When you are viewing a specific card, a list of people having the card is displayed, with the sorting being done by location. Is it possible to make this sort order changeable or to be able to list a secondary sort order as well? Ideally I would like to be able to sort by the number of cards that a person has available, with a secondary sort of the time that the user was last active on deckbox.
201 2013-06-12 17:10:33
Topic: Request to be able to change the sort order (1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
202 2013-05-29 13:38:46
Re: [Legacy] B/W (2 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
I haven't played a B/W deck like this, but overall it looks pretty solid. The Jotun Grunts seem a little underwhelming and it might be better to run the other two Hymn to Tourachs instead. Given the generally heavy presence of combo decks, it looks like you should at least have a chance with the Tidehollow Scullers and Inquisition of Kozileks.
It looks like you might be slightly light on land. You have heavy black requirements and not quite enough land given that the Wastelands don't really count. I might cut the Jitte and run an extra fetch.
I'm also wondering if running Lingering Souls main over Bitterblossom might be better. With Lili out you can pitch Lingering Souls and still get value out of it.
What have you plat-tested against and how are the matchups?
203 2013-05-26 02:33:17
Re: [Casual] Dragons (5 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
I've found that Dragon Whelp is a great help in getting out something early. Rakdos Pit Dragon is another early option. I also really like running Earthquake and Pyroclasm in order to clear out opposing creatures and buy some time until the dragons can start appearing. Some of the cards from the Knights vs. Dragons duel deck can come in really handy as well, such as Armillary Sphere and Dragon Fodder. I also like Mogg Maniac as another early stalling option.
Whatever you do, try to find a way to make sure that you hit all of your land drops for a much longer time than normal. If you don't run Armillary Sphere, run something else that keeps the mana coming. Dragon decks tend to be some of the most mana-intensive ones out there.
204 2013-05-15 14:05:41
Re: Inventory Privacy [Feature Request] (49 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
Any idea if a private inventory can happen?
People are being scoped out and targeted for theft based on their collections:
205 2013-03-27 16:39:48
Re: RGB Counter Deck (6 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
Your land count looks really light for all of the expensive cards in the deck. I would see about adding 2 to 4 more land and then some artifacts to ramp your mana as well. Maybe something like Everflowing Chalice. You could also play up the counter theme by adding some proliferate cards, such as Contagion Clasp, which has the added benefit of making Everflowing Chalice even better.
Personally I would cut Burst of Strength and Blade of the Bloodchief to make room for the new cards.
206 2013-03-24 02:45:09
Topic: Defense of the Heart deck (0 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
I've been planning a new casual deck for a couple weeks, and now that I finally have the cards in hand things are starting to take shape. The basis of the deck is built around Defense of the Heart with the goal of fetching both Worldspine Wurm and Disciple of Bolas in order to draw 15 cards, gain 15 life, and be left with 3 5/5 wurm tokens (which are harder to remove than a single Worldspine Wurm).
Here is the deck as it stands after a few initial games of testing:
4 Deathrite Shaman
4 Veteran Explorer
3 Varchild's War-Riders
3 Disciple of Bolas
1 Woodfall Primus
2 Worldspine Wurm
4 Cabal Therapy
2 Concordant Crossroads
4 Gamble
3 Sylvan Library
1 Deathrender
4 Defense of the Heart
3 Natural Order
1 Badlands
3 Bayou
2 Bloodstained Mire
4 Forbidden Orchard
2 Forest
2 Mountain
2 Swamp
2 Taiga
4 Verdant Catacombs
Both Veteran Explorer and Deathrite Shaman can help speed up the deck and get Defense of the Heart into play around turn three, or either of them can be sacrificed to Natural Order.
Forbidden Orchard and Varchild's War-Riders are there to help give the opponent creatures in order to trigger Defense of the Heart. If needed, Varchild's War-Riders can be sacrificed to either Disciple of Bolas or Cabal Therapy once it has served its purpose.
