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I have 3 Firemane promos for top 8 gameday

going off ebay $15-20 is good send me a trade looking for things off my wishlist

Rocc wrote:

Have these, interested in Domri Rade, will set up a trade

sounds good

neillharmer wrote:

She is 19.35 price from TCG, with 35% off she's $13. and ill throw in her -8 emblem.

I would get her off of you but maybe in a week low on funds as of right now but can get the money next week

nevermind you got rid of her haha

how much for the Tamiyo?

I have a few things I'm interested take a look at my wishlist for the things I'm interested in.

Mostly looking to finish my Esper Standard Deck and the U/W/R Modern Deck

Take a look at my tradelist looking to mostly part with the Hinterlands and Domri.

Also have 3 Firemane Avenger Gatecrash Gameday Top 8 Promo and 3 Zamek Guildmage Promo


Watery Grave x1
Isolated Chapel x1
Boros Charm x4
Burning-Tree Emissary x4
Boros Elite x4
Champion of the Parish x2
Silverblade Paladin x2

Anything from these decks:

U/W/R Control

U/W/R Midrange


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I have some stuff on your wishlist and zombie tokens also.

looking to trade this also have other walkers and interested in Watery Graves/ Godless Shrines


(4 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Vincentarasin wrote:

Seems reasonable.

Both ways are completely valid.

Also, you might consider running Psychic Strike, since you're going mill.

I will in the side board I don't think it does well main board since I'm not milling myself but it does work well against the mill based control decks like Esper and Dark Bant.


(4 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

While Jace might seem bad he actually pulls his weight. He lets me draw off of his +1 and mills them for 10 which can end the game quickly I don't think intangible virtue is good here I'm only running lingering souls and Sorins +1 for tokens and he is an anthem himself I've debated on think twice and it's good/bad it lets me hit the land drops I need to. Snap caster is good I've gone back and forth on 1-2 but there aren't a lot of things I really want to hit with him so I think 1 is good for the time being. The augur does stop some creatures so I will keeps him in. I had lili of the dark she didn't feel like she fit in here I don't want to run to many shocks. I'm going to put a psychic spiral in the side for the mirror. I'm going to drop sever and go up to 3 dspheres I'm going to add 1 supreme in the side also.


(4 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I'm looking for some help on my esper control deck I'm taking to game day. Here is the deck http://deckbox.org/sets/313160

My main kill is milling someone out with either Nephalia Drownyard or Jace, Memory adept. I have a 3/2 split of board wipes just so I can deal with aggro players and all the RDW decks these days. I run 3 creatures for hitting the spells I need I'm not sold on these but they have put in work. Hitting the Sphinx's Revelation off of Augur is great and He hits 24 spells but sends the 8 Walkers to the bottom and that isn't something I'd like to do I have been thinking about replacing Augur for 2 Forbidden Alchemy. Snapcaster is good when I need to kill something with a removal spell in the yard or counter a spell with dissipate. He puts in a lot of work but there aren't a lot of cards he actually gets like the ones with flashback so I don't know if he actually deserves a spot.

So I'm wondering what can be changed and what can I improve on. I'd like any feedback possible it helps and any help with the sideboard would be amazing.


(23 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I use KMC Matte they are awesome they don't stick together but don't slide all over the place they are the easiest to shuffle and I have enjoyed using them. They are the only sleeves that I recommend. I've used Ultra-Pro and Dragon Shields the pros fall apart easy and the Dragon shields get really dirty. I haven't had a problem with my Kmc also I double sleeve with KMC perfect fits.


(7 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

You don't have anything in your wishlist.


(1 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

So it seems as if you are trying to be control with spirits and if you want to be just spirits you are going to need to change a few things. If you are running spirits first I'd add Cavern of souls seeing how the creatures you are casting all are spirits and also add Lingering souls. For the lands I'd add in Moorland Haunt and Vault of the Archangel they are both in your colors and they are both very useful you don't need 4 of each shockland I'd stay at 4 Hallowed and drop down to 3 Watery and 2 Godless Shrine also drop 1 drowned catacomb. Using Restoration angel can save your Obzedat and instead of Drogskol Reaver go for Dungeon Geist it works better and it can change targets with Resto. Orzhov charm can return any of your spirits to your hand and that is good you want that and it is a removal spell. Tamiyo isn't good here we aren't playing control so the wipes are also worthless here they ruin you more than they help you.


+2 Restoration Angel
+4 Dungeon Geist
+1 Drogskol Captain
-2 Drogskol Reaver

-4 Exicutioners Swing
+3 Orzhov Charm
-2 Disspipate
+2 Ultimate Price
-2 Sphinx's Revelation
-1 Azorius Charm

+4 Lingering souls
-3 Supreme Verdict
-2 Terminus

-2 D-sphere
+2 Blind Obedenice

Land :
-2 Godless Shrine
-1 Watery Grave
-1 Drowned
+2 Cavern of Souls
+1 Moorland Haunt
+1 Vault of The Archangel

Mc_Coy wrote:

What do you value the unhinged foil mountain at?

It goes for around 17 on TCG foiled

I have the knight of glorys and Aven Squires.

I always love helping you out big_smile

also Angelic Benediction


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)



(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

So I'm interested in Vampire with Lifelink tokens, Deathtouch wolfs and wolf tokens and also interested in Sorin Emblems I have a bunch of tokens from opening packs.

1 Assassin(RTR)
4 Elemental(RTR)
3 Saproling(M13)
5 Saproling(RTR)
8 Rhino(RTR
21 Centaur(RTR)
13 Knight(RTR)
3 Soldier(M13)
4 Soldier(RTR)
10 Bird(RTR)
9 Ooze(RTR)
2 Dragon(RTR)
2 Goat(M13)
1 Drake(M13)
1 Zombie(INN)
1 Spirit(AVR)

If you are interested in backs of these start a trade and tell me what you are looking for.


as the title says

also have a Garruk Relentless for trade also but mostly interested in Isolated chapel for it.


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
