(4 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

sebi wrote:

Nope, I'd also like this big_smile

Good idea, wrote it down.

Sweet, thanks for the reply.  big_smile


(4 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Bump - Am I the only person that wants this?

This is amazing. Thank you.

I just want to tag the version of a card so that the price of the deck will be accurate.  Tagging to know where a card is in my inventory could be useful, but at the end of the day I don't really need this feature. 

I do overlap cards I'm using for various decks because I like to brew lists, and I like to save old lists for decks I've taken apart, but might rebuild some day.  I only own 1 mana crypt for example, but I use the same one when I build an EDH list as in a vintage list, though I may not always have the vintage list sleeved up.   

Hashtags would be fine provided people use them correctly and that they are searchable.  When you allow user entered data (instead of a drop down selection) you run into typos and people listing as #artistsigned #artist_signed #artist-signed #signed or whatever, when all of these mean the same thing.  I imagine this type of fragmentation would probably make it harder to actually use these new tags when searching for people who have them them for trade.  To me, half the reason for the tag is to be able to search for them.


(389 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

FTV Ancient Tomb is showing a mid price of $30, however if you go to TCG player and look at them, there are plenty in the $17 range, and mid price there (using foil since it's only available in foil) is actually $19.90.  The $30 midprice seems a bit off to me and seems to be coming from the copies that are not listed as foil. I'm also seeing only two for sale on Deckbox and they are at $20 and $21, so the price should probably match what's available.


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)


Chaim wrote:

So how would you do it? big_smile

I think offering cards that are looked at is fine, but you should compare them to cards in the trade list first.  In other words assuming that the data (cardName or cardIDNumber) is stored in a table something like this?

SELECT cardName
FROM lookedAtRecently
    (SELECT cardName
     FROM tradeList)

And of course put a limit (maybe 30 or so) so you're not pulling way more data than you need.  Then you can pick a random one from this array so that you're not showing the last card looked at.  In the event that you get a null set on that maybe something random from top cards?

It's also now showing me my own cards for sale as I just went through a bunch of blue commons and added them.  That's cool I guess, maybe it means other people will see my listings too.  big_smile

sebi wrote:
gumgodMTG wrote:

I think you're right, I just thought it was odd, and that maybe it was showing things I had recently looked at or loaded as a page, but not things that were actually relevant or something I'd want to buy.  I reloaded several times this morning and all of the cards it had suggested were things I had in that trade.  Sebi if you're trying to stalk me and suggest things you're doing it wrong.  big_smile

Correct, it shows things sometimes that you looked at. Perhaps if you already have a wishlist it should not do that smile

Ah, it does make sense now.  It had not occurred to me that there are people here without wish lists.  big_smile  I'm so used to using the site for trading, not just inventory management.


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

You can sort by the date they were added/changed, but don't think there's currently a filter for condition.

Chaim wrote:
gumgodMTG wrote:

The market suggestions on my profile seem to be pulling cards out of an open trade that I have (showing me that I can buy some of the commons and uncommons I'm trying to trade away).  These are not cards on my wish list, but rather cards that are on my trade list.  I'm not sure this is the intended behavior of the suggestions.

I don't think that it pays any attention to whether those cards are that are on any of your lists.

I think you're right, I just thought it was odd, and that maybe it was showing things I had recently looked at or loaded as a page, but not things that were actually relevant or something I'd want to buy.  I reloaded several times this morning and all of the cards it had suggested were things I had in that trade.  Sebi if you're trying to stalk me and suggest things you're doing it wrong.  big_smile

#2 would be nice.  But also as a tip you can sort by edition (reversed) and a lot of the promos will come to the first page if they are marked correctly.


As a side note, I had no idea there was a promo elvish mystic till I looked at your list just now. big_smile

Well since tokens were added, these might actually be a couple of pages into their trade list, but they are generally grouped together - just after tokens. 

This is the fastest way that I've found to view all of the promos a person might have using the current system.


(16 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

IronMagus wrote:
gumgodMTG wrote:

Format warping is a lame excuse sometimes.