Both Sylvan Library and Gamble are there to dig for any pieces that might be missing. They've been working OK so far, though Gamble has been far better than Sylvan Library. I'm considering switching out Sylvan Library for Sensei's Divining Top since I don't expect the game to go too long once I get the pieces that I'm missing. I'd consider something else if there was a good replacement, and I've considered adding white for either Enlightened Tutor or Idyllic Tutor.
The copies of Concordant Crossroads are there so that I can swing with all of my creatures after Defense of the Heart has triggered. Having drawn 15 cards should get either a Gamble or a Concordant Crossroads.
The Deathrender is there mostly as a backup plan and is a good candidate to take out. It's currently in there for testing, but has seemed too slow. I don't completely want to rely on just Defense of the Heart or Natural Order, but turning to Sneak Attack doesn't work great since there aren't a lot of copies of the creatures and they need to be searched out of the library.
I'm not sure if it's worth working on a sideboard since I don't plan on playing this in tournaments.
Anyway, I thought that someone else out there might enjoy the deck or have some ideas on how to make it a bit better. Let me know what you think. It has been a lot of fun to play so far, though I'm sure that it can be improved.
207 2013-03-16 13:30:56
Re: Feedback on deck (4 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
It looks like your deck needs a more focused plan on how to win. I would start by cutting all copies of:
Dream Twist
Thought Scour
Mind Sculpt
Chill of Foreboding
Ghoulcaller's Bell
Vessel of Endless Rest
Curse of the Bloody Tome
If you're trying to win via dealing damage then these cards aren't helpful for your overall goal.
Next, I'd try to pick a strategy or theme within your creatures. Figure out which ones you like best when they're in play, and figure out which cards sit in your hand because you never find the right opportunity to play them. Keep cutting cards until you're down to 60 cards in your deck, with about 23 being land.
After that we can offer more helpful advice as to what you want to be on the lookout to try to trade for or pick out of the common/uncommon bins at a local store.
208 2013-03-08 18:08:38
Re: R/W Boros Stuffy Death (Standard) (7 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
Here's an article from today on StarCity talking about a UR Stuffy Doll deck for Standard:
http://www.starcitygames.com/article/25 -Doll.html
Maybe this will give you some ideas.
209 2013-03-08 15:30:10
Topic: Grammar change to notifications (0 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
This is just a very minor thing, but can the notification messages be changed? Currently the message is "psrex has sent their cards", which just bothers me each time that I see it. Better choices would be changing it to "psrex has sent your cards", or adding a gender choice for everyone and then writing "psrex has sent his cards". I'm personally in favor of "psrex has sent your cards", since you'll be the owner of the cards when they show up, and it doesn't require a change to everyone's profile information.
210 2013-03-07 22:25:20
Re: Unbending cards (2 replies, posted in General Discussion)
The easiest way to straighten it out is to stick it in a box with a lot of other cards (without sleeves on) and jam them in tightly. It should be fixed within a week.
211 2013-03-06 20:20:27
Re: R/W Boros Stuffy Death (Standard) (7 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
Are you looking to keep this deck legal for Standard?
OK -- nevermind. I see the answer in your title that this should stay Standard. You could have run Mogg Maniac and Kor Chant if you were just looking for a fun casual deck.
212 2013-02-24 04:29:57
Re: [Standard] Vamps for Game Day [Opinions] [Tweaks] (17 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
Let us know how the deck worked out today.
213 2013-02-22 14:18:55
Re: [Standard] Vamps for Game Day [Opinions] [Tweaks] (17 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
If you'll be boarding in Nightbird's Clutches primarily to get your doubler-striker through, you might be better off running two more Volcanic Strength. Volcanic Strength will give you a 3/3 or 4/4 double strike creature, which is hard to handle for any blocker aside from Tree of Redemption or something indestructible. If you can't get through because there are a lot of little blockers then Nightbird's Clutches won't help either. The additional upside to Volcanic Strength is that is also a great boon against any other red decks that you face, whether it's on a creature with double strike or not.
