(34 replies, posted in Announcements)

freakwerks wrote:

Hey Sebi, I had a guy reach out to me via email that used to buy cards all the time, asking if I still would. He’d pointed out that my account apparently still has some cards marked as Cards for Sale, but not all are in the trade list. I have been poking around the account and various spots trying to figure out how to differentiate between Tradelist and Cards for Sale, but for the list of me I cannot pinpoint it. Are you familiar with this issue?

There are still a couple of spots referencing "cards for sale". Will remove the coming days.

DallasRaines wrote:

I could be wrong but looked to me like it pulls the prices for tcg low ignoring conditions, but then applies the same % reduction for condition, which means a HP or MP low will undervalue but a NM will be accurate.

This is correct. I'm not sure what the "right" way is here. I just have the tcg low and do not know what card condition that "low" is for. Right now it just assumes NM. The only other option here would be to get rid of the "condition adjustment" for tcg low and leave it by default for the other pricing options, but that seems even more confusing.


(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)


For this to work I need to make a specific importer for the manabox format. I will take a closer look at adding an importer for their format.

Could you also send me your .csv export to support@deckbox.org? It would help me to have a larger collection export sample to test with too. Thanks!

sebastiansmagiccards wrote:

Uhm.. still looking for an answers hmm

Was the mystery playtest thing an actual booster you could buy or was this only included in another series?
If so, I would understand why there isn't a specific 'List' card for this anymore in the database.
If not, I still don't understand it sad

They are *almost* identical, the difference being the size of the little icon in the corner on them. The difference is so small that some people cannot tell them apart, to the point where people (and stores, and scryfall, and other websites) gave up trying to differentiate (since wizards clearly does want to differentiate them) and now treat them as the same.

Solseek wrote:

Hello! Here's a list of cards missing: [...]

Thank you Solseek as usual for the very precise listings and links. Finally got through all of these today.

- imported 24 Lord of the Rings Scene Box art cards
- imported 14 missing Secret Lair Showdown promos
- imported Commander Masters Bird // Bird Illusion
- imported Tales of Middle-earth Front Cards
- imported 10 double-faced "The List"-style tokens to Extras: Raining Cats and Dogs Secret Lair
- imported the first 7 of the 2024 Year of the Dragon promos


(3 replies, posted in Announcements)

A few more missing things to come tomorrow.

- imported Goro-Goro, Disciple of Ryusei 2024 resale promo
- Violent Outburst is banned in Modern, and Ponder is unrestricted in Vintage
- imported MagicFest 2024 Counterspell
- imported Goblin // Sliver
- imported 47 missing double-sided Fallout tokens. (not sure where these are from, the official page Wizards put with the listing of precon tokens does not include these. they do seem to exist though...)
- imported a bunch of missing secret lair cards
- fixed a couple of wrong card images on Commander 2020 double-sided tokens
- imported Emblem: Teferi's Talent // Elemental to MOM extras
- imported Merfolk // Treasure to LCI extras


(5 replies, posted in General Discussion)

ZombieSleeve wrote:
sebi wrote:
xxraymanjrxx wrote:

Oh ok, Thank you. Any plans on bringing it back or just something that isnt utilized much?

It was not really utilized but mostly the problem is it is very hard to keep the list up to date with all the products that wizards releases, very time consuming to find them all out and import them.

Would it be possible to bring it in for trade opportunity.  Even if the price is not included, and the traders could organize the value between themselves for it.

As I wrote above, I sadly really do not have time to manually curate and import all sealed product, I can barely handle the singles anymore big_smile. Also when it existed for sellers, almost nobody used it, or gave feedback about it.

Maybe as a workaround I could add the possibility for users to add a "custom item" to trades, that you can name and price as you wish, and then discuss the details in trade chat.

True, the "$" text is quite small and awkward to click on mobile, I might need find some solution for that...


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Moving this now, thanks.


(34 replies, posted in Announcements)

Fueled wrote:

Is the sunsetting complete? I'm still ajusting my card prices on a regular basis, am I doing that for nothing?

Yes, it is now almost complete, users cannot purchase cards anymore. sad

Should work the same, click on the "$" in the table header. In which listing is this not working, I will take a look?


(5 replies, posted in General Discussion)

xxraymanjrxx wrote:

Oh ok, Thank you. Any plans on bringing it back or just something that isnt utilized much?

It was not really utilized but mostly the problem is it is very hard to keep the list up to date with all the products that wizards releases, very time consuming to find them all out and import them.

shrewder wrote:

Amazing! Do I see correctly that non-premium users will get TCG Market?


Are there any plans for the future to include the Cardmarket trend price for europeans big_smile?

Trying to add this soon.

With today's update the card pricing information can be set via a preference, between
- Tcgplayer market price
- Tcgplayer low
- Card Kingdom
- Deckbox (this is the one we had until now, that averages various others)

The price used for display and for "total value" calculations can be chosen via a preference (for premium users) from the "Edit Profile & Settings" page, but also via a quick-access dropdown on various price table headers - in inventory, decks, card database, etc.