If Mental Misstep were legal, then every single deck would literally have to be 56 cards and 4x Misstep, just to have a shot at combatting your opponent's Misstep and actually landing a first-turn play once in a while.

Kammikaze wrote:

Sensei's Divining Top is one of the most ridiculous cards ever printed. Sensei's + Counterbalance = {1}: Counter target spell. That's the cornerstone of legacy UW miracles which is a hugely successful deck. If that were in modern it would completely dominate the format.

The way I heard it, that one's not actually related to power level or consistency, it's just that Sensei's Top leads to too much shuffling of unwanted top cards back into the library, which makes tournaments tend to drag ass as every. Single. Round goes to time and extra turns.

Or you could just not play 1 drops and drop a chalice at 1...  big_smile  Also Dismember is playable in every deck, but it's not IN every deck.  Same with Gitaxian Probe.

I've also read that about top, but it's legal in other formats, so that seems to be a strange reason.

The market suggestions on my profile seem to be pulling cards out of an open trade that I have (showing me that I can buy some of the commons and uncommons I'm trying to trade away).  These are not cards on my wish list, but rather cards that are on my trade list.  I'm not sure this is the intended behavior of the suggestions.



(16 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

There are two cards on the list that really bug me.  Mental Misstep and Deathrite Shaman.  I know they are both good.  I know Misstep showed up in tons of decks but they are both very recently printed and neither is part of any degenerate combo.  Format warping is a lame excuse sometimes.

Also even if Ancestral Vision is played fair (suspended instead of cascaded into) it's pretty broken in a format that actively tries to stifle combo strategies.


(389 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

dc4bs wrote:

Just wondering about the $250 price for the promo/foil version of Emrakul, the Aeons Torn?

Everyplace I've seen it it's usually valued equal or even a bit less then the standard Emrakul.  When I mark mine as promo, the price still matches the non-promo.  When I also add the "foil" tag (which it physically is) it jumps from $35 to $250...  I believe that's only correct for the standard(non-promo)/foiled card.

Is there any way to correct this so with both tags selected it still reflects the lower price or does the foil tag always take precedence?

I'm just leaving mine without the foil tag for now (only marked promo) to get a better overall value for my full set.

Not really a big issue as I think all of the promo Emrakul cards are foil anyway so just marking promo should be enough.  But it did confuse me for a bit until I started fiddling with the tag fields.


The promo tag is outdated, you can still use it, but to get the correct information choose the correct version of Emmy

https://deckbox.org/mtg/Emrakul,%20the% … ting=22848


(7 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Yep, slow here too. Past couple days.

Does ordering cards remove them from my wishlist, or are they removed once they are marked shipped?


(4 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Can we get Add to Cart buttons and other indicators in visual spoiler mode?  Something like this mock up (the first card in the attached image).  I'm sure if you adjusted the spacing/padding just a little bit this could look really good.  You could even break it up and put the information at the top and "add to cart" at the bottom of the image.

Also I expect "Is foil = false" to only return non-foil cards, yet it returns nothing.  I looked at foils first, then tried to filter them out and look at non-foils and got an empty set.  Yet I can run the same thing without "is foil" and get results that include both.

Proposed display ----------------------------------------------------     Current display

In addition, just being able to view only the cards a person has for sale that match my wishlist in visual mode or in a sortable mode would be nice.   Some sellers like AdventuresOn that have tons of cards have 11 pages on their profile that match my wish list.  Rather than go through all of that as a list, I'd like to see just those cards in spoiler mode, or to be able to sort them by either price or edition to quickly identify if they have anything I want to buy right now.

This is fantastic!  smile  Thanks so much.


(10 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I agree with the request to put the prices next to the card version.  I also posted a screen shot of this in another thread.   He means on the card page below the card image where it lists what you have in inventory.  There it lists the cards, but does not display the prices.  This was really convenient the way it was before.  Also the original poster must have used Google Translate. "Letter" means "card" and he is saying that it was faster for him to look up prices the old way.

edit: here is another screenshot

Where it says "Inventory / Tradelist" and "Wishlist" it should show the pricing next to each version.  The old way had this information, but I suspect it doesn't have it now due to space issues.  Clicking each page to see and compare prices can get old, when that information used to be available at a glance.  In my screenshot there are five different versions of lightning bolt which should all have pricing shown.

edit: completely missed that this was for 1 vs 1, some of my comments may not be relevant.