Anyway, it just seems that Nightbird's Clutches is highly situational, while Volcanic Strength almost fills the same role but is more generally useful.
214 2013-02-22 04:13:46
Re: [Standard] Vamps for Game Day [Opinions] [Tweaks] (17 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
The revised deck looks a lot better.
Is there a reason that you're not running the fourth Dreadbore instead of one Murder? My guess is that the second Murder could be something else instead.
What situations do you think that you might bring in Nightbird's Clutches?
215 2013-02-19 05:03:11
Re: [Standard] Vamps for Game Day [Opinions] [Tweaks] (17 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
I would consider dropping Blood Artist and Markov Blademaster and adding in some creatures that will deal more damage. I would add in Shadow Alley Denizen and Vampire Interloper. Both help with evasion and will give you some cheap vampires that can be pumped with Vampiric Fury, Stromkirk Captain or Rakish Heir.
I think that you're getting to have a few too many soft removal cards that aren't direct damage. Your attacking with first strike Vampires is almost a form of removal by itself, and I think that the current count of 16 non-creatures spells is a little high. If it was direct damage that you could instead send against your opponent I wouldn't be as concerned.
216 2013-02-11 18:02:53
Re: [Standard][Opinions] Can Bolas Come Out to Play? (10 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
Looking at the rulings for Nightveil Specter, I don't think that the card completely works as you would like. The ability to play the exiled cards is granted by the Nightveil Specter, and it will only apply while it is a still a creature in play. Additionally, from the ruling on the Gatherer page:
Nightveil Specter’s last ability applies to cards exiled with that specific Nightveil Specter, not any other creature named Nightveil Specter. You should keep cards exiled by different Nightveil Specters separate.
I don't play Standard so I can't comment a lot, but looking at your mana I would definitely replace the Nephalia Drownyards. Colorless lands in a three-color deck are a big risk unless they are integral to your plan. Given that these are a backup plan, I would focus on a couple cards in your sideboard for the situations where you would think about using the Nephalia Drownyards.
Regarding the sideboard in general, you should be looking at cards that are great at shoring up your weak matchups. This generally isn't going to be one-for-one cards like Dispel (unless you're worried about combo) or Essence Scatter. Focus more on sweepers, such as a couple more Rolling Tremblors or maybe Mutilate. When building your sideboard, remember that you have to think not only what you want to side in for a particular matchup, but what you are going to remove. Don't have extra cards in your sideboard for a matchup where you don't have enough cards to side out. Every sideboard slot is precious.
217 2013-02-11 16:29:20
Re: How do I..... (18 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
How can you search for someone that is wanting particular cards?
Go to the page for a particular card, say Extirpate. In the section where it say "Users having Extirpate", on the right side hover over "In Tradelist" and change it to "In Wishlist".
218 2013-02-10 03:25:14
Re: Need advice on land destruction deck... (RUB) (4 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
You might consider running effects that destroy permanents instead of specifically mentioning lands. If you can clear out someone's creatures then they'll just be left sacrificing land to something like Undercity Plague. You could consider running Rakdos Keyrune or Dimir Keyrune as insta-creatures that would survive sweepers. Then you could run Mutilate or something similar and your guys would be safe. You can cipher cards onto the Keyrunes, and the cipher ability will stick around even when the Keyrune isn't a creature.
I'd also consider Smallpox if you're not constrained to Standard-legal cards.
219 2013-02-07 14:46:33
Re: A Request (21 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
I'm totally in agreement that there shouldn't be subforums for different deck styles. So far I have seen people asking for advice on more casual decks and personal brews than looking at tweaking a dominant deck. The people who are looking for top-tier competitive decks are already going to the sites that offer a strong community around a specific format (e.g. http://www.mtgthesource.com/forums/forum.php for Legacy). If the decks are geared toward FNM or casual play then keeping everything visible in one spot is the most useful. Otherwise you're going to get people that only read the Legacy section and won't help out with other formats.
