Thanks again guys for the great (in quantity and also quality!) feedback you provided.

We've fixed a number of the reported bugs, and still have a few to go though. I won't list all issues fixed as it just gets confusing smile

Some comments:

@HikingStick's question on downtime: yes, we have a number of database migrations, upgrades and maintenance tasks to do anyway. We will post an announcement when we have a 100% release date, but I anticipate a 4 hour downtime. It will be during the EU morning / US night time, so hopefully not too many users will be affected smile

marumari wrote:

I look at marumari<->codysattva (can get 73, can receive 62) and it's almost entirely impossible to do now.  Even just 15<->15 is hard to decipher.

The "intersection" listing is indeed bulky, and I agree we could probably make it sleeker. That said, I'm curious if you have any suggestions on what functionality you would like it to provide.

The truth is you do need 73 cards from him, and he does need 62 cards from you. So whichever way we implement it, the lists will be large anyway. I suppose pagination would help, as would sorting them by card value. How does that sound?

Finally, we know the current features that list potential trade partners are not ideal (on users profile page and card pages),  and we will change them soon. The initial release of the new version will probably not include these changes, but they're coming immediately after.

rfioren wrote:

One suggestion that I might have to the feedback process and lost mail / mail fraud was if there was a way to see which traders have "lost" a lot of mail, in either direction.

For example, person X often has small trades "lost" on the way to his house (assuming small trades without DC). Although it's usually on the senders to prove it, and that's the risk they run in not using DC. However, if I know that person X has made 5 lost mail claims out of 50 trades, I would know that person X might be suspicious, and I'd want to make sure that used DC for his trades.

As a high-volume trader myself, with lots of smallish ($5-$20) trades, I don't use DC for most trades -- the expense isn't really worth the reward, and most people here are overwhelmingly honest. If we're moving to a system with DC becomes more formally necessary, and one where people with higher reps may not get the  benefit of the doubt, then I'd be really interested in some sort of system that gives me as a trader more info on how many disputes they've had -- besides just feedback. If someone claims they my envelope never arrived, I'm likely to apologize profusely, resend new cards, give them positive feedback, and probably not mention it in the feedback. Thus the repeat offenders may be hard to identify.


As many of the other posters, I really like this suggestion as well. Do you have any ideas on what would be the cleanest way of doing this?

Some trades with claims of lost mail will not get to the state of a Trade Dispute, so moderators will not be involved at all. Thus there has to be a mechanism which allows the traders to specify at the "leave feedback" stage that there were issues in this trade (lost mail) but they have been resolved, and how.

Maybe just an additional option alongside feedback, with a predefined list of trade characteristics, like:

  • Trade went perfectly smooth

  • The other trader claimed my cards were lost in the mail, and I resent them

  • There was significant delay in the sending, but everything was resolved

  • This trade has been the subject of a trade dispute, but it has been resolved

  • The trade was changed after being accepted because of other trader's requests, but we have come to an agreement

  • ... other options? ...

This information would then be displayed alongside the actual feedback score and message on that trade.

This would force people to leave feedback that future traders will find meaningful and helpful, even in case of "+1".

How does this sound?

Thank you for all the feedback guys, we've been following the discussion and there are some great points made in this thread.

We don't want to force people to use DC in all cases. The sender's choice is between using DC, in which case there will be no risk of problems, or not using it, in which case if the receiver claims mail was lost, the sender has to resend his cards.

Most of this issue revolves around who is responsible for lost mail (or claims of lost mail, which in absence of proof of delivery is the same thing).

There has been another discussion on the topic in the Reddit MTG Trades subforum: . The two viable options in case of lost mail claims are: splitting the loss or the sender covers the loss. The thread has good arguments for both sides, and is an interesting read. In the end we felt arguments in favor of making the sender responsible were a bit stronger, trade resolutions easier to enforce and execute and the process clearer to understand.

Looking forward to your feedback!


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

deathlord28 wrote:

I was just wondering if there were any plans on having commander's arsenal included in the card descriptions.  I would like to add the cards to my inventory and not have to leave the set blank.

Yep, coming soon.

Not yet, but it's in 2.0! So at some point in the next 2 weeks smile

HikingStick wrote:

Sorry, Sebi.  I just realized that I posted a lot of feedback on the Alpha in this thread.  I tried to move those posts, but was not able to do so.

You're right, thanks for bringing it up, I moved them. You can select moderate on a thread, then there's a checkbox on the top right of a post, and then an option to move at the bottom of the thread.

HikingStick wrote:

Thanks for clarifying that, Sebi.  I can live with that.  :-)

The thing is... I kept going back and forth on that add widget, I think I implemented it 4 times from scratch smile. It's still I think not perfect and a bit confusing for new people so your feedback on it is very important.

