(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I would recommend using the Altered Art flag only for cards that have truly been altered. Official variants of a card that Deckbox doesn't have in its database need to be reported as missing cards.

That said, if you're not planning on trading on Deckbox, then you can obviously use the flags to mean whatever you want them to mean. For example, in BFZ, the full art basics have the same collector number as their standard art versions. I use the Altered Art flag on the full arts so that I can differentiate the full arts from the standard arts when I export my inventory to CSV (otherwise, they look identical and get combined).

As to the authoritativeness of Gatherer, it unfortunately doesn't have a lot of the versions of cards. It doesn't have many promos, such as the date-stamped prerelease promos you referenced or judge promos, FNM promos, etc (though weirdly, it does contain the Ugin's Fate Promos). It's also missing random editions like the Anthologies box set.

So while Gatherer is authoritative on the data it does contain, third-party websites like Deckbox have to organize the data for some of these other card versions themselves, and you just have to figure out and work with that organization. Like @psrex said, post links or pictures to the seemingly missing cards, and we might be able to help you sort them out within the context of Deckbox's organization. Or confirm that they are indeed missing.


(24 replies, posted in Buying & Selling Cards)

Islanzadi38 wrote:

First: A lot of people, myself included, only want to buy cards that are NM unless there are no other options and I really need the card. My first filter when looking for something to buy is to filter to English only and NM only. A lot of people I know do the same thing.

That's an interesting point I hadn't even considered, because it's completely different from how I and a lot of people *I* know shop. I tend to focus on LP cards, because first, I don't have to pay the NM premium, and second, sellers generally grade condition very aggressively to avoid having to deal with returns/refunds, so LP cards are often borderline NM. It's very rare I've been unhappy with LP purchases. And a lot of people I know also tend to order LP unless there's a NM version at a cheaper price (happens once in a while on TCGPlayer).

Islanzadi38 wrote:

Second: If I default everything to LP/MP then the sales I do make, people will expect to pay less because the card is listed in a lower condition. On high value cards that could be a lot of money lost, but even the few cents on junk commons/uncommons eventually adds up when you sell thousands of them. The whole point of having a deckbox account to sell is to make money.

Valid point. I'd personally not recommend MP (though I've seen people take that approach, so I mentioned it), but an aggressively priced LP can still sell. But you're right — you have to find your own thresholds that produce the sales volume and margins you're comfortable with.

Islanzadi38 wrote:

I would much rather a feature be put on the site that lets me verify orders then to have to take the loss in money (even if it’s a small amount).

Why not just verify orders as you prepare them for shipment, and if any cards seem to be off of the NM grade now that you've examined them more closely, message the buyer with scans/photos of the cards and ask what the buyer would like? I've had TCGPlayer sellers do this to me, saying shipment would be delayed until they hear back from me, and I was fine with that. Then the buyer can choose between a refund or accepting the cards as is. If they balk or insist, you could even offer a partial refund, with the buyer accepting the lower condition for a lower price (which keeps you from losing money due to seller fees you can't get back on a full refund). You'll still have buyers who'll bash you, but reasonable buyers will appreciate the choice and not fault you for whatever choice they themselves made.


(24 replies, posted in Buying & Selling Cards)

StoneValley wrote:

Thanks for the post!

You're very welcome! I love Excel and am always on the lookout for more streamlined approaches to my own inventory management. Glad I was able to help!

And I agree — the price balance is tricky. I don't have to worry about it as much, because I mostly use it for personal inventory valuation and in-person trades, but I think it would be very hard to find a catch-all percentage that maximizes both sales and profits. Probably, I'd shoot for a percentage that lines up with TCGPlayer Market for the majority of bulk cards and not worry about all the exceptions that get priced too low or too high via this method, and then I'd manage "money cards" manually.

