You do get an email notification when someone modifies the trade by adding or removing cards and resubmitting it to the other party, accepting, or rejecting it. You don't (but I agree should also) get an email when someone posts a comment to a trade.

It would be very helpful to also show a visual indicator on the site's toolbar to notify the user that they have pending trades.


(14 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Did you set the edition, too? When I just select the flags and leave the edition blank it does not appear to save the flags.

This is something I've noticed rather frequently. Where do the card prices inside the trade come from? They don't seem to match the mid price as shown on the card page itself. It's quite annoying to think you've set up an equivalent trade only to then input all the cards and find out that the trade pane has different prices than what you thought would be there.


(14 replies, posted in General Discussion)

seraphemme wrote:

I did that.  I made my card a Foil.  But where does it show that this card is a foil?  When I'm looking through my cards to see what I want to trade, how do I know which cards are foil?  I dont see any indicator that I made this change.

When you view your inventory, it will display those special icons (foil, textless, promo) on the right-hand side of the name column next to the the edition icons you have set. So for instance, here is what is displayed for a foil Blatant Thievery:** . The "color wheel" icon means foil. Another example at shows the "blue block" icon which means textless.

The user can see further breakdowns of which cards are exactly which edition or have which special flags assigned, but only by going to the card details screen. Other users cannot see anything except the overview that identifies that some # of that card have been set with that flag or edition.

There is no built-in support for identifying specific editions or flags during trading. You'd have to mention it to the other person and work something out.


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)


Lots of the little bugs that I post here I would gladly help fix myself to make the site better and relieve some of the burden from having it all done by one person. Great site!

For instance I won't particularly ever care about messages posted to the WoW or Warhammer forums, so don't want to be notified on the main toolbar that there are new messages in those forums.


Fonnie wrote:

Nezumi Graverobber is not listed under the Commander set. Just letting you know.

Thanks for the great site!

The card is listed under its flipped name,

When I started investigating the trading possibilities this site offered, I was quite enthusiastic. It sounded like a great way to get cards I wanted without having to spend much extra money. So I started dutifully checking off cards for my wishlist and tradelist to get started on the whole thing. Two months later, I'm starting to get a little disillusioned with it. The vast majority of trades I've proposed just sit there generating absolutely no response. I understand if someone doesn't want to accept it for whatever reason, but I would think they would at least take the time to hit the "reject trade" button.

At the bottom of the forum main page in the communities section I see:

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /var/www/ on line 160

Or you can just change the amount to zero.


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

It's specifically the Time Spiral Timeshifted cards and not all cards in Time Spiral, by the way. It chops off the older editions. You can select them afterwards via the card details screen, but not from the initial add-cards screen.

On the individual card pages there is a subsection for "users having CARD in their wishlist/tradelist/inventory". For wishlist and tradelist many users are listed who are not viable trades based on either my or their "will trade cards local/national/international" setting. It would be good if the invalid ones could be filtered out automatically.


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Isn't this it?'%20Pledge


(6 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Addressing the initial problem, you will find the card under its flipped name instead of the real name.

I think the later problem being reported is a known issue with any Time Spiral Timeshifted cards. Later editions are listed, but editions before TSP are not.


(0 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

These are the same card


(6 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

It would be helpful for these flip cards to be named consistently and only after the name of the card before it is flipped. I don't think it is logical to search for the flipped name of the card.

Other than the conceptual problem of there being two versions of the same cards existing as different objects in the database, there is also the problem that the flipped cards in the database do not have price information attached to them (because no one anywhere lists them that way).


(6 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

This is just some feedback on part of the db schema of the site. Choosing to have each card represented as one object does tend to lead to misleading prices when prices between editions can vary greatly. Each time I sort my cards by price, I do a double take on some cards before realizing that it's really worth just pennies because it's from Chronicles instead of Legends (for example).

I'm sure it would be a lot of work, but storing prices with each card's edition information would be a nice feature.

After having played around a bit more with the trading features of the site, I have to say that it would be extremely helpful to have the prices listed on the page that shows the intersection of the two users' wishlists and tradelists. Having to poke into each card's page to find a price-appropriate one to flesh out a trade is grueling.


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I also just noticed this.


(4 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Do you mean sorting by sale price or casting cost? The option that is there right now is a casting cost filter.

This is a known problem with Time Spiral Timeshifted cards.

On the page for each card, you can specify that you want to see each user with that card in their tradelist (default), inventory, or wishlist. I believe it defaults to list those where your and the potential tradee's trade radius both match.


(3 replies, posted in General Discussion)

You can click on his forum profile to reach his deckbox profile. Of the two decks there, they both show as EDH decks for me.