220 2013-02-01 18:36:15
Re: Signed Cards, Summer Magic and Alternate 4th Ed. (1 replies, posted in General Discussion)
So I have a few questions that hopefully some collectors out there might be able to shed some light on.
1. How do you value signed cards? I can easily see that a common card or low value rare that is signed by the artist would command a premium price. But, what about high value legacy and vintage staples? I have heard that the signature, just by the fact that it was not part of the original card, is viewed as a "Blemish" or as some type of "Damage" and therefore reduces the value of an otherwise NM card. Is there any general consensus on this, such as a % increase or decrease, or is it more of a matter of Value in the eyes of the beholder?
In a lot of cases a signature does not change the value of a card. Some artists are difficult to contact or generally don't sign cards, and those cards will get a large premium (e.g. Una Fricker or Gary Leach). Some people don't like signed cards and will say that it damages the card. Fine, don't deal with those people. There are enough people that like signed cards that you can get at least full value out of any signed card, and possibly a premium.
2. Summer Magic - What exactly is it in terms of language / edition / distribution. How do you identify cards as being from the Summer Magic set as compared to the other regular editions.
Summer edition was never officially released. The product was supposed to be destroyed, but a very limited quantity was released in the UK and Texas. You can identify Summer cards by seeing "Illus. c. 1994 <artist>" all on one line at the bottom of the card. This was supposed to be a fixed version of Revised, but it had enough errors of its own that it was never released. It is pretty much not worth checking to see if you have Summer cards. You won't have any.
3. Alternate 4th edition - Basically the same question as above. How do you identify the Alternate Edition cards form the regular 4th Edition set?
Alt. 4th was produced as an attempt to use a new printer, the US Playing Card Company, due to Carta Mundi not being able to keep up with demand for Magic. Eventually this need was eliminated when Carta Mundi opened up a new plant in Tennessee. There were several issues with the cards. The feel of the cards was different due to a different coating, the cards showed wear much more quickly due to use, and there are subtle differences with the back of the card. You can see some discussion of the differences here:
http://www.magiclibrarities.net/forum/v php?t=7321
Look for the post by AzureWinter toward the bottom of the page for a helpful image.
221 2013-01-21 18:23:51
Topic: Looking for Pernicious Deed, Burning Wish and Karakas (1 replies, posted in Trading Post)
The chief cards that I'm looking for are Pernicious Deed, Burning Wish and Karakas.
I have a decent variety available, including Arcbound Ravagers, Kiki-Jiki and Library of Alexandria (HP).
222 2013-01-14 15:10:10
Re: iDeckbox v1.0 for iPhone and iPad is AVAILABLE :-) (113 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
Thanks! Everything loads now.
223 2013-01-12 17:26:11
Re: {Standard} {Help} Mechanics of this Deck (5 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
That looks like it should play a lot better as two colors and with the lower casting cost creatures. I would bump the mana up to 22 (probably cutting a Crossway Vampire and Bloodline Keeper) so that you don't get stuck on 3 mana. 20 land is just too little unless 3 mana is the top end of your mana curve.
224 2013-01-11 22:05:21
Re: {Standard} {Help} Mechanics of this Deck (5 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
It seems like you have too much land without a way to spend the extra mana on late turns of a game. I'm also not entirely sold on the green aspect of the deck.
I would cut Slitterhead for three more Pulse Trackers and a Blood Seeker. Radha seems out of place, but I don't know exactly what to replace her with. I would cut Jarad's Orders for the two extra Grisly Salvage as the instant speed and lower mana cost should help you find your creatures that you're looking for. I would look for a couple more cheap vampires for the extra slots that are still open as your mana curve seems a bit lacking on the low end. It may be worth cutting a Mark of the Vampire or two as you probably don't need to cast more than one during a game.
225 2013-01-11 21:07:30
Re: iDeckbox v1.0 for iPhone and iPad is AVAILABLE :-) (113 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
Do you have any idea of the normal number of cards for a collection that is working properly?
For now I'll delete my collection and then just add back in cards that are in decks or in my trade binder.