The reason I would not have an extra quantity input is that I felt it makes it even more cluttered, as it already has a lot of stuff going on in it, with all the default inputs and so on.

By all means, I'd love to hear what people think is still not good enough usability wise with it, or even general thoughts and impressions about how it "feels" to use.

HikingStick wrote:

I don't know where everyone else stands, but this one is a bit of a step backwards for me. I often am entering more than one copy of a card at a given time.  Am I the only one who uses the current system this way?

After typing part of a card's name, pressing tab or enter adds one to your inventory. If you then TAB again, write a number in the box and ENTER, you get the same effect as we had on live.

Weird, that traceroute looks ok...

Can you not even see the homepage? I would have thought about a https issue maybe but that's only used after you try logging in.

Hello everyone. I know many of you do not follow the official posts in the Announcements forum, so I thought we should cross post this information in the community subforum as well.

First, we have a preview of upcoming features in the next deckbox release:

Secondly and more important, we have drafted an updated set of trading rules and our plans for dealing with scamming and trade resolutions. Please see our post here: for details.

We would love it if you joined us in the discussion there, to hear your feedback on these proposed changes.

UnstableFlux wrote:

I'm still not really sure how to handle this as it's been 1.5 months for me and still no cards....They're the last cards I need to complete my standard deck as well =/

Please send us an email with details to

For more details about upcoming changes to trade rules, see our recent post here:

Thank you guys for the great amount of feedback and reports. We're doing another deploy in a couple of days to alpha to address some of them.

For now only a couple of small things:
  - english cards have the US flag now smile
  - rows have zebra colours so you can easily see the same card group
  - trade score for a user is now in the format "23 (100% positive)"
  - drafts of the new trading rules, as explained in their own announcement post: (feedback for trading policies should be posted in that topic)

Thanks again, will post some responses to your reports in a couple of days, with more updates.

Hello everybody.

Aside from the other changes to collection management (previewed and described here: announcement), we have promised a post regarding our trading rules.

The current ones are too vague, not prominent enough, and users do now know how they are enforced. This leads to uncertainty and confusion, and we would like to clarify that. Users are being flagged as scammers and banned, but it's not visible unless you visit their profile. All this environment may also lead some people to believe that they can get away with scamming without repercussions.

We need to change some rules to properly protects the fair users and discourages less serious traders and scammers.

After some discussion we have come to the conclusion that we need to do what all other major trading forums have done: implement a public forum for trading resolution, more strongly regulate and moderate feedback, and create a public list of names and addresses of proven scammers.

We will also encourage users to file for mail fraud when they are being scammed.

Below are the links to our first (rough) drafts for:

(the password for the alpha preview is let me see)

These will be posted on the help section, as well as stickied as topics in the trade forum.

These documents are not yet final. We would love to hear your feedback on these proposed changes.

Yep, we're fixing it for the next release. Already available for preview here:

ArtosKincaid wrote:

What happened to the Total Decks count column in the Inventory?  That was the only place I could easily see when I had a deficit of cards owned versus ones I wanted for decks.  Please don't remove that column.  If anything give me a way to filter on it so I don't have to page through my entire inventory to check it. tongue

Cards that you have in decks are marked with a deck icon to the right of the card name. If you click that, you'll see a detailed listing of the decks and counts used per deck.

@offit7 - Yep, it's final

@HikingStick - That is weird, I will definitely take a look at that Urza's Tower.


(0 replies, posted in Rochester NY MTG)

Forum Rules for communities:

  • The community administrators are Moderators for your community's subforum. Nevertheless, if you notice abuse, vulgarity or inappropriate content,
       please report it to

  • Using English is NOT mandatory. Any language can be used in your community's forums, but please use english in the global forums (Announcements, Magic the Gathering, etc)

varble wrote:

The new site looks awesome!

I really like the "For each card you add to this set with this widget, one is also added to your Inventory." warning when adding cards to the tradelist. I feel it's equally important to have the mirror of that when adding cards to the inventory; I know there have been several threads about that.

When looking at my decks, the yellow and red indicators for when I don't have enough of a card is missing.

After poring over it, those minor things are all I could find. Great job!

Thanks for the feedback!

On the topic of adding cards, we thought that if you wish to add cards directly to the tradelist you could use the tradelist add. Do you mean you generally want things added to the tradelist as well when added to the inventory? Would an extra checkbox option be ok in the add widget of the inventory for that?


(10 replies, posted in General Discussion)

We would really like to have an API to help people build apps, but we've got some other things that need to be finished first.

Can't promise anything before spring 2013.


(150 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

atomicashes wrote:

Is there somewhere that lists the current issues/upgrades/etc that are being worked on?

