(12 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I only have cards I am willing to part with (for a good deal) listed in my tradelist. I am willing to part with those NOT on my tradelist (inventory only) if the deal is right. I deal with vintage through standard. I let people ask me if I am willing to trade my cards for what they feel or think I want. I then change it to what I am looking for at the time. Making an elitist (or whatever you want to call it) group for this type of trading is only going to hurt those who join. Just be upfront on your profile page about how you deal/trade. IT is your line of protection. People will still ask either way. But at least you have it posted ahead of time and won't care about hurting their feelings when they impose upon you.


(25 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I do wish you luck in your efforts. smile


(25 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

you can't go by ebay prices for foils either. You are more ignorant than most.

I bought a foil reckoner for $32 off of ebay. Get over it.

But since you FEEL you know what you are doing, that tells me you have no clue and makes me not want to deal with you.

However, if you can get what you think they are worth, more power to you and best of luck. You won't be getting any of my business/money/cards or what you think you can get from me besides my opinion.


(25 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

when someone asks me for a foil, I look at both sites. I make sure which version/condition/set/"promo" it is before I respond. Starcitygames, tcgplayer are the main 2. BUT there are others that deals with these. I don't mind trading $2-10 over reg card for a foil, but that is if it is worth the deal. Most promos are less than the regular ones even though they are foiled. Make sure you KNOW what you are working with. Otherwise you might not get rid of your trade fodder.


(25 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

looking at the foils you have listed, you are over valuing the foils/promos in your list. cryptic command foil (how you have it listed) is only 72 cents MORE than the regular foil with text. That is TCGplayer pricing. If you look for the same card on starcitygames, it is 34.99 NM.

Just because it is foil does NOT mean it is worth a lot more than the normal. Demand deals with the price. If there is NOT that much demand, the price is not as much. I would suggest that you go through every card on BOTH sites to figure out what it is worth. I am with the others. You are asking too much.


(1 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Since this is a legacy deck, let's start of with mana production. You are using 2 Boros Garrison and 22 mountain/plains. These are going to be slow all around. Add 4 Cavern of Souls (2 for Angels, 2 for Dragons), 4 Clifftop Retreats, and 4 Sacred Foundries. That will still give you 12 basic land spots for the deck this size.

Sub a Sol Ring for the Boros Signet. 1 drop for 2 mana vs 2 drop for PAID 2 mana makes better sense.

20 of your creatures are 4 drop or more. This will be a problem in early/mid game. Think about putting 1-2 more small drop creatures in that you already have here (Outcast, Slumbering, Dragonspeak). If you don't get your lands coming quickly, game is over before you can get going.

Have lots of potential. Just have to tweak it a bit.

You have Progenitus in there with NO WAY to cast it. Is it in there just for a chance at re-shuffling? If that is the case, go with an Eldrazi that does that since you can cast it in multiple ways. Emrakul comes to mind instantly for a bonus kick.

only thing I can see is trying to overload your opponent with fairly weak creatures. I don't see the win combo either.

Giant growth would be a better card. even overrun would be good also.


(6 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

My best suggestion is to trim your deck into the theme you are going for. Your creature selection is a little everywhere. That is fine but not that tuned for the theme and can lead to problems in mid-game play.

Seems like majority of your cards are dealing with damage per creature death. Great theme. Also with the pumping of certain creatures that dealt direct damage. Another good theme. They can work hand-in-hand. But some of your creatures are way out of these ranges.

I am not sure which direction you are going, just suggesting that you concentrate on the themes you are working on and centralize it.


(21 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Since playing at the end of revised (intro to ice-age), I am more familiar with the older cards that deal with legacy/vintage. I am able to pull from my head and skill upon those. With these new sets, abilities, and rule changes, it is more difficult for me to be able to add some insight to standard/modern/extended. I am always willing to assist where I can if I have the ability.

I am still re-working my skill/game with modern/standard on a daily basis. Very partial to quick mana production and zap abilities. But some of my personal favorites are only available in legacy/vintage.

Being able to adapt your game to improve your skill is the purpose of playing this game we enjoy.

Splash white with godless shrine or Isolated Chapel for the sorin cost.

seems like it would work.

shoot me a trade


(8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Last time I am bumping this post


(8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

bump back to the top


(8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Bump again and updated!


(8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

up one time

have crucible. start a trade


(8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

got a trade started

I decided to do a Legacy exalted deck. However, need land cards ONLY. Please help if you can.

Exalted Deck

looking for:

1 Breeding Pool
3 Cathedral of War
1 Hinterland Harbor
1 Meteor Crater
1 Savannah
1 Seachrome Coast
1 Seaside Citadel
1 Sunpetal Grove
1 Tundra
1 Sublime Angel

If you can help. Please send a trade request


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I noticed a few "bad trades" have been canceled once addresses have been confirmed. I am probably not the only one who feels this way, but shouldn't the "cancel" feature be disabled once a agreement AND confirmation has been made? This would eliminate double crossing by accident AND give ground for bad trader disputes/poor feedback request.


(12 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

thank you


(12 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

not judging or accusing. BUT I do not post on here UNTIL I have what I am posting about IN my inventory/tradelist

please list it as foil if it is. makes it easier for us who might be willing to make a trade with you if we know what we are looking at/for


(12 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

he does NOT have one listed in his inventory. He is running BS.

that is what I always try to do.

I can buy it for $18 online. that is from tcgplayer. I can probably find it cheaper on ebay