
(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

We've updated the rules text of Sacred Wolf, thanks for reporting.


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Thanks, looking into it!


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

The fastest way to do that right now is (while in the deck view) to click on the 0 inventory count of each and change it to the appropriate number, then click the next one, etc.


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)



(4 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

HikingStick wrote:
sebi wrote:


Have you thought of adding other junior member administrators who could take care of some minor tasks for you, like fixing a rating, or relocating threads that are under the wrong topic?

I'm sure you have some members here who have been active a long time (I've only started trading actively in the past month or two) who have shown themselves trustworthy.  It's fairly common on other sites.

That's a good idea. The problem is we didn't implement any clean and secure administrative interface yet, and many tasks are done manually via scripts or the like. But it's definitely something we need going forward.

For a quick fix for these feedback issues I've just changed the feedback score dropdown to default to +1.


(4 replies, posted in Site Discussion)



(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)



(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Fixed! It's now +1.


(0 replies, posted in Mtg Brasov)

Forum Rules for communities:

  • The community administrators are Moderators for your community's subforum. Nevertheless, if you notice abuse, vulgarity or inappropriate content,
       please report it to admin@deckbox.org

  • Using English is NOT mandatory. Any language can be used in your community's forums, but please use english in the global forums (Announcements, Magic the Gathering, etc)


(14 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

We've looked at this issue and indeed many things are off, the tcgplayer.com API is returning off values . We've contacted them for more information, waiting for a reply.

Sorry for the temporary inaccuracies.

HikingStick wrote:

Perhaps, instead of an option for low/avg/high, could the trade window show all three values? Would that pull too much data, putting a strain on things? Having all three would let both parties instantly see whether the average price is being skewed by high listings.

Good idea!

We will indeed be doing some improvements in price handling in trades (they will take into account your edition, if you have explicitly set one).

Your idea of having a "per trade" setting for min/avg/max is also interesting. Will take into consideration.


(14 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I think our price syncing with tcgplayer is off, will check. I've manually triggered a change now, will check again in a few hours to see if generally the prices are closer to the correct values.


(8 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Scrapulous wrote:

I believe this works as designed. The filter doesn't filter on whether you own a copy in that set, it filters on whether you own a copy of the card, and whether that card was printed in that set.

You can see this also if you filter on, say, rare cards with subtype "Angel." Serra Angel appears, even though I don't own any rare Serra Angels. It's because Serra Angel was rare in certain sets, so the card has the "rare" tag in the db.

I can see how you would want the filter to sort through ownership traits instead of what sets the card was printed in. On the other hand, that would make it inconsistent with how the exact same filter works when you're searching the card database. What's more, how would it work if you didn't enter any card details when you added the card to your inventory?

I think the current function is probably the best compromise barring a major interface change.

Exactly true, on all assumptions. Next release will have some interface changes though, no promises, but we might get a second filter for editions smile


(0 replies, posted in Canadian Traders)

Forum Rules for communities:

  • The community administrators are Moderators for your community's subforum. Nevertheless, if you notice abuse, vulgarity or inappropriate content, please report it to admin@deckbox.org

  • Using English is NOT mandatory. Any language can be used in your community's forums, but please use english in the global forums (Announcements, Magic the Gathering, etc)


(11 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Great suggestions. We're adding last login to a more prominent position. Also the tradelist / wishlist intersection is getting some love in the next update.

adamjford wrote:

I'm currently importing a bunch of cards, and what I feel would speed up things a fair bit is, in addition to the current auto-completion, if I type in the first letter of words in a card's name, it would find those as well.

For example, as it currently works, if I type in "Inva", the list show Faerie Invaders, Invader Parasite, Invasion Plans, etc. That should still work, BUT, if I type in "InvaP" or "invaP" or "Inva P" or "inva P", it should ideally show me Invader Parasite and Invasion Plans. If I add an "a" after any of those, it should filter down to Invader Parasite.

Does that make sense?

Sounds like a good idea!


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Hello. This is indeed a small oversight from our side. We will implement a periodic mailer that notifies you of messages if you have not seen them in 24 hours or so.


This was indeed a missing component bug on the new servers, exactly like wardog has guessed smile.

It should now be fixed for all new avatars uploaded, but some of the old ones are still bad. I've fixed Jodahae's. If anyone finds more of them that slipped, feel free to post here, I'll manually fix.

Thank you


The last 2 battlepacks should now be up.

None of us actually plays the game, so we're not up to date with the news, and hoping that the community alerts us to the release of new expansions. More importantly, we did not have a source for steady card information. At the beginning we would manually imput information based on spoiler threads on the official forums.

After that a few people in the community helped us enormously by sending us data and card scans (Entropy, thanks again for all the work you put in for the Warhammer people everywhere smile ).

Now we have a parser for the OCTGN file format, and Entropy is updating those files too (here: http://octgn.gamersjudgement.com/viewto … &t=105), so we will try to keep up to date with the developments, and get these things up sooner.

If you guys by any chance notice a release of an expansion, and that the octgn file is already up to date, do not hesitate to post a bump in the Card Import status thread of the Warhammer forum here: http://deckbox.org/forum/viewtopic.php?id=58



(11 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Yep, sorry for that. Should be fixed and running smoothly now.


New stuff in the database:
  Magic 2013: http://deckbox.org/games/mtg/cards?f=53106

Prices and standard / extended validity will be updated in the next couple of hours.

And for Warhammer folks:
  Fragments of Power and The Accursed Dead: http://deckbox.org/games/whi/cards?f=4331.30

Happy deckbuilding!


(16 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Fixed now, sorry for the delay.


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

This is now fixed.


It's no problem. The report link notifies us to double check if the user is indeed a spammer or not. No harm done. Thanks for reporting.