(12 replies, posted in Announcements)

HikingStick wrote:
austine567 wrote:

I wasn't sure where to ask this but is there anyway to get the holiday promo cards loaded onto the site?

The card lists we have are through the back-end APIs Sebi uses to pull card data. Last I knew, he was using the TCGPlayer API.  There are numerous card variants that are not available due to limitations in the card lists supported by the API--it's out of our control at this time.

Not familiar with their API, but TCG player does have some of the Holiday cards:

Also I'd like to see sets with multiple art variations broken apart and listed as separate cards.  For example these should be four different cards since they are vastly different in price:

http://store.tcgplayer.com/magic/antiqu … ory-(fall)
http://store.tcgplayer.com/magic/antiqu … y-(spring)
http://store.tcgplayer.com/magic/antiqu … y-(summer)
http://store.tcgplayer.com/magic/antiqu … y-(winter)

I see you are playing Urza lands and lots of stuff in the 4+ mana range.  I have to say you should consider including Expedition Map.  Even just a couple of copies will help you have a greater consistency.  A turn 3 Battlesphere can be the tempo swing you need to put you back into win mode.   Also I'm a fan of any deck that looks to break Disciple of the Vault, that card can be quite underrated.  Also consider Cranial Plating.  It is cheap, and an all star in affinity lists, and is much cheaper than acquiring more Ravagers, but essentially allows you to get more mileage out of your artifacts.  You can also move it at instant speed in here with no problem as you're running lots of Swamps.

If you're getting mana flooded and can fit in colorless lands you could always run a man land or Encroaching Wastes.


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Looking for a lovely Valley full of Diamonds.   Can anyone help me out? I've added a few higher end things to my tradelist including an LED.


(3 replies, posted in General Discussion)

A few of my thoughts:

Many people will not trade legacy lands unless they are getting other legacy lands or high dollar staples in return which makes fetch lands and original dual lands hard to trade into. 

Most people are ok with lower feedback as long as you're willing to send your cards first.   

Your trade list and inventory are also both very short lists from what I can see.  So you're going to have to find someone with specific wants in order to make a deal.   Try posting in the EDH/Commander groups, or using the Trading Opportunities section with specific cards. 

Sometimes if you really want to move specific cards and you're ok with a minor loss you can find a store with a good buy list and trade them in to the store.   I just sent some of my modern and legacy stuff in to a store for credit that I'm going to use to get a Time Vault.  When you think of it as selling, and factor in the the options out there for selling + the cuts that a venue like e-Bay or TCG player takes + PayPal fees, the trade value in some stores actually starts to look much more fair.

My version of infect is also played like a burn deck.  Hit them hard and fast.  Life totals don't matter, and personally I think even Wild Defiance is too slow, but then again my deck may be a bit of a glass cannon. 

Here is my list if you're interested.  I would say that the only thing I'd change about mine would be adding in some inkmoth nexus, but I only have 4 and they are in another deck.  Turn two or turn 3 wins definitely happen. 

You should use the most efficient pump possible.  Cards that are absolutely crucial are:

Rancor Trample.  It also comes back if they kill your creature.
Invigorate = Four free poison counters!  (Remember life totals don't matter)
Ichorclaw Myr - Give it rancor, and watch your opponent squirm.
Vines of Vastwood - Protects your guys from burn and pumps!

Cards you are running that I would take out:
Forced Adaptation - This is way too slow
Golden Urn - What is this even doing in here?
Darksteel Plate
Pistus Strike (at least reduce the number of these.  If you're being aggressive enough they will have to block you with their fliers).
Decimator Web - Contagion Clasp and Contagion Engine are both better

Updated first post.  TNN no longer available, but still looking for trades.


(0 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Just looking to make some trades.

I'd really like to get some foils of this island if anyone has some for trade:


Also interested in other foil islands from either Mirrodin block.

Bump: Still looking to trade my True Name Nemesis into something else or a pile of somethings that I can use in EDH decks.

UnstableFlux wrote:

Sadly deck box does not have a way to differentiate between different arts from the same set :[

But why not list them as four different cards?  That's the way they are listed on TCG Player?  So for example you have an entry for Strip Mine, that works for Strip Mine 4th edition, but for Strip Mine Antiquities you have four entries (one for each artwork).   The artworks are listed if you go to Strip Mine's page, so deckbox already has the artwork, why not add extra entries to the set?


(4 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Some things I can think of off the top of my head:

Cabal Coffers
Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx
Deserted Temple
Thawing Glaciers
Phyrexian Tower
Strip Mine

Mess with counters:
Hex Parasite - (edit: I saw this guy is in the deck notes)
Black Sun's Zenith
Vampire Hexmage

Trigger on creatures dying:
Ogre Slumlord

Sac outlet/Control
Gate to Phyrexia
Braids, Cabal Minion
Sheoldred, Whispering One
Phyrexian Altar
Ashnod's Altar
Grave Pact
Xiahou Dun, the One-Eyed (The judge version is "affordable")

Edit: in response to Triskelion, it hits players too.  The only reason not to include it is if you think it's a cheesy combo.

