Some promos and SLD cards from the recent Mystery Booster 2 festival in a box:

Mulldrifter SLD 1887
All Will be One SLD 1888
Benevolent Hydra SLD 1889
Forgotten Ancient SLD 1890
Animar, Soul of Elements SLD 1891 … f-elements
Serra the Benevolent Promo 1 (2025)
Ponder Promo 2 (2025)
The First Sliver Promo 3 (2025)
Second City (playtest card)
Champion of the Perished SLD 837 … e-perished

It looks like this year's holiday promo card, "Eggnogger's 'Stache" hasn't made it onto the site yet: … ge=English

In the meantime you could create a deck for each use and add/remove cards to it as appropriate.


(2 replies, posted in Set Collectors)

I don't buy trade stock.  I just trade extras that I have from playing in events or that I've picked up over the years.  Over time the decks that I want to play change, and I just trade off of that.  I used to buy lots on Ebay that had some cards that I wanted for sets and then I would trade or sell the rest.  I haven't done that in a long time though, so I don't know how good of an idea that is price-wise these days. 

I figure that if I'm not playing the cards that I'm buying that I'm generally better off buying singles.  This does have the side benefit that when I have cards left over from decks changing, they are generally playable cards that people might want to trade for.


(2 replies, posted in Set Collectors)

I welcome a try to revive this group.  Looking at the number of view for the posts, it looks like there is just going to be a small group of us for a while.  I'll go stick a link to the group in my profile as well.

I'm Paul and I've been collecting Magic since 1994, but starting as a poor college student meant that I never got any P9.  I'm going for a complete sets of all of the base versions (non-foil, non-showcase, etc.) of each set.  Right now I'm not getting any all-reprint sets like the Masters sets.  I have the major expansions from Legends to Theros Beyond Death complete, minus some of the base sets, beginner sets (missing Imperial Seal) and a few other cards.  I'm not great about posting my cards for trade, so I always have more to offer than my Tradelist says.  I'm hoping to finish up Unlimited (minus the P9), Arabian Nights (minus Bazaar) and Antiquities (minus Workshop) within the next couple years.


(5 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

The current incarnation seems like it is including all legendary cards because it is including legendary lands and planeswalkers that don't list that they can be your commander.


(5 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Probably you would be best off using EDHREC for this.  If you just go to the main site and from the top choose the Commanders drop-down menu you can go through the colors and various combinations, though it also lists all of the commander pairs possible with Partner and Backgrounds as well, so there would be some entries to weed out.

The 30th Anniversary promo cards listed are incomplete.  There should be 30 cards in total, but right now there are only 9 listed, and 2 have incorrect numbers.  The full list is here:

The extra date on the card means that it was a promo from a pre-release pack.  You can get a bit more information on pre-release events here:

It's the favorite way to play Magic of a lot of people that I know (myself included).

The new holiday promo Chaos Wrap is out: … ge=English

I got Mountain #674 with my Head I Win, Tails You Lose deck: … ge=English

It looks like there is also an Island #673 that other people received: … ge=English

The green column on the far left is how many you have in inventory.  If you just have a single number, that is the total number of that card that you have.  If you have a specific version of a card listed for a deck, then you'll get the X/Y format, where X is the number of copies that match the version information listed, and where Y is the total number of copies you have for that card regardless of the version.  To get the number in all built decks you should look for the column headed by a lego block icon.  You can hover over the icon to get a little more information on how this is calculated.  When you're looking at a specific deck, if you don't have the lego block icon listed, double-check the columns that are shown and make sure that you have "Decks Count" selected.

It means that they get at least 95% good feedback from people that they trade with.

You also have to make sure under your profile settings that you have unchecked the box that says:

I am sharing cards between built decks

That should do it.  I believe that this box is checked by default.  I know some people share cards between decks, but for me that is the whole purposed of having something marked as a built deck.

If you just want to see what cards you might need to get for a deck idea, just mark it as a built deck for bit, check it out, and then mark it as a deck idea again.

For the specific cards shown for a deck list, the default always goes to the last major printing unless you have specifically marked the version that is in a deck.  It would be handy if the default was chosen based on your inventory, but computationally I can see why that isn't the case.


(4 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Since you're just getting started, I would recommend installing Magic Arena.  It is available for Mac, PC and phones and has a really good introduction on how to play.  The early parts of learning to play are all against a computer opponent, so you can go over the lessons as much as you want until you feel comfortable.

