(13 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Lolfires of the Damned, amirite?

Dude, if offering half of the top 10 most expensive cards on your wishlist (plus offering more) isn't even close enough to merit even a response before cancellation, then you should either just be more clear on what you want for Jace, or simply just say that he's not actually for trade.

Offer proposed!

He does like a bit Don Juan-y, that's for sure.  A real heartthrob, a Lothario.  big_smile


(4 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Just checking in to see if the mastermind coders behind deckbox have had a chance to look into this possibility at all.  smile

Yep, looking for a spanish version of Sorin.  Can either trade an English version (plus something small) for it, or just trade straight up for other cards.


Woah hoah!  Have my playset of Land Taxes from 4th edition for trade.  They've been chilling out in my ancient Land Tax / Land's Edge deck.  Good stuff.   Anyways, 3 of them are in NM condition, and the other is in VG condition.

I'd be happy to trade them away to a redditor first, before I put them up on eBay.  Would like to trade them away for Legacy / Modern playables, and can certainly give a discount off of the eBay prices.

Can I be your brother as well?  I'm not a dude, but I'll try my best regardless.  tongue

I have the Liliana for you -- as well as Stromkirk Nobles, Huntmaster, Grave Titan, and Gravecrawler -- but I'm really only interested in the Swords.  If you'd be willing to value your Swords at $30 instead of the $37 that the site is (over)valuing them at, I'd probably be willing to trade for them.


(4 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Awesome!  Thanks so much... I really appreciate all of your hard work!


(4 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Sorry if this is a repeat: I didn't find it with a search, but I wouldn't be surprised if I am just terribad at finding good search expressions.

Anyways, I have a feature that I /think/ should be an easy and low-hanging fruit, that would personally make my life a lot easier, and probably make things a lot easier for other traders as well.

Whenever I get a valuable card at FNM or draft or whatever that I'm looking to turn around quickly, I usually go to the card, and use the pulldown for Users having XYZ... In Wishlist.  I then proceed to go through page after page, opening around at least a hundred tabs or so (sorry for the load!), trying to find users who have done at least some number of mail trades in the past.  I then quickly close 90% of these tabs, and try to find a good trade among the remaining options.  I could make proposals to people who have never made such trades in the past, but the vast majority of the time, it would be a waste of time, since so many people just use deckbox as a way to keep track of their local collection.

This long-winded explanation of how I do things should hopefully be a good lead in to the feature I'm asking for: an option, in one's profile, to limit trade opportunities to people who have a minimum of X feedback.  By default, it could be set to 0 (making things work the same as they do now), but I could instead set it to 5, and it would consolidate my number of trade opportunities from 150 to 10 or so.  Hopefully it would be an option that would be simple to add to the profile, and add to the SQL query.  And it would make mail trading *far* easier.

Thanks so much!

I have a couple Elspeth Tirels; let me try to setup a trade.   You should put them on your wishlist, you know.  smile

In the interim, before there is any updates to the feedback system, would it be possible to get:

... marked as untrustworthy, so others don't get suckered into trades with him?

He never sent cards in this trade:

Despite multiple times sending messages on deckbox, as well as sending him messages on reddit and through email.  I don't want to cancel the trade (since I sent my cards), and I don't want to click that I received them (because that doesn't do anything unless he also does that, and, well, because I didn't receive them.)

If this was supposed to go to support@deckbox.org instead, my apologies!  Feel free to delete the post, in that case.

Is there any way to provide negative feedback without canceling the trade?

Once it's cancelled, it drops off the list of trades that people would see, so I worry that negative feedback wouldn't be too helpful.  Otherwise, I can click I "received" the cards (I didn't), but I still can't leave feedback until they do the same thing.

Is there any way to provide negative feedback without canceling the trade?  Once it's cancelled, it drops off the list of trades that people would see, so I worry that negative feedback wouldn't be too helpful.

Yeah, normally I require new traders (<3 trades) to ship first, but the frustrating thing is that I had already traded with this guy using that method, and then he turned around and stole from me on the next trade.  Boo!

I wouldn't mind seeing some sort of feedback system on bad traders, both here and on reddit.

I sent to, on February 14th:
http://deckbox.org/users/GreyCr0ss [Matthew Pike] (also GreyCr0ss on reddit)

A bunch of cards worth about $15 in exchange for a Thrun, but it appears that he never sent it.  He also isn't responding to emails or to our trading thread.  I'll likely give him negative feedback, but I don't see how that would even prevent him from creating a new account to scam someone again.  sad


(46 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Or just drop it in a blue box.  There's nobody to complain, then.  smile

Hah!  I'll trade you a Darkslick Shores for a Volrath's Stronghold.  wink


(16 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Nice!  I did post -- in the stickied thread -- about how you can get them off of eBay for about 30¢/envelope, although you obviously have to wait for them to get shipped to you first.


(46 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Hey hey!  That's my post!  big_smile

Anyways, something like this are great bubble mailers:
http://www.ebay.com/itm/25-6x10-Self-Se … 665wt_1398

I haven't purchased these particular ones before, but that's generally what you'll be looking for.  25 for $7.62.

I will note that many envelopes -- both paper padded and poly bubble padded -- can be reused at least once before throwing them away.  I usually reuse about 50% of the envelopes I receive.


(16 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Yeah, I saw that about two hours later and felt properly derpy.  wink


(16 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I did a writeup the other day on how to package cards, as well as how to save considerable money on packaging and delivery confirmation.

I usually only spend $1.64 on postage, and frequently just reuse padded envelopes that people have sent me.

http://www.reddit.com/r/magicTCG/commen … ng_advice/


(14 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Also, the Holiday cards (such as Yule Ooze) are missing.

The trading system here went from pretty darned good to absolutely amazing.

This pretty much addresses all the desires and issues I'd had with trading.  If Trading Opportunities can be fixed up as well (particularly have a way to find active traders) then you folks will be my permanent heroes or something.  smile