me thinking. I don't want to discuss any particulars, but despite the outcome, I think myself and others who read BTR's like this one, would probably like to be aware of how a person conducts themselves.

Has any thought ever been given to marking on the account, similar to feedback, if/when an account has been involved in a BTR? Most of the time a BTR is harmless, and doesn't result in any account action or negative feedback, but sometimes it might be nice to know. I think anyone that reads that BTR knows that no matter what the outcome, unless it is some account action or negative feedback, that someone is going to trade with one or both of those users again and some people may not want to if they knew what all was said in that thread. I hope I'm making my point while I'm trying to be non-specific about the BTR in question.


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I read the BTR's pretty regularly, and I've noticed latley it seems issues are switching from scammers, missing cards to card quality issues. I know this is a tough tough area to deal with, but just thinking that this is probably an area where the trade system has room for improvement. The only thing that the trade rules really refer to card condition that I found is:

2.3 Card conditions can not be subject of dispute unless they were specifically mentioned in the trade negotiation (marked as such in the trade itself, or discussed in the trade chat or deckbox emails).

So basically your cards should be NM if marked as NM. But what standard are we going with? Perhaps deckbox should choose a standard, one used by another site, or one of our own that is probably similar to another site, and link it in the trade acceptance? Something that concretely says "this is NM, this is LP, etc.

Lastly, maybe all cards should default to SP. let the owner take the initiative of marking a card as NM if he or she really feels that it is a high quality card. TBH I think it is easy to argue that most cards that weren't straight pack to sleeve aren't NM. Heck even sleeving a card sometimes you can nick or wear an edge and get a little whiting, and that isn't NM.

One last suggestion, maybe make a way for a user to flag themselves as "condition important, condition neutral, condition lax" or something like that, so if I'm trading with someone who I know really cares about card condition I'll double check each card.  That is basically what I do, if they have something on their blurb about NM CARDS MUST BE NM or something I'll double check each card. If not I admit I might send something that one could argue NM/SP.  I've never had a person complain about condition but sometimes when you know someone cares you'll explain any little flaw, and that avoids a BTR later right?

Beadan wrote:

Hi there guys

I tend to list my decks on deckbox for building ease etc.
But the problem is that my fellow FNM players see my decklist and are prepared for my decks.

Is there no way to hide the decks from other people? Like a "hidden" function or something.



You can make a deck private. After you create it, open it, at the top mouse over edit, you will see privacy. You have 3 options, open, passworded, and private.

Not sure if this is intentional behavior or not, but if you go to a deck, and click to sort it by count, it takes you to your inventory.

Your value is wrong, your using tcgmid. Mid price is above actual cash price. tcglow is $6200 so as a lot at around 50% your at $3100. You have no edition marked on any cards, and they're all entered as NM. Can you post some scans of your NM timewalk, 3 underground seas, 2 gaea's cradles, 2 volcanic islands, mana crypt, 4 wastelands, 4 force of wills?  There are not a lot of actual NM versions of these older cards around.  Also do you have any references? Or could you post pictures of the collection? If a buyer wanted to meet in person what state are you in?


(9 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

DarrenM wrote:

Have you considered that the market may have frozen? Not every card will have a price change every day, so unless all of your cards are at an incorrect price, I don't see too much of an issue.

Karn liberated median is currently about $11 higher on tcg than it shows on deckbox.


(5 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I had gotten into the beta a while ago, and it was fun. The novelty wore off pretty quickly for me. The deckbuilding is simple compared to Magic, and I didn't want to grind or spend cash in the beta for cards. The arena play was fun. If there was a simple way to add it to deckbox for the purposes of collection tracking and deckbuilding tha would be neat. I'm going to go back and try it again closer to release/ after release. I think if it finds a community and takes off and they do well with adding to its card pool it will be a fine game. It also really needs to be on tablets ASAP. That is where I think it will shine as a bite sized on the go type of game.

Shame this wasn't 3 weeks ago, i was looking to make this exact deal. Ended up shipipng it for buylist prices.

Nighthawk wrote:

I pulled a Misty Rainforest and a Scalding Tarn today.  I'm looking to trade the pair for a foil snapcaster plus some random other stuff, please take a look.

I'm not really looking to trade the fetches for anything other than the snapcaster, but I have plenty of other tradelist items and stuff on the wishlist.  Take a look!