That's how I approach building sets, by only collecting the normal cards and ignoring alternate art or foils.  I make a deck for each set that I'm collecting, and then I mark something as a built deck if I'm actively collecting it, or I'll leave it as a deck idea if I'm waiting for the set to rotate out of Standard or have some other reason to not collect it yet.  This also lets me set my own collecting goals, like for Commander sets only collecting the new cards and cards with new art.  And if I get bored it lets me set the specific cards to match up with the set to track the proper versions.  I'm hoping that an API gets implemented some day so that it's easy to mass set the cards in the built decks.  You can look at my deck lists under my 'Sets' folder if you're looking for ideas.


(3 replies, posted in Trading Post)

The trading rules here say that it is the sender's job to make sure that the cards get to the recipient in good shape:

But also note that if you use proper packaging (as specified here):

that you aren't responsible if the post office damages the cards along the way.

Did the whole toploader get bent?

In the past I have compensated people for cards damaged in transit as it seems like the right thing to do.  If you were a store (or selling cards here), you would have to make amends for something damaged in transit.  Extending that to trading seems proper, even if that's not what the rules for trading say.


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I have seen issues where your wishlist doesn't properly update if the cards only loosely match.  If I am looking for an English NM copy (as specified on my wishlist) and I trade for a a copy that doesn't have a language set, or some other thing that won't exactly match my wishlist (maybe condition is unset?), then the entry isn't updated.  I haven't been able to figure out exactly when it matches and when it doesn't, but there are certainly some edge cases that are slipping through.

If I had to guess, I would say that the prices are now using TCG market pricing, or something close to it.  The really egregious outliers that I had in my inventory (like Ma Chao, Western Warrior being in the thousands, or Library of Alexandria being 2x or 3x too high) have been fixed.  This is probably step 1 in getting the DeckBox prices closer to reality and having them be really useful again.

That seems like a good initial version of a deck.  Mostly you'll find that people cut their decks down to the minimum of 60 cards so that they draw their best cards more often.  It's initially hard to cut down to 60, but you can keep making changes as you play the deck.  Ask yourself at the end of the game, what did I have in my hand and not cast?  Why didn't you get to cast it?  Was it because it was too situational, you didn't get enough mana, or you just always had better things to do?  What do you wish you had drawn?  Also look at any creatures that you don't end up using for attacking or blocking.  Was it because they just got outclassed, or was it just unlucky circumstances.  After a few games try to cut some of the cards that keep staying in your hand or that aren't too useful once they are in play.

With faster decks that play lots of cheap creatures, you probably want to play around 23 or 24 lands in a 60 card deck.  You have some expensive creatures that are 6+ mana, so you probably don't want to go below 24 lands.  In any case, that's the same ratio as what you have now with 75 cards and 30 land, so just keep that ratio.


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

The first number is how many cards you have a playset of, the second number is how many you have at least one copy of, and the last is the total number of cards in the set.


(0 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Is there any way to build in some pricing sanity checks?  It seems like pricing is using available TCG cards to figure out a price in some cases.  For some cards with low availability (notably P3K) this is causing insane pricing.  See … mp;lang=us for the worst offender that I know of right now.  I'm sure that it would be a bit of work to incorporate the new pricing at TCG Player that includes recent sales, but you can see that only 1 copy has actually sold for more than $100.


(50 replies, posted in Announcements)

If there's a way that users can only set flags that make sense and reflect cards that actually exist, then I would be all for that. As it stands now it is too easy to make a variation of a card that doesn't actually exist.  Letting users set attributes on a card is sure to lead to bad data.  If you could only set flags to reflect what has actually been printed, then that would be great.  Certainly just being able to set flags to reflect that is a better user experience than selecting from a 15 item drop-down menu that details each variant.


(50 replies, posted in Announcements)

I think that it would be great if everything was just a separate printing.  The user defined flags end up leading to inconsistency and sometime represent cards that don't exist, like non-foil prerelease cards, or non-foil version of cards that only existed in Commander decks as foil version.  In my wantlist I end up entering both foil and non-foil versions of prelease cards that I'm looking for just so that I have a better shot at matching a card that might be entered in someone's tradelist.  Anything that can be done to stop errors from getting introduced is the right way to go.