(26 replies, posted in Announcements)

Excellent name, avatar, and response.


(6 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

What Tawnos is trying to say is, "Are you a bad enough dude?"


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Netherziel wrote:

I may not have anything from AVR but I noticed you have a bunch of things off of my wishlist, and I have a couple things off yours and I was wondering if you think we could make something happen. big_smile

This would be great if it could also work as a pick-up line... Alas.


(19 replies, posted in General Discussion)

And that's a lot of books and land to carry. No Bueno.


(9 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Makes me want to buy another box actually....


(9 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Although, this is a bigger set than DA. It was really small in comparison and I could quickly tell. I had a lot of 8 copies on commons from DA. This time my highest was 6.


(9 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I also got a huntmaster and sorin together when I bought a DA box at launch.

Huh, that's very peculiar.


(9 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I'm just curious to find out if maybe AR is an exception, but I just pulled 9 MRs today in one box.

I think my highest is 6 before this. Is that completely unheard of or have there been more?


(11 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Btw, Tawnos. This thing worked awesomely. I had to make a slight modification, but was a very well played deck and even stood on it's own during multiplayer.

Jolly good show!


(13 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

You know, this speaks volumes.

Of irony, mostly.


(11 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Excellent explanation. Now I may just have to try it like it is. I lack the dual lands, but maybe I can substitute shimmering grottos.

Also, I meant the high casting cost does NOT make sense for tournament play.

(all typed on the phone) :-(


(11 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Oh yeah, I'm sure you've got experience on me and what you say I can totally see. Some of those are high casting cards and normally suited for tournament play. I mostly mentioned them for their synergy.

Thought Scour is awesome, actually. Didn't think on the target player. I always looked at that for a mill deck, but that would definitely do the job in this case.

Bonehoard is really good just as a stand alone. Once you pay the four, it can already be a 6/6 germ if played right. If it dies, it stays on the board for something else to equip it and then you pay the 2. Mulch is a hard one for me. If you already have the birds, all you get is land and you dump the rest, you could be throwing a sorc or instant that could have been helpful instead. Maybe if there were more creatures.

I quickly put a copy of your deck in so I could play around with it some more before this weekend. I can come back here and tell what I've seen hopefully.


(11 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I'm doing the same thing with mine. I've got a few ideas and maybe they'll work for you too.

Wreath of Geists If you don't like equipping.
Bonehoard Great to get a creature out and remember it's ALL graveyards.
Parallel Lives I only put it in for the Kessig Cagebreakers
Grim Flowering Might be that extra boost you can get yourself.

Hope those might help!

Just like Tawnos said. It is very brutal for that alone, not to mention the counter bonuses. Another thing that gets the mana flowing are the scorned villagers flipped.

I believe the funniest of this deck is when he shows his hand which is practically all checklist cards.

Triple post!

Last thing hopefully.... Don't cut your wolves synergy short. They work extraordinarily well when most of them hit the field. With all the enchantments and instants you'll have plus your bonus creatures that can add to each other, my friend was tapping 4-5 creatures for 40 points of damage. So in the late game, most of your stuff should be big to handle those others. That's why I thought the parallel lives and cagebreakers were out of place. Then again if you pull it off, you're getting double and they ALSO get your bonuses... So, up to you! I'd like to know how it goes!

And I did not know the Mayor did that also. He's a mean sonofa when I see him hit the field because I know my friend is going to overrun things quickly with the immerwolf. I was only worried about the bonuses and now he's a bigger threat! ...Now I wonder if he's being placing the extra wolf each time.

He plays casual, but it's mean. They get hella big and powerful very quickly. He wins more than he loses but he's also a very old schooler and it might just be the player in him.

As far as FNM, I could see a lot of people making copies of a top end deck in tourneys and some of those deal with spirits and flying. I just notice he takes the most damage from them or direct damage when we go at it, but flying is more consistent. That's my only experience since I've never seen him go one on one. I would just imagine you'd need those faster casting ones on a heads up match.

Might I suggest Reckless Waif? Quicker creatures and ones that can transform with your Moonmists and further enhanced with immerwolf.

Not sure if Kessig Cagebreakers are relevant here. I imagine those being monopolized in a Deathfed type deck and this one may work as one of your lucky cards. Depends on how much your opponent is eating up your creatures.  And it's the only card utilizing your Parallel Lives. You're hoping for two cards to be out at the same time to really do something and you might be waiting a long time.

