(13 replies, posted in PucaTrade Refugees)

Yeah, that kinda sucks, but it's really more of a post office issue. The post office mega sucks these days


(13 replies, posted in PucaTrade Refugees)

Yeah, that kinda sucks, but it's really more of a post office issue. The post office mega sucks these days


(13 replies, posted in PucaTrade Refugees)

They hired a tax lawyer to try and avoid it. It hasn't happened yet, but it's also not totally off the table from what i heard


(13 replies, posted in PucaTrade Refugees)

LewtHoar wrote:

Anyone back using Cardsphere after its return from the brink of the abyss?

Yeah, I went back as soon as i heard they were bought by arkidekt/edhrec its been business as usual mostly

Can we get the ability to add a doctor and a companion as partners to deck lists please?

Thanks Sebi

sebi wrote:
Shoe wrote:

What is the use case for tagging in inventory? I don't really get why people wanted this? Maybe i am missing something cool?

The main usecase is to catalogue in which boxes cards are stored in physically / which are loaned out / which are set aside for something / put in binders / etc.

Ahh gotcha, thanks for clarifying


(34 replies, posted in Announcements)

One possibility could be to add cash as a numeric amount to one side of a trade?

What is the use case for tagging in inventory? I don't really get why people wanted this? Maybe i am missing something cool?


(34 replies, posted in Announcements)

Raisincineroar wrote:

My only suggestion is to keep card value on the site, but pull from TCGplayer, if you can. Or CardKingdom, either or, but many people I know use TCGPlayer for equal value trades.

Otherwise its sad to see this go, even if I didnt use it.

It used to be this way, but I am pretty sure tcgplayer has terms and conditions now that prevents profiting from thier api being used


(0 replies, posted in Cardsphere Refugees)

Well. Another async trading platform bites the dust. Welcome Cardsphere, I've personally checked every single person who has joined for a possible trade, and submitted a trade if I want and have something you need.

Happy trading.

P.s. - considering doing some kind of monthly reward for active trades to keep the community trading. That being said, it's probably not worth it if we don't get a much larger population or traders

I've heard some rumors circulating that Deckbox marketplace might be going away? Is there any truth to this? If so, trading features will still be available right? Deckbox isn't planning on closing is it? I know lots of MtG websites are struggling right now and I'd hate to see deckbox go. Been using it for over a decade and it's still the only site that meets my needs.


(13 replies, posted in PucaTrade Refugees)

Card trader seems like a pretty shweet alternative to TCGplayer, it's got an asychronous shipping option where you just ship them directly all your orders for the week and they pay for the shipping to all your buyers.

Where did deckbox announce that about thier marketplace? I missed it


(21 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

+1, now that cardsphere is dead, this is the only real place to trade safely online, would love to make some tools to support


Welcoming old pucatraders. Trying to keep things active

https://www.mtggoldfish.com/price/Uniqu … xian#paper

Does the phyrexian language beast within from commander party exist here yet? Couldn't find it

Thanks for all the hard work Sebi!

My story is pretty sad, I basically quit MTG for a temporary hiatus about a month ago. With product fatigue, I reduced my buying a lot. With magic 30, I reduced my buying of sealed product to 0. Then my schedule got extra busy due to family, and between the product fatigue, regular fatigue, and WOTC just being a shitty company, and also not having a stable playgroup in like 7-8 years I just gave up. I've been buying a few retro-frame singles I want from BRO and DOM Remastered, but I stopped even TRYING to get a weekly game in or even build decks.

Lothaar wrote:

you are missing several cards for  Heads I Win, Tails You Lose like Krark's Thumb. there are 87 unique cards in the deck, but you only list 82 of them.

Those are listed as Secret Lair for the edition because htey are not just reprints with a planeswalker stamp

The unfinity the list Everythingamajigs don't map to the correct versions from the original set, can you add the version letters when you have a moment?



Is unfinity "the list" added? I don't see that edition

https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/featu … 2022-09-20

sebi wrote:
Shoe wrote:

Nice! Thanks Seb. Any chance the next update can let background behave like partner and friends forever?  Heck, I'd be fine with just being allowed to add multiple commanders regardless of rules

I added the "background" support today.

Yay! Thanks!

how come "Ach, Hans, Run..."  doesnt have " in it's name when  "Brims" and "Lifetime" Pass holder do in the decbox database?

Nice! Thanks Seb. Any chance the next update can let background behave like partner and friends forever?  Heck, I'd be fine with just being allowed to add multiple commanders regardless of rules

Rock on, thanks man. Any chance we can get Backgrounds to work like Friends Forever and Partner?

Is it possible currently to find a list of all cards I do not own but that I do have in a deck list? Trying to update my trade list and this would make it much easier.