Have you ever sold on TCGPlayer? I'm curious about something. From my understanding, there's no recurring fee to be enrolled as a seller, just per-sale fees. And if you have the right type of seller account, you also have access to pricing tools, such as MassPrice. AND, you also have the ability to set your shop as offline. Would it be possible to add inventory but stay offline, then just take advantage of the pricing tools to get more accurate prices, that you can then export and incorporate into your Deckbox inventory? Aside from the ethical issues involved....... the couple roadblocks I could see are: 1) Not being able to take advantage of pricing tools while offline; and 2) TCGPlayer not allowing you to stay offline indefinitely, at some point closing your seller account. Are you able to shed any light on this?


(24 replies, posted in Buying & Selling Cards)

@Islanzadi38 — The default condition for a list of cards is whatever you set the default to when entering them. The default doesn't have to be NM. I'd recommend setting your default to LP or even Played (MP on other sites). If you undershoot condition, you're less likely to have an issue with buyers. And you can still have a statement in your profile explaining this system, so people know cards will often be a better condition than listed.


@Commander_Bacon — You said it yourself: It's the seller's responsibility. Opening yourself up to potentially greater profits by selling on multiple platforms simultaneously opens you up to the greater risk of selling out of inventory. If you desire the former, you'll unfortunately have to deal with the latter. And a misrepresented inventory that leads to a cancelled sale is, from a buyer's perspective, the very essence of a negative experience, so the negative feedback, while frustrating for you, is 100% accurate. If I need to order cards for an upcoming event, I'm going to avoid a seller who has a track record of having inventory issues and cancelled orders, because I need a reliable seller.

A couple options: 1) List only partial inventories on both platforms. If you have 20 copies of card X, list only 10 on Deckbox and 10 on eBay. This can also help with card spikes; see my response to Sandra below. 2) Give the buyer an option. Send them a message explaining the mixup, and offer these options: They can either wait for you to acquire the missing copies of the card to send them, or they can get a refund. Most buyers will be a lot more reasonable when they feel they have some amount of control in the situation, and you'll be earning their positive feedback by being willing to potentially take a loss to fulfill the order.


@Sandra — A couple options: 1) A technique I've seen sellers use to hedge against sniping or card buyouts is to only list part of their inventory. So if you actually own 10 of card X, only list 2-4 of it. That way, if a card spikes when you're not looking, you'll only lose out on that extra profit for a couple cards, and can now list 2-4 more of your cards at the higher price. 2) Not all 90,000 of your cards need to have their prices checked and updated diligently. Only a small subset of those cards are likely to be prone to spikes. I would make a list of your rares/mythics, older foils, vintage cards, cards that have only had 1-2 printings a while ago, and the like, then keep that list up-to-date on a frequent basis.

Some other comments: In one of your posts, you stated that you "can't take a hit like that", referring to a $1 card becoming $20. But.... you're not taking a hit. Unless you bought the card for $5, then were forced to list it at $1 for a loss because the card went down in value, but now missed out on a spike that would have turned that loss into a gain.... unless that's the scenario, you haven't taken a hit. Presumably, you've still made money off of that card relative to your initial cost basis. @ic0n67 hit the nail on the head: If you were happy to sell the card for $1 prior to the spike, then for you, it's still a positive sale.

You also stated that this is your only source of income, which implies that you view it as a necessary means to bring in money, aka a job. Thus, it would behoove you to treat it like a job. Since you don't have any other job competing for your time, that gives you more freedom to spend the hours you would have spent at a job on this instead. Now, I'm not assuming you can spend 8 hours a day on it! Perhaps you have multiple kids, a house/garden/etc to take care of, an invalid relative you care for — I understand, as I have 5 kids and an 8 month old, we just started homeschooling all of them due to the pandemic, and at the same time as all that, I'm trying to work from home. What really flabbergasts me, though, is that, in your profile, you state that "updating the sell list daily or weekly simply isn't something I have the time to do" (emphasis mine). I get daily, but if you don't have the time to do it weekly.... then frankly, you have no room to complain about card spikes. The amount you earn at a job is directly proportional to the amount of time and effort you put in. The same is true as a peddler of cardboard. If I were to start selling my collection right now to make extra money, I know I wouldn't be able to treat it like a full-time job, so I'd resign myself to the fact that, if I missed out on some announcement or top 8 that made a card spike, oh well. I missed out. If I can't spend the time to ensure I run my cardboard-selling business correctly, then I deserve to experience losses.