My friend plays a similar werewolf deck and mostly has four of all the big hitters, but he definitely eats it when there are flyers. I can see the same thing here, even though you have some direct damage available. And of course hoping you're not going to be up against 4/4 angels.

My friend also loves LOVES Afflicted Deserter. Maybe it's me and use a fair amount of artifacts, but he eats them up like candy. I do hate him for that.

And hope you don't mind me looking at your inventory, but Fog would be sick in something like this. Especially when the other person thought they were gonna overrun everything, let's say with flying and you throw that down. I'd make room for four if you can.


(5 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Awesome! I definitely don't want to be that kid that gets into something new for them and the old timers calling me whipper snappers. And I've always liked Tawnos feedback. That's something I'd like to do is get good enough to offer my own advice.

To address some of the concerns, the game would be five people, but each one only has two enemies. For instance if I was playing green, my opponents are black and blue, red is white and blue, etc. That also means that the other two can be neutrals or allies, depending on what you are doing to their enemies or neutrals/allies, if that makes sense.  It's still in planning stage so there is plenty of room for improvement.

The red was planned to run fast on purpose. I was able to play a 3 person ffa and was able to kill each of them in three turns. Then I added the leylines and chieftains to mellow it out. But I'll look into your suggestion and see what I can do. I do have small creatures, but when a few of them have battle cry, they aren't small anymore.

Treasure hunt has not done that well for what I want it to do. I'm not finding it's purpose because I'll only be pulling up lands and not too many other cards. I think I could get a lot more with ponders, preordains, or even foresee. The only benefit I've seen is for cranberries. (glad you liked that name!)

And last, green was the hardest and I wanted a good theme. So instead of focusing on big creatures, I wanted to flash them when they attacked and boosted them. I only picked the veils because the green's enemies are black and blue and wanted a good FU when they wanted to do something. I did look into lure and if I wanted to try them, something would have to go. I was already trying hard to keep it down to 60 so I'll have to look at it again.

Oh, and I have not tried the cranberries yet, but doing some practice starting hands, you need to have a treasure hunt so it's best to keep mulligan'ing until you do, which I've gone down as low as four cards. People may say I netdecked this, but I really initially thought of it and looked it up later. Not saying I'm the first, but I'm still gonna try it!

Definitely thanks for the love. I thought for sure I turned into that guy that bothers everyone with his "ideas".


(5 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Maybe I'm being annoying, but I won't know unless someone tells me. Are these topics pretty basic for most people and that's why I don't get feedback? Maybe I need to be in a newb forum? Am I asking the wrong questions? Do I talk too much? Maybe I'm missing a place for starter information. Or these topics have been beaten to death and everyone is tired of them...

Not sure, but let me know. I can shut up too! I promise!


(5 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Oh, we haven't done the game yet. I just practiced with them on some other games. We'll do it soon.

(Those who are sneaky enough to realize I was playing a blue deck vs. a B/U one.)


(5 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Friends and I decided to do a 5 person game using mono colored decks in a circle of the magic colors, where each color would have 2 colors as allies/neutrals and 2 as enemies.  I made four just in case, tell me what you think. All the decks vary in format so nothing particular. It would be nice to know what you think with any thoughts. They are much appreciated.

Red Mono - http://deckbox.org/sets/163421

Blue Mono - http://deckbox.org/sets/163407 (Time Reversal saved me from a mass card draw with Jace, Memory Adept and Liliana's Caress. It was lucky and incredible.

Green Mono - http://deckbox.org/sets/163274  (I personally really liked this idea, but I can see some flaws. Let me know what I can do to improve this guy.)

Gideon's Army (White Mono) - http://deckbox.org/sets/148263

I do have a bonus deck, just because I'm terrible with Black, but I did think of this idea and then found many exactly like it. Has anyone seen this one and if it might work, besides a well timed Day of Judgment? And yes, I know it's not a mono colored. It just sounded neat.

Cranberries - http://deckbox.org/sets/164186


(13 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Agreed. Common courtesy would be nice. Just a quick word on what's up isn't hard. At least I try to let people know what's up.


(20 replies, posted in General Discussion)


SO, you buy 4 or more of certain rares and sell them as playsets for one pretty awesome card, correct?

I'm such a newb, I want to end myself. neutral

Not committed, but entertaining the idea. I love to have my options opened.