Is there somewhere that says when the next upgrade will be or is scheduled for?

If not, can there be?

With Love, Charlie

Sure, there is, in the Announcements forum: wink

NullParameter, you are right, we kind of went overboard with the tooltips, we'll tone it down a bit. The tooltip mouseout bug you mentioned is fixed now (was not happening in chrome that's why we didn't see it, firefox is a bit more fussy tongue).

Inventory and wishlist counts in decks should also be correct now, thanks for reporting.

Also fixed a crash with inventory display when filtering by owned edition and sorting by price.


(50 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Helios52 wrote:

Sebi - is there anything that can be done about the 0 in feedback? I mean its not the end of the world if it has to remain as such but it kinda of sucks that I have this 1 bad reputation point for doing nothing wrong in trying to get the trade completed...

Yep, we've changed it to +1.


(50 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Sorry to hear this.

We were a bit delayed but in the coming days we'll post a considerable update to our trading policies and rules. It will - we hope - protect the users more against these cases.

What it is

The "2.0" release of deckbox is not 100% complete, but we're getting there smile. To show you what is coming, and to allow people to provide feedback on the changes before they go live, we have set up a testing deployment of deckbox, at: (the password is let me see)

It's not yet a release candidate, so it's still a bit slow and probably a bit buggy, as we're working on polishing the remaining issues.

The database is copied from on Monday, 26th of November. You can sign in with your user, and all data should be there as it was on monday.

Important: this is a copy of the official data. Any change you make on will not be present on, and vice-versa.

No emails are sent from, so if you try out proposing trades or messaging other users they will not be notified of this.

Now let's see what's changing in this release.

MtG Collections

The biggest focus and challenge was to allow easier import and management of detailed cards in MtG collections. The old "Edit details" dialog was not cutting it.

You will find in the Add Cards dialog that we have merged the simple card input with the advanced one, bringing - we hope - the best of both worlds.

We now have "defaults" selectors for edition, condition and language, so you can set them once and have them applied to all cards you add from then on. Defaults can be set to empty if you do not want to have extra information about your cards. The defaults are present also in the add card list input.

A new input option is the CSV import. The CSV file format is conveniently the one we export, so exporting your collection works as a backup too, since you can import it again with one click, with all the card information, like editions, conditions, foil etc.

Some other related changes, in no particular order:

  • aside from foil, textless and promo, we now have a new flag: signed

  • card languages are now written in english

  • we have added 2 new card conditions, as described here:

  • as an effect of the collection changes, trades now show detailed cards, with edition and condition, if you have selected them in your inventory

  • Inventory has now the option to Mark all cards as tradeble

  • You can now sort and filter by the edition you set on cards, and by foil status

  • Cards in your inventory that are used in decks or are present in current ongoing trades are marked with an icon (a clickable icon tongue)


There has been much discussion about pricing in deckbox, and for good reason. The average price over all printings of a card was not accurate or useful enough. From now on, in all cases where you specify an edition for a card, we will show the price for that edition. (The card tooltip should also show the proper printing for that edition).

Also, in all cases where you do not specify an edition, the card price becomes its price in its last main set (i.e. not in Duel Decks, Commander packages etc). Estimated values for decks and collections will go down a bit because of this.


There are some changes to users' trade pages and individual trade pages to accomodate the new detailed cards collections. But we are not yet finished with the changes, the final version will be modeled by this post:

We have some bigger changes to trading rules and policies which deserve their own post in Announcements, and we will prepare that for next week.

Other features

  • Facebook login - You can now login with your facebook account if you connect it from your profile page, or just by using the Facebook button in the login dialog. Be advised though that you should have your deckbox email identical to the one you use on facebook for the login button to work. This does not work on yet, but it will once the release is live.

  • Terms and Conditions - We now have a first draft of more legalese-language Terms and Conditions 1 and Privacy Policy2. Second drafts coming next week with the trade changes mentioned above.

  • Infrastructure - last but not least, we have a very large number of infrastructure changes on all levels of the stack - database migrations, programming language version upgrades, web framework upgrades and structural changes. You guys don't see all that, but you have to take our word for it that all this makes it easier for us to deliver faster, stabler, nicer features in the future. smile

Whew, that was a big wall of text smile. As always, looking forward to your feedback, positive or negative, it really helps us build a better website. There's issues we already know about, but probably there are more issues that we don't yet know about, so if
something crashes, we'd love to know smile





(10 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Good points. Languages will have english names in upcoming release (e.g. Russian, Japanese etc). Import CSV is also implemented (same upcoming release). Collectors number improvements not yet sad. In a later release I think.

Collector's view with highlighting owned cards is a great idea!