General comment to everyone asking for "sale proposals" — As @asrttyoxo said above, no other marketplace does this. And for good reason. How long is the buyer supposed to wait on you? Hours? A couple days? How long before they get the chance to cancel their order and ding you with negative feedback on that failed transaction due to nonresponse? And what if they wait 20 hours, only to be told, "Sorry, we don't have enough of that card in stock" or "Sorry, I had the wrong price listed"? If the card IS in the middle of a buyout, the buyer may have missed other opportunities with other sellers while waiting on you. Or if they were ordering for an upcoming game night, but then have to wait two days only to get their order proposal declined, they're gonna be rightfully annoyed with you. Yet in your proposed system, they'll have no means of leaving feedback that warns other buyers away from a slow seller. Honestly, I'd never again buy from anyone on Deckbox if this system were implemented, because I value the timeliness and dependability of the transactions.

It sounds like everyone just wants an extension of the trade functionality that allows trading money for cards instead of cards for cards. In this system, I could look through your tradelist, add some cards to a trade, see both the Deckbox-calculated price as well as your listed price you're asking, and make an offer along those lines, much like eBay's Best Offer feature. Trades could also be a mix of money and cards from my tradelist, if you've stated in your profile that you'll accept trades that aren't cash-only. Once I propose a trade of my money for your cards, you'll have the option to accept, reject, or counter my "best offer", just as you would with card-for-card trades.

Basically (and @BluePrecision), if it's a marketplace with sellers, then it needs to function like any other store; it's not a different business model from TCGPlayer or MKM. If I click a button to buy, then by the very fact that you have the card listed for sale, you've agreed to sell it to me at the listed quantity and price. It is 100% the seller's job to ensure that can happen.


(24 replies, posted in Buying & Selling Cards)

StoneValley wrote:

Anyone else have some neat Excel tricks they use to manage their extensive database and might be willing to share?

No new tech to share, but I do have an update to your My Price formula that you might find helpful. It's an all-in-one formula that you can just copy down your entire database without having to sort the Condition column or change the formula for different conditions. Should save you a couple minutes!

=MAX(.18,ROUND(S2*VLOOKUP(F2,{"Near Mint",1;"Good (Lightly Played)",0.95;"Played",0.9;"Heavily Played",0.7;"Poor",0.4},2,0),2))

Paste it into the 2nd row of your My Price column (column O, you said), and change S2 and F2 in the formula above to match the Price and Condition columns, respectively.


=MAX(.18, ... )

Ensures it's never lower than your minimum selling price

ROUND( ... , 2)

Just helpful to already have it rounded to an even amount of pennies

S2 * VLOOKUP( ... )

Takes Deckbox's recommended price (column S in your CSVs) and multiplies it by the percentage returned by the VLOOKUP formula (note that these percentages are how much you want to get, not the amount you're deducting off, so a 5% discount needs to be 0.95 and so on)

VLOOKUP( F2, {"Near Mint",1;"Good (Lightly Played)",0.95;"Played",0.9;"Heavily Played",0.7;"Poor",0.4}, 2, 0 )

This takes the card condition (stored in column F in a default CSV export), matches it in the {} array, and returns the 2nd value of that array (that's what the 2 near the end is for; the 0 at the end forces an exact condition match). Change the percentages to your heart's content!

I used the example percentages you provided (and made up the couple lower conditions relative to your scaling), but it's worth noting that Deckbox's own recommended condition adjustments are LP = 85%, Played = 70%, HP = 50%, and Poor = 25%. It's also worth noting that Deckbox prices are almost always inflated relative to the market, so the default percent I take off of Near Mint cards is 12.5% (I've found that to be fairly accurate on nonvolatile cards), and go down from there.


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Shoe wrote:

I am aware, I am a software engineer. I'm fine with ignoring punctuation or grouping it alltogether, but the ascii thing doesn;t really work perfectly for alphabetical sort

I'm glad you're aware; most people don't seem to be knowledgeable of such things. When I first got involved in the Magic crowd, I apparently held the bias that most Magic players would also be tech/computer nerds. But since being on Deckbox, I've been surprised by how many actually aren't, so I've begun to tailor my responses with that assumption in mind. Apologies if it came across as condescending.