Tainted Strike should probably be in the deck, even if it's just to mess with other people's combat steps.

Night Terrors should probably just be Mind Twist.

I'm a big fan of Sudden Spoiling as a one sided effect.  It can help you get your general through, or stop shenanigans before they occur or in combination with something else to wipe part of the board.  It's also great on defense.

Buried Ruin is a good utility land you might want to consider also.

Liliana of the Dark Realms seems good.  Not only do you have a lot of swamps matter style cards, but her -3 can be removal or pump.


(4 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I tried mono white cats a little bit in EDH.  I really like lightning greaves in the deck, but not Shuko.  If you have enough legendary creatures consider Konda's Banner.  It has gotten a bit more pricey since I made that old deck of mine but it's good on any of the legendary cats, particularly Kemba.  Leonin Abunas is also really good.  If you have enough artifacts to support metal craft (can even be worked into your land base) then Puresteel Paladin is great with Leonin Shikari.  Since you're running stone hewer I would say you could run 1 Argentum Armor to deal with opposing things.  Oblivion Ring, Oblation and Council's Judgment are all good mono-white answers also.

Many of your cats are also soldiers or knights, so Auriok Steelshaper is also worth looking at.

This is my old list.  I imported it so you could have a look.  It was never optimized (there are a lot of just odd or bad cards in there) but was fun to play and often stronger than people expected. 


After a while though, I took it apart to make Sisay EDH which was actually much stronger due to all the tutors.

Also while it doesn't add to the playability of the deck, I did go out of my way to run Ancient Den and plains featuring tall razor grass because this is where the leonin live.  tongue

After using this new interface for a few days I have to say one thing I find missing is the card prices on the left of the card page where it lists your inventory and wish list.  Maybe it wouldn't quite fit, but it seems like it should be here as different versions of a card will have varied pricing.

sebi wrote:
yearofglad wrote:

Makes the site not nearly as usable, opening new tabs and windows and such. Ugh. Bad move.

The feedback on the release where we introduced this was almost 100% negative. Now it seems when we undo it, it is negative again smile.

Also don't like the site pitching cards to me at all, regardless of the price. I have 0 cards on my wishlist, so maybe it's just pitching me random cards? But I don't want any of them and I don't like the selling pitch box even if I WAS in the market for cards.

We are trying to monetize this website, and the ads you see there are part of our trying to do so. Please understand that the continued development and maintenance of deckbox depends on it being a self-sustaining business, which it is now not, as I am working full time with 0 income, living on my savings as of now. But I do believe in the successful future of deckbox, and I'm trying to make it happen.

I will consider adding an option in your settings so you can disable the ads if they bother people so much.

I know I always voice my opinion, but I like the changes.  Good improvements come by trying new things and getting feedback.  There will always be those who don't like it though. 

As far as the ads go, I don't mind them but they should be more targeted.  You have a lot of information about what we want, if you can show me cards from my wishlist then you might have better success selling cards.  I saw a temple of whatever come up (a scry land) and I have zero interest in any scry lands.  Also you should show the shipping price.  I'm often clicking on these things to see the price is actually $2-3 different than what is shown due to shipping costs.  I do check deckbox first when buying cards, but I mostly just trade.  The purchases I have made from the site have went very smooth though. 

I'd also like to see a visual spoiler mode when looking at a set.  I'm still learning everything from Khans and I'm a very visual person, being able to see the set as a whole laid out as spoilers would allow me to quickly pick the cards I might want to wishlist.   Basically on this page where it says "admin" at the top right (which probably doesn't need to be visible to me) I'd like to see a button to view it as a visual spoiler instead.  I realize I can do it this way but if I'm already looking at the set, why not give that option there as well?  Obviously this is not a priority, just something I was thinking about.


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Currently interested in either Ancient Tomb, Cavern of Souls or Shocks.  Council's Judgment or Reflecting Pools (conspiracy version only) are also cool, just looking to make some more trades.