(8 replies, posted in General Discussion)

mrturk1001 wrote:

I am still waiting on admin/mod interpretation of this. We all need to know about this because, right now, this is BS.

I agree with what you are saying, personal slander things shouldn't be allowed,  have you messaged the mods directly? I'm sure they'd just remove it/have it removed if you message them directly.

Ya'll do a heck of a job with a site this popular for having full time jobs. Thank you for trying to make the community a better place.


(4 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Hijinks wrote:

I am curious if anyone else has notice the fact that the pricing on this site for newer higher end foil  cards is way off compared to what they're actually selling for....examples:

M14 - Chandra, Pyromaster - Shows the value at like $31 something....Star City Games will buy this card for $50 right now and turn around and put $99.99 on it.

RTR - Sphinx's Revelation - Shows the value somewhere around $27....yet again SCG will buy it for $20 and put $39.99 on it(Which they are sold out of).

I realize that these are sales prices at retail locations for this stuff....but if a huge retailer like SCG is paying $50 cash for a card....and offering +25% for trades....the TCGPlayer pricing #'s are way off.

I have done an extensive amount of trading / selling / collecting of sports cards for many years before getting into Magic, and the standard trade values for cards are generally around 2x what they sell for in cash value...

Can anyone provide some insight into why Deckbox thinks my 2 foils are worth way less than they actually are? Other than it using TCGPlayer "Mid" pricing...since their pricing guides on their page don't even account for Foil versions of these cards from what I see.

Deckbox doesn't differentiate between foil prices and regular now. it is a bug. Just have to look them up yourself.


(8 replies, posted in General Discussion)

mrturk1001 wrote:

Hi everyone. I am aware that we can put into our profile anything that is relevant to what we expect, how we trade, and feelings towards making trades. However, I am wondering if it is allowed to be able to able to put into your profile anything about your personal feelings about other DB users?

This to me seems out of line, but am not sure it is allowed. Can someone please advise about this topic?

Thank you.

Like (mr. soandso is on my won't trade with list, terrible communication took a month to get cards)  Stuff like that? If it is factual I don't see why it is a problem? Sometimes trade issues get resolved but you still want it to be known that some people are not the best trade partners.

That being said, there are some babies on this site and I've seen some things that make me roll my eyes.

Paul_K wrote:

I'm able to ship to Canada for $1.20ish.  I go to the same post office, a very rural one which is not busy and has the same postal worker there.  She knows my packages are magic cards since i've been going there for almost a year now exclusively.  I have never had an issue with customs forms when I do it that way.  I ship no more than 9 cards in a plain white envelope and use one of the long envelopes so they can all fit 3-3-3 side by side.

I'm scared of putting more than 1 top loader in a PWE. It makes me feel like the envelope will tear being machined or manhandled.

Make sure both parties understand and accept in advance, that customs can charge you to receive your package. Make sure that you both understand each is responsible for how his or her country handles customs. I had an issue with this, and had to take it to BTR for a resolution. Keep in mind, tracking is really really expensive. If you don't get it, you have zero recourse if your package is "lost"

As an adendum to that, a first class letter does not require a customs form.

A way to save on shipping, in the U.S. to Canada you can send a first class letter for $2ish. If you have a dragon lady at the postal desk like I do, you may have to just ask how much to send a letter first class to Canada, purchase postage, and throw it at them.

fistyke wrote:

Sorry, Elspeth is on ebay already. I have to take it down. But I'm willing to trade basically anything. Look through my inventory too.

I sent him your deckbox but I don't know if there is much else he'd need other than Elspeth.

fistyke wrote:


So here's my list:

4x Voice of Resurgence
4x Fleecemane Lion
4x Temple Garden

plus other goodies if you're interested


4x Thassa, God of Sea
3x Master Of Waves
4x Tidebinder Mage
4x Nightveil Specter

I have a friend who has 4 nightveil and a master of waves, I sent him a message. Hold that elspeth for him?

Themaddhatter2304 wrote:

I'm interested in swapping for a stormbreath foil, wanna look through my stuff an see if we can make a deal?

sent you a trade

Rocc wrote:

Don't have any Purphoros's but, I'm interested in your Thassa's.  See anything on my list that you might want?

I don't, but thank you for asking.