Shoe wrote:

This isn't how deckbox works. Vengeance comes BEFORE arkoma herself ATM

Doh! You're right. I completely misread your original post as the opposite of that. Yes, Deckbox needs to switch it around. I don't think I've ever noticed, because I just always sort by collector number, which obviously orders them correctly.


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

mattmcc wrote:

Is there a way to display how much a card's value has changed since it was printed or over the last year or 2?

Nope, but I wouldn't bother with Deckbox for anything price-related anyways. Deckbox used to have access to TCGPlayer's price data, but when Deckbox opened its own market, TCGPlayer understandably considered that competition and revoked their access. Deckbox pricing is unfortunately considered relatively inaccurate. At best, it's good for relative value. I will periodically sort my inventory by price just to see if any cards recently jumped up in price. But I always just go check on other sites if I really want to know a card's true value.


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Shoe wrote:

is there any chance we could get alphabetical order of cards to ignore the word "The" like libraries do with books and most alphabetical sorting works for titles?

I agree. This also would follow how WotC themselves order those cards in the set.

Shoe wrote:

Also, punctuation in sorting is often wrong or inconsistant. the first card in the database begins with quotation marks, but the last cards is ______ and all names starting with punctuation should be sorted together.

This has to do with programmer's ordering. In programming, it'll follow the ASCII table, in which " has character code 0x22, the uppercase letters use codes 0x41-0x5A, and _ has code 0x5F. That said, Sebi could obviously program Deckbox to override the default ASCII sorting. Personally, I'd rather just ignore beginning punctuation, and sort them based on the first letter of the card. But I can see the logic in grouping punctuation, too.

Shoe wrote:

Finally, legends and thier signature spells alphabetize wrong. Akroma, angel of wrath should come before akroma's memorial and akroma's vengeance for example.

So in this case, it's actually correct. This is the order WotC uses. See e.g. Masters 25, in which Akroma is #002 while Vengeance is #003. This follows a certain commonsense as well, in that the character should precede their spell.

TnProSlayer wrote:

As follow up the five cards I put above are not showing in Wizards’s gatherer but are in MTGgoldfish’s lists. Mine are still in sealed packs so I cannot verify yet. Anyone else? Is MTGgoldfish correct?
Thanks sebi!

MTGGoldfish has the correct decklists. But those 5 cards are from the main ZNR set. WotC decided to maintain their ZNR collector numbers and set symbol in the commander decks, rather than duplicate the cards in the ZNC set. So that's why you're not seeing them on Gatherer or Deckbox.

Yes, happening to me too. Sebi has been making a lot of changes to the layout of the site, in an attempt to make the desktop layout work better on smaller screens. The following is pure conjecture, but it's possible he's working toward a unified layout, instead of maintaining a separate desktop and mobile experience. I for one would +1 that goal. And that would explain why he's made the mobile layout the non-default option.

In any case, you can still open to the mobile layout by default if you have ?mobile=1 appended to the URL. My browser (Chrome on Android 7) starts learning that version of the URL once I've typed it enough times, so as soon as I start typing "Deckbox", it already has that appended. You obviously could also use things like bookmarks on your home screen.


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

There's unfortunately no good way to remove en masse on the website. The best way I know of is to edit your inventory's CSV in something like Excel.

  1. Go to Inventory > Tools > Export. Make a copy of the exported CSV to serve as a backup in case anything goes wrong.

  2. (Optional) For simplicity's sake, remove any columns you don't need, like My Price, Textless, Promo, etc. If you're not sure if any of your cards use these columns, then you can use Excel's Filter tool to see if the columns contain any values other than blanks. For instance, I use Signed, Altered Art, and Misprint, but none of the others, nor do I use Tradelist or Condition, so I end up with 9 columns.