There will be cards for which some price information is missing - often for tcgplayer low, and for card kingdom, which will need manual fixing from my side to identify what is available from these providers, or what is incorrectly "matched". Switching to the old "deckbox" default for these cards will sometimes provide at least a baseline price.

For european users I will try to add the CardMarket EUR pricing soon as well, and possibly make it default for addresses in the EU. I tried to contact them and get in touch with someone responsible with affiliates & partners but no luck until now via ticket & email, looks like they might be swamped in support (or nobody wants to talk to me big_smile).

As usual, I will be happy to hear about any bug reports, suggestions or issues with this update.


(5 replies, posted in General Discussion)

There used to be when the marketplace was being developed but it's not available anymore.

Fixed now, along with a couple of other places. Thanks for reporting the issue.

I have added an option in decks for removing cards from "Deck + Inventory". It is in the little dropdown on each row, and also works if you select all cards in a section of the deck and use the "Cards Actions" dropdown in the table header. This works for cards that are matched explicitly to the inventory.

Also new is "Split 1 card to new row" in decks, it substracts 1 count from the current row, and adds a new row for the card. Useful when a card is of a different printing / condition / language than the main "stack".

shrewder wrote:

Some two-sided tokens from Karlov:

Detective (0010) // Dog (0001)
Detective (0010) // Thopter (0019)
Detective (0010) // Spider (0011)
Detective (0010) // Ooze (0008)
Thopter (0020) // Ooze (0008)

Added a bunch (hopefully all?) double sided MKM tokens today.

sebastiansmagiccards wrote:

It seems that at least one card got moved into the void: Puresteel Angel (https://deckbox.org/mtg/Puresteel%20Angel)
I now have a 'Mystery Booster Playtest Card' in my collection instead of the old List one.

Can you see if you can find the missing card(s)?


It's actually intentionally there. Are you referring to the fact that the planeswalker symbol is not on the card image?

If so, this is a separate issue, for the 2019 set we have a bunch of cards with the wrong image that does not show the planeswalker symbol
https://deckbox.org/editions/553-myster … test-cards

I will update the images today.

- added edition code on editions index page and edition page title
- allowed Doctor's companion cards to be marked as partner in commander decks
- added a mouseover-to-preview "picture" icon in a few places:
    - the "matching" dropdown in decks
    - the add-to-trade autocompleter
    - the "in my collection" and "in my decks" listings on the card page

- imported Fallout & the double sided tokens
- imported Emblem: Domri Rade // Bird to RVR
- imported MKM Art Series
- imported MKM Commander double-sided tokens


(4 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Fixing this today finally!

Most sites and stores have given up on listing the Mystery Booster promos separately from The List, and merged them together since it seems most of the time it is impossible to distinguish between them (although it is claimed for some the plainswalker symbol is a slightly different size).

I have also done the same on deckbox now, and moved all of the "components" in "The List":
- Mystery Booster
- Mystery Booster Retail Edition Foils
- Heads I Win, Tails You Lose
- Angels: They're Just Like Us but Cooler and with Wings
- From Cute to Brute

The edition listing is split by the edition symbol on the card, with collector numbers corrected now so that they show what is on the card.

Predictably, the page is now very laggy for editing individual lines of it via the checklist buttons on counts, since there are 3400 rows with a lot of dynamic controls on each. I will take a look at optimizing javascript initialization and performance on it if it stays like this. Another option would be to make it more readable and manageable by splitting it into small editions, one for each edition represented "The List - Kaladesh", "The List - Ixalan" etc. I didn't decide yet how to proceed.

Some printings were duplicated, and they were merged now automatically, if you had them in your collection nothing should have changed except the printing will be "The List" instead of "Mystery Booster", or whatever it was before.

I updated the CSV importer code finally to also only look at the "Printing Id" field for identifying printings, so that changes / fixes of edition names, card names or collector numbers in the database cannot break the import of some rows in collections exported to CSV.


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

It's on my todo list. You can use the tags feature for this in the mean time, although they are only visible to you and not your trade partners. I did think to introduce "public" inventory tags for purposes like these, but didn't get to it yet smile

100002690980282 wrote:

Hi there!
After many, many, many hours putting which printing of each card was on each of my decks, that feature has moved to premium. I very much would have loved to know that I was gonna waste my time before doing so, to be honest.

Sorry about that, it was a mistake on my part. Detail setting in decks were a premium feature, and when releasing the new version last month - for various reasons - it ended up being available for basic accounts too. I should have just changed it back to premium when I realized, but kept postponing, until this week as I wanted to first fix other issues.

My question is, is that work lost? If I go premium, would I have the decks I already cataloged with the correct printings, or the switch made all that information disappear?

It is not lost, they are still marked, just not displayed. (You can also see that in the details dropdown in decks, if you click on "def", the 'matched' version is still shown to your inventory.) Nothing changes to the data, the deck is just displayed differently when an account is basic versus premium.