One last edit:  How often do you cast Baleful Force? Seems strong, but eight mana is a lot.  Wouldn't you prefer Sheoldred, Whispering One (7 mana triggers something every upkeep) or Bloodgift Demon (similar but less powerful effect @ 5 mana)?

EntropyQ1 wrote:

I have a ton of stuff on your wish list, think we can get up to Karn?


Are you wanting TNN or Karn?  I would like to turn my True Name Nemesis into a Karn if I have anything else you need.


This is an old thread, but I'm still looking for foils of any of these islands:

Or the Beta with that art^

Will also trade for other foil islands from Mirrodin block and Scars of Mirrodin Block.


(19 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Looking for trades to finish up some decks.

Top priorities right now:
1 Anger
1 Steel Overseer
1 Master of Etherium
1 Myr Welder
1 Vedalken Archmage
1 Reshape
1 Fabricate
1 Unwinding Clock
1 Eldrazi Monument
1 Akroma's Memorial
1 Darksteel Forge
1 Blinkmoth Well
1 Mystical Tutor
1 Duplicant
1 Gilded Lotus
1 Thran Dynamo
1 Etched Champion
1 Steel Hellkite
1 Voltaic Key
3 Delver of Secrets
3 Psionic Blast
2 Flames of the Blood Hand
3 Slagstorm
2 Sulfur Falls
3 Magma Jet

And most Antiquities cards (Slowly trying to put together a set, so yes even the crappy ones). And any Sol Rings from the new commander products.

I have at least 10 of them, but I think in order to be worth mailing to Canada it would have to possibly be part of a larger trade.  You can buy them for a quarter each at SCG, so at most 10 of them are $2.50.  You wouldn't happen to have any of these would you?


sebi wrote:
rfioren wrote:

Not working for me. When i try to sort inventory by wishlist, it takes me to the wishlist. When I sort wishlist by # in inventory, it takes me to inventory. I assume this is not as intended?

It used to sort the set you were in before, and now it behaves as you describe. We figured 99% of the time you want to just sort the set you are in by count (so sort inventory by count in inventory etc).

I'm not sure if there is much value in sorting your inventory by wishlist count, so we just redirect to your wishlist and sort that.

Do you think it is confusing in the current implementation?

I want to sort my inventory by tradelist count so I can see the things in my inventory that are not marked as for trade.  Instead when I click to sort by tradelist count I'm taken to my tradelist.  hmm

I love Mirrodin (both blocks), and the entire concept of organic metal.  I used to have a full set of Mirrodin, but sold it many years ago. 

I also like the older stuff.  I think for art you can't beat the original sets.  I often think of trying to collect all of Mirrodin again, but first I'm going to try to get a set of Antiquities, because artifacts are awesome.  big_smile  If I ever got into cube I'd make an artifact themed cube.  smile


(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Timber wrote:

I notice that almost everyone wants the Mercadian Masques Brainstorm and rarely want the Ice Age one.  Do people really like the art or is there something else that makes it more desireable?

Maybe I'm nostalgic about the Ice Age art, but it looks way better to me.

Also, am I correct in assuming that most people want the Ice Age version of Swords to Plowshares because they're black-bordered?

That's the only reason I ran Ice Age swords.  I also agree with you on brainstorm.  Also having played during Ice Age and Masques, the price of foil Masques Brainstorm still blows my mind.


(4 replies, posted in Trading Post)

DarrenM wrote:

Gumgod, Unfortunately I wasn't around for RoE. I joined up around M12, Innistrad block, so most of my lands are going to be from that era and forward. That is a really sweet art though.

Yeah I like that ones with lightning bolts for Red/Blue decks.  wink

I went ahead and opened a trade.  I like some of the stuff on your trade list, and if we can work something out I'll just throw the islands in.  smile


(4 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I might be interested in trading some islands for islands. 

Do you happen to have any of these?


Looks like I only have 5 of them.  Would gladly trade them for the Eldrazi ones with the Lightning bolts if you have any. .


(19 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Happy new year!


(6 replies, posted in General Discussion)

The cards with dates on them are easy to identify.  The things that I see people mixing up are Revised and Unlimited and sometimes Chronicles with their black bordered equivalent.  When you get into foreign sets like Renaissance and special sets like Battle Royale and Anthologies it can become even more confusing...  The flow chart is one of the most straight forward ways I've found to help people who are new to the game identify old stuff without having to memorize it all.  Once you've been playing a while though, you'll learn the differences.  smile


(23 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

UnstableFlux wrote:

Should update your OP to reflect sales as well, since the Bayou and Sinkhole are no loner available smile

Thank you.  I removed them from the list, but missed the first line there. smile  Also updated the dropbox link/moved the photos of the items that have sold.


(23 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Updates 12/11/13:

Jitte and Bayou are gone. 

Added 3 Phyrexian Obliterators to my for sale list due to the recent increase in demand (price).

I've managed to pick up 5 of these myr tokens in trades, but I know there are more of them out there.  Keep them coming please. smile