  3. In an empty column, type in whatever quantity you're getting rid of. Leave it blank if you're keeping all copies.

  4. In row 2 of the next empty column, enter this formula: =A2-J2  where J2 is replaced with whatever column letter you were using in step 3.

  5. Copy the formula down for your whole inventory. (There's multiple ways to do this, but I didn't want to assume any Excel ignorance by listing them. Feel free to ask if you need any assistance with using Excel.)

  6. Copy the column from steps 4-5, and paste the values into column A (the Count column). Make sure it still has "Count" in the header row.

  7. Delete everything from the two columns you were using in steps 3-5, save the CSV, and replace your current inventory on Deckbox with this CSV. You'll have to go to Tools > Remove Everything before importing, or else the CSV will just increase your counts, instead of replacing them.


(113 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

nathanpbbell wrote:

This is a fantastic resource, thank you so much for putting this together. Just sent over a couple coffees for you and your wife smile

Thank you so much for spending the time (and money!) to do that. I apologize for this egregiously tardy thank you -- we started homeschooling our 5 school-age kids due to COVID-19, so.... don't know if you have any kids in your life.... but I'm sure you can imagine that it's been a crazy transition!

nathanpbbell wrote:

Is there any chance of making the CSVs available via GitHub, to make it easier to submit new decks and corrections via pull requests?

I could see transitioning from Dropbox to Github at some point, but considering the sheer number of CSVs and accompanying download links contained in this resource at this point, that's no small task. For now, the current system is working out alright.

Here's all the info for the Zen Rising Commander double-sided tokens. They're not listed on Scryfall yet, but here they are on TCG Player. They all have the ZNC set symbol as opposed to the ZNR symbol the main set tokens have.

Token faces (linked to images)

  1. {W} 1/1 Bird

  2. {W} 1/1 Kor Ally

  3. {B} 1/1 Faerie Rogue

  4. {B} 0/0 Germ

  5. {B} 1/1 Goblin Rogue

  6. {B} 1/1 Rat

  7. {G} 4/4 Beast

  8. {G} 2/2 Elemental

  9. {G} 1/1 Saproling

  10. {R/G} 5/5 Elemental

  11. {C} 1/1 Thopter

Physical cards

  1. Bird (#1) // Kor Ally (#2)

  2. Faerie Rogue (#3) // Germ (#4)

  3. Faerie Rogue (#3) // Goblin Rogue (#5)

  4. Faerie Rogue (#3) // Rat (#6)

  5. Faerie Rogue (#3) // Thopter (#11)

  6. Beast (#7) // Saproling (#9)

  7. Elemental (#8) // Elemental (#10)


(7 replies, posted in Announcements)

Here's a small thing that probably most other users won't care that much about but should hopefully also be an easy tweak:

I follow the forums fairly closely and would always look for the "new posts" icon whenever I visited the site. Now that's just the default icon and there's no way for me to know if there's new posts without actually going to the forum.

Considering you were able to display or hide an icon as needed, you obviously already have the necessary framework in place for conditional styling. What if instead of the conditional styling being "icon / no icon" it were "filled icon / empty icon" or some other dual icon system. That way an icon could always be shown in mobile, but we could still tell if there's new posts or not at a glance. And you could use both icons in desktop also, or just stick with the old approach.

scramasax wrote:

I can't see from battlebond the land
rejuvenating springs

That's from the upcoming Commander Legends set, not Battlebond. Wish they were reprinting the BBD cycle of those lands, too!

Have you listened to the Command Zone podcast before? They do a series for each Commander release focused on this very thing -- a budget (around $25) upgrade by changing about 10% of the deck (though they often end up mentioning more than 10 cards to add or remove if you'd like to change it more). Great series. It also analyzes which commander has more synergy and support right out-of-the-box (spoiler: it's not always the face card), and helps focus the deck a bit more on that strategy.

Here's a link to the Kathril deck: https://youtu.be/9Y5Wms1gMaA  Although, if you don't like watching videos or just don't want to watch the whole thing, they put a link to their upgraded decklist in the video's description.


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Bjecki wrote:

When searching the inventory it will default to searching the logged in users inventory and not the shared inventory (if that makes sense)

It works! You just have to use Filter instead of the search icon. But that's true of your own inventory anyways. The search icon (or the search bar on the top of the desktop site) is meant for searching the full card database, not a specific inventory. It just happens to also show info from the logged-in user's inventory, wishlist, etc. for that card. To search only the cards in a given inventory, you want to use Filter, whether on desktop or mobile.


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

If they are logged into a Deckbox account in mobile view, then open your link, it'll display in mobile view. I also can't find a way to display it in mobile view when not logged in. Weird that mobile view only works for logged in accounts (maybe a bug?), but if they have or are willing to create accounts, then at least it'll work!


(4 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Necross wrote:

Aha, you mean that although i get a "default" when I add a card, its not enough to just click ok for it? I still need to note mark those?

Correct, you need to specifically mark which defaults you want set, whether you add single cards or add a list of cards. Basically, if any of the default values (edition, condition, language, or special flags like foil) are "greyed out", then the card(s) you add will also have those values as blank.

For instance, I don't track condition, so I just always set the edition to whatever set I'm working on (because I sort my physical cards by set) and I set language to English (I handle all my foreign cards specially). But I leave condition as not set to any value.

Jojoyojimbi wrote:

dang it, it won't let me attach the spreadsheet

Do you use any sort of cloud storage that allows share links, like Dropbox, G Drive, OneDrive, etc? Post a link to the CSV and I'll be glad to help you with it!

psrex wrote:

The advanced search at scryfall.com is always the way to go when doing searches.  The options there are just amazing.

I heartily second Scryfall. It supports logical structures like (condition OR condition) as well as regular expressions. There's also helpful is/not flags, like is:reserved or not:funny (which would filter out Un-sets and similar). If you can leverage these advanced features, then the search possibilities are extremely versatile!


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

jgraevell wrote:

The Goblin Wizard Token from Core 2021 is different than The Goblin Wizard from the Dark. When I try to add my Goblin Wizard token into inventory the Goblin Wizard from the Dark comes up.I sent a message on 07/02/20 and have not heard back on this concern.

There's been a lot going on with so many recent product releases. I bet he'll get to it soon. It's an easy fix -- he just prepends "Token:" before the token name so it has a unique name in the database.

In the meantime, you CAN add the correct token to your Inventory by just changing the edition after adding the card, from The Dark to Extras: Core Set 2021 (or set the default edition to the Extras edition prior to adding the cards). Obviously not ideal, but yeah, he'll fix this at some point.


(10 replies, posted in Announcements)

Pmintz wrote:
rculver101 wrote:

Just wanted to let you know that there are only 13 of the Jumpstart front cards listed in the database.
Thanks for all your great work.

To piggy back, Goblins and Plus One are not in the database.  I don't have plans to keep them anyway but thought you'd like to know.

The problem is, there just aren't any images of most of these front cards available yet. Even Scryfall only includes 13 (the same Sebi has, probably where he got them). If you guys can provide him with high-quality scans, maybe he could use those? (Don't know his preferences in this case.)


(14 replies, posted in Announcements)

RDPARTY wrote:

Do you have an idea of when you might have Jumpstart ready?

Finally got it added! Sorry for the delay -- it was a ton of data to wade through.

I also had to come up with a method of making it easier to figure out which CSV to download (for the themes with multiple variants, like Goblins or Wizards). I would greatly appreciate feedback on what I came up with, whether it makes sense and whether it makes it easy to find the CSV you need.


(113 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

A note on Jumpstart

Whew........ Jumpstart has a LOT of CSVs! Sorry for the delay, guys, but I finally slogged through all the data, tried to double-check everything as carefully as I can, and got it all added to the full list under Misc. Precons.

PLEASE let me know if you find any errors (far too easy to happen in a listing this big), and please send me lists of basic lands for the various themes and variants so that I can start marking the CSVs as fully verified. The special themed basics are properly included, but the "normal" basic lands are just included as a single clump, e.g. 7x Island, so I'd love to get something like this from you guys:

Theme: Under the Sea 2
3x Island #263
2x Island #264